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BYOB: Please Let This Be Our Lucky Month!!

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Hi ladies!

Well I jumped the gun AGAIN and started a new thread! So lets kick it off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I'mturned 28 today!! dh is 28 as well
we've been together 9yrs and married 2 or those
From Canada
I'm a wanna-be stay-at-home-mom, currently just a house wife.
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weks
So we have escentially been ttc #1 for over a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently on CD18 & I think 2dpo (tho FF says 3dpo)
I use opks, and chart my bbt
I tried chartting cm&cp last cycle but gave it up this time
(as well as pressuring my ovaries to O & singing "just keep swimming, just keep swimming to dh's sperm after bd!! & then Aisha's bfp song & "just keep digging, just keep digging!! LoL!)

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!


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273 Replies • 13 years ago



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ok but when I go back to the test and look at it now (an hour later) There isn't anything there except in certain light. Not like it was when I took this pic!!! That was within 10 minutes but after about 2 min time frame!!!! What does that mean???? Is is suppose to stay there forever??? Or do the faint ones "disapear"?

13 years ago

ok so now I have read a bunch about false positives .... and of course with the one brand I used (didn't know that when I bought it!) So I am not as excited now and I am thinking I am going to buy a different brand tonight and try; try again tommorrow morning and see! Looks like it could be a false positive or a faint bfp.... not sure which right now so I will let you know tomorrow what I see or don't see.......

13 years ago

Hey Y'all!

(I never thought about explaining why I say "y'all" until everyone else did. I am from Louisiana. It just makes sense to have a plural "you")

So today after testing, I got some really light spotting. Only one tiny spot of what actually had any dark color to it. Still, it probably isn't a good sign.

I am pretty bummed. I am most likely out and it is always disappointing. grrr....

Hi Shea! Welcome to the thread.

Best wishes to everyone. I am bad at replying to everyone specifically.


13 years ago

Hey Everyone!!

My name is Lacey! I would love to be a part of this group!

I have been stalking you guys and reading all your posts for about a month now and finally decided to join! Because this group is awesome! =)

So, about me!

Again, my name is Lacey. I am married to my amazing BFF - hubby. We have been actively TTC#1 for 2 months now. He is in the Navy so we moved to VA a few months ago. I REALLY want a child, but I am just enjoying time with hubby until our time comes =) buuutttt... It's hard to be patient!!

Now, my situation!

I had a MC at 4.5 weeks last cycle - sad times.

I am currently 1 week and 2 days late for my period. I took a test this morning (FMU) and it came out negative. I have NO idea what's going on. I have sore bbs, abdominal pressure, nausea, breaking out, and today I got sharp pains in my lower abdomen which was really weird.

Anybody have a situation like this before? Is it possible to be pregnant and not get a positive HPT?

So excited to be a part of your group!

Congrats to all the recent BFPs! and Good luck to those still "patiently" (haha.. almost impossible) waiting!!

I'm married to the most wonderful, supportive and loving husband! and I have a little cocker spaniel puppy =) My passion is pregnancy! I work with women who are trying to conceive by teaching them the influence that diet has on their reproductive health and how natural nutrition and their food choices can help reverse infertility. I also work with woman on proper nutrition and diet during their pregnancy and breastfeeding/post-pregnancy season.

13 years ago

Good evening everyone!

Before I begin, here's a little about me:

My name is Cristine (Cris). I'm from Ontario Canada, french community :)
I am 28, DH is 27. Together 10 yrs, married almost 3.
TTC since last Nov, m/c in early March.
We have 2 furry kids: Jake and Samantha (Sam). Hehe, Jake has his head on my lap as I type. I love them to pieces!

Shea- Welcome to the thread! You'll absolutely love it here!

Victoria - I really hope stays away! !!

Josie - Welcome back! It's great to hear from you! I have a couple of friends who got pg on the pill, or by missing a few days. So you might get your happy accident!

CJP - I kinda see a line too! I really hope you get your !!!

Niki - Welcome! I hope you get a b-day !

Sarah - Glad to hear everything is going good!

Joy - Glad you had a great b-day! Enjoy your fertility tub!

Jac - Stay @ home mom is not an option for me either. I'm the only one with a stable job right now!!

Katie - I tested on Sunday morning with 2MU and I thought I saw a line, but I doubt there was. I'm supposed to be in the boring tww right now, but I've been feeling weird lately.

I'm still feeling the pressure/pinching/cramps and bloating in my tummy. I go to the bathroom often also. I've been feeling tired early lately too. I don't know what's going on. I had my I don't really have any other symptoms, although I sometimes feel like my bbs are sore. It could all be in my head. Everything points to a neg (period-short and painful, BFN hpts, barely any symptoms), but I just can't stop thinking I am pg. It's like my gut is telling me not to rule it out. I called my doctor's office today to make an apt ASAP because something is def going on. Receptionist told me she was up to the end of July with her schedule!! I was so P.O! It's happening now, not at the end of July! She told me to go to a clinic if I didn't want to wait. She's such a b**ch sometimes! What's the point of having a family doctor if you can't see him when you need to?! So I'm going to wait it out for now, see how it goes. I'll probably test again if this keeps confused!!

Phew! I'm a chatterbox tonight! and to all!

to those testing soon!

Cris I love you guys!!!

User Image and and to all!

13 years ago

Lacey - Welcome!! I was typing when you posted. You'll love the gals here. They're the best online bffs anyone could have!!!

User Image and and to all!

13 years ago

1stbabytry - Thank you so much for the welcome! i'm super happy to be here and I have noticed that these girls are all so sweet!! This forum has been such a huge help!!

GOOD NEWS! I FINALLY GOT MY PERIOD!! haha.. My hubby was laughing cause he said there's probably never been a happier woman to get her period! I was singing about it! laugh, Just really excited to be able to try again!!! YAY!!!!!!

So, here's to the start of my TWW to O!!! WOOT! =D

I'll get on here tomorrow and reply to you gals more, bed time for me!! night!

I'm married to the most wonderful, supportive and loving husband! and I have a little cocker spaniel puppy =) My passion is pregnancy! I work with women who are trying to conceive by teaching them the influence that diet has on their reproductive health and how natural nutrition and their food choices can help reverse infertility. I also work with woman on proper nutrition and diet during their pregnancy and breastfeeding/post-pregnancy season.

13 years ago

Hi ladies!

OMG apparently it's been too long since I came on here!! SO much to read the "review" area doesnt go back anywhere near far enough! Sorry if I miss anyone!

Welcome to all the new & returning ladies!!

Victoria - Let us know what happens!!

Katie - thanks hun I hope your right! I really want this to be my month!!

Lisa - LoL yeah I remember I was on the AF Christmas Girls thread! Couldnt remember if you had started on or if Steph did! LoL! We've blown through so many now!! It's crazy!!

Shea - Hope you soon! Happy Bd-ing! You can rarely if ever go by my ticker either my cycles are never the same! So I pretty much have to change it every month! Haha!

Carolyn - I think I might see a very faint line in the second pic!! Positives dont always stay they say tests arent reliable to read after like 20 minutes or something like that. Let us know what happens!

Jac - I hope all went well at your apt today!!

Lacey - Welcome! I know what you mean about being excited to see AF! After my m/c it seemed like it was taking forever (6weeks) so when it finally came I was jumping up and down and dh thought I was totally nuts! Haha!

Cris - That sucks about the dr apt... hope you get some answers soon!

As for me I have had such a crazy day!! We worked on the renovation for a while then got a call that dh is leaving tomorrow morning for a 2 week long course. Then he was super sick for like 2 hrs and I thought he wouldnt be going, but now he is apparently fine. WOW!! So now I have to go and help him pack!


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13 years ago • Post starter

My turn!

I'm CitizenG or just G

I'm over 40, DH is 40
we are trying for #1, have been for a long time

we have been married 13 years

I am 4dop on cycle day 16

13 years ago

Lacey~ remember me?? I remember you from one of my posts a few weeks back? I'm sorry about the loss of your little .

Cris~ wow!!! just reading that made me wanna punch the B*@*! OUT!!! Grrrrrr..... Sounds like you are a calm person though I have a hard time holding my tongue when people are rude!! YIKES!

Joy~ I should have known NOT to make this appt until AFTER I ovulated....she didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. She told me to come back CD21,22, or 23 to do blood test to test for progesterone to make sure I am ovulating....$50 copay for THAT!!! UGH! She did say that she wouldn't make me wait a whole year before doing something to help if not preggo by then...that;s a good thing

FYI ladies, if any of you have an issue with dryness....try evening primrose oil. THIS STUFF WORKS! I've only been taking it for a few days and HOLY WETNESS!!!

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago

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