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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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You girls were right...should NOT have tested today!! BIG FAT BFN!!!!!! I have made the decision to not test again until Saturday...

AF is due on Friday and I have a nagging feeling that she will show up right on time the nasty b**tch!! Scuse the language!!! :)

I am feeling so discouraged...ugh!!!

12 years ago

Oh Lizzy! I'm so sorry, honey! Let's cry together because I started bleeding again this morning and took another test using FOURTH morning pee and got another POSITIVE....and not even a faint one! Here's the pic.

OMG...I'm an emotional mess. When is this EVER going to end?! Why in the world is it taking so friggin' long for my levels to drop? Last Tuesday I was at 139. This is bizarre and I'm feeling like a basket case today. Can the ultrasound not be detecting something that is lingering around up in there? All 3 ultrasounds have showed that nothing is left.

Lizzy, I am a mess, but I want you to know that it's not over until it's over. I'm usually the kind of girl that can't get bfp's until at least 14-16 dpo. There's still hope!

Y'all pray for me. My husband is LIVID right now the doctor, at the situation, etc. We need closure and peace. Thanks. Love you all!

12 years ago

Burton honey I am praying for you!!! I am so sorry you are having this linger on and on and on!!! It really does just suck!!!

I think we both need a hot shower and a good, long cry!!! :(

12 years ago

I'm so sorry, Bride. It really shouldn't take this long, especially after a D/C. I hate to say it, but I think another trip to the doc is due. Or, at least give them a call and run an update by them. I wish I could give you a big hug. Just lifted you up in prayer again.

Lizzy, don't give up yet. Aside from this recent positive, my other two positives didn't come until the day my period was due, which was like 14DPO, and they were squinters at that. I know you're fed up, but hang in there. You're totally in the game still!

Lhen, any news?

12 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning Ladies!!! I am SO CONFUSED!!! Friday can't get here fast enough for me!!

I know I said NO MORE TESTS...but I caved and thought maybe just one today with FMU...LOL :) I am such an addict!!!

My name is Lizzy and I am a POAS addict!!! LOL :)

Anyways...I let it sit for a few minutes and I swore I saw a shadow of a line!!! Not stomach was in knots immediately. Of course, being the line watcher I am, I let it sit for about 5 minutes and then took it out of the case LOL :) Cuz I couldn't get a good look...and I swear I saw the faintest of faint positives!!! has dried a bit now and although I know they say not to trust it...there is a definite very faint light pink line!!! So faint that I don't think anyone would even see it but me...LOL!!! Although you can see it much clearer if you hold it up to a white sheet of can definitely see the line then!!

I am afraid of two things however...(1) that it is an evap line...although I swear I saw something before the 10 minutes elapsed!! That is why I took it out of the case at all!! and (2) that it is another chemical as it looks exactly like the positives I got last month!! It has the pink dots and everything!!

My breasts aren't sore but do feel a bit strange and I find that they are "throbbing" from time to time...but only a bit. I will just say they feel a bit wierder than normal!! AND I have been crampy on and off for a week now...which is abnormal for me. And today I feel like it is worse...which concerns me since AF is due soon!

I just don't know what to think!! AF is due to arrive tomorrow or friday and for now I will continue to expect her but I am excited for the possibilites!!!!

I have made a promise to myself and to God that whatever happens is okay!! I won't be mad or frustrated and I won't cry because I know that he has a plan for all of us!! Everything is going to work out for us ALL in the end!! I just know it!!!

Enough about me!!! How are you ladies today??

12 years ago

I am excited, Lizzy!!!! That's how mine started out on the FRER!! A line is a line with FRERs!! I didn't have any symptoms at first except being tired, crampy and CM. So the fact that you have been cramping and your boobs feel weird are great signs!!! Especially since it's not normal for you. I had a good feeling about this month for you! I hope it darkens up each day for you!! YAY!!! Sooo exciting!!

Thinking about you, Lhen.

Hope all is well for you today, Bride.

12 years ago • Post starter

Lizzy, You POAS addict lol I hope that very soon you see a dark BFP!! I am so excited for you, and that is wonderful that you have had a nice chat with God about things... we kept telling you to hang in there :)

Bride, I will be praying for you, I hope you can have some peace soon... I know you were relieved to have the bleeding stop, hopefully your not spotting any more... and I guess if the ultra sound is showing nothing is left...maybe you will finally see a negative soon... I guess I would keep talking to the doctor in the mean time?

I am having such a weird month, first with the really Intense cramping at the beginning of AF , then the yesterday still had some cramping even though AF was really over with already.. but hopefully this month my body will get itself on track or something...

I missed taking my temp this morning, since I only got 2hrs of sleep and was woke up by my poor hubby in very bad pain... he has been struggling with Kidney stones... but last night was really bad, he was in so much pain and he kept throwing up.. November he had the LWCP or w.e. its called surgery where they use shockwaves to break up the stones.. well and since then he will be fine and then be in pain... but last night was bad pain like compared to right after surgery today I am just trying to survive work with hardly any sleep...

12 years ago

LIZZY!!! I'm with Lily, I've had a good feeling about this month for you too! I'm so excited to see pics of a dark bfp soon! I'm glad you're doing well :)

Fluff, hope your feeling better now. I hate cramps and I'd really hate them if it wasn't AF or anything else too. Very interesting. I wonder what's causing that?

I tested bfp again this morning. Weird thing is that my BB's are sore today and I'm positive I'm not re-pregnant. lol! I had a dizzy spell last evening too. I just think my body is royally confused. My doctor said today that she's not concerned that I'm still bleeding and still testing bfp. I told her "well, I am!" She said to call her again in a week if I'm still testing +. Okay, and then what? Annoyed.

12 years ago

((Bride)) That is so aggravating, I am keeping you in my prayers though, just give it to God and leave it in His hands, I know its hard to give it to God (lay it down before him) and let him have it completely (we always want to take back what we give to him, ya know what I mean?) but God will get you through this... and you will become stronger because of this.

I know its aggrovating to deal with health stuff longer then you should... my poor hubby has been dealing with Kidney stones and such since the end of OCT and its really discouraging when you shouldn't be dealing with it any more and have cut things out completely and doing what your suppost too.. but hang in there okay Bride... the storm will end some day and there will be a beautiful rainbow!

12 years ago

Fluff, THANK YOU! Tonight at church, after I was done leading worship, our Pastor said to the congregation, "I know you probably are all looking at Joni (okay, I just revealed my thinking well she looks fine or she seems fine, but her body is still not completely well and there is a storm that is still raging on the inside of her." Then, he had the whole church pray for me...for complete healing. I sobbed like a baby, but I told God that I was trusting that He was going to turn this thing around for His glory...somehow, someway. I'm so sorry your husband is suffering like he is too. I'll keep him in prayer as well!

What an awesome group of ladies we have here! WOW! I feel so blessed!

12 years ago

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