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BYOB: Hope for a little Christmas Miracle this year!!

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Hi ladies!

Well I am bored so I jumped the gun a little and started a new thead even though we were only on pg14! Haha! So we will start off the same as always... with an update:

My name is Joy
I'm 27, dh is 28 we've been together almost 9yrs and married almost 2 or those
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
Been ttc for 6, nearly 7 months I think
I am currently 11dpo & have not tested yet!
I have used OPK's for the last 4 cycles
& This cycle I have also started to chart my bbt

I am trying SO hard not to obsess this cycle and have not been reading anything into my symptoms - all of which could be explained by impending af as well as pregnancy. And I dont plan on testing until Tuesday at the earliest!

I am addicted to this site & love all you ladies to pieces! I swear this thread is my lifeline & you all are my online bffs! LoL!

Hope everyone decides to follow us over again!

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284 Replies • 13 years ago



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G' Mornin' ladies!

Welcome to all the new ladies!

Well ladies, since I have an ultrasound today at the gyno I tested this morning. I think now I will wait until Friday to test again if AF doesn't show up. I'm really sad...

But last night I had a blast!!! Most westerners don't know this, but Pakistani's are party animals! They do the wedding and the reception on different days more or less as an excuse to party more. So I went to the wedding a month ago where we partied for a few hours, and then last night the reception lasted from 6 til 11! It was so much fun though!

BUT something upsetting happened last night. I mentioned to one of my friends that I couldn't make it to something today because I had an appointment. She asked me what was going on (she knows I have prolactin problems but doesn't know I'm ttc) so I told her I was going to get an ultrasound. Another friend heard me say ultrasound and apparently thought pregnancy was the only use for ultrasounds so she shouted "You're PREGNANT?!" and then shouted to EVERYONE "Hey! Aisha's pregnant!" So I had to make an announcement in front of a hundred wedding guests that no, I'm not pregnant. It was hard for me to fake a smile and a laugh because I want the opposite to be true so badly!!!

I know 12 dpo is still early, but I feel really discouraged. I have been having more gas and cramps from that the last few days and I've had "pinching" which is something I'm not used to, but I still feel sad. But the good news is that my temp went up again so I think it was just low yesterday because my dh stole my blankets and I was almost naked in cold air!!!!

Do you charting ladies know how many days before AF that your temp should start to drop???

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13 years ago

Pooker: I'm using FF to track my BBT, and they said that AF shows up either the day your BBT dropped or the day after.

Everyone is different. Some people's BBT stay elevated until the day their AF is due & then it dramatically drops. Mine levels off super quickly after about 7-9 days so I think that I'm going to have to get my hormones tested soon.

I'm sorry about the ultrasound thing. I'm going to be 34 soon and just about everyone here bugs me about when I'm going to have a baby. I keep lying saying not yet...

13 years ago

Good morning Ladies! Thought I'd check in with everyone.

E2E- My birthday is May 27th. I usually dread my birthday. I've never had good luck on that day, but this year will be different! My DH and I are celebrating in Hawaii. I can't wait!

Pookers- I'm sorry about the mix up at the party. It sounds like you handled it really well. I think people mean well, but get excited and don't listen to everything. I think that a LOT of people hear ultrasound and assume pregnant.

79girl- I hope your appt goes well today!! Good luck with the new doctor!

So, I'm 8DPO today. This TWW is going so slowly! I really want to test, but I'm waiting it out. It's soooo early right now. I'm having a lot of symptoms that I don't usually get, so I'm feeling hopeful. Only time will tell.

13 years ago

my name is Whitney but my friends call me Tink.
I'm 23 and dh is 28 we have been together for 5yrs.
after ttc since Jan 2008 we finally conceived in Jan of this yr 2011. I am one week shy of being in my second trimester and so ready for sickness to be gone.

So im starving but food only sticks with me for a couple mins before it makes its grand exit. ugh, my bbs hurt all day everyday, I live in my bathroom, and I dont want sex.

my dh is not sure what to do, so while im sleeping ill always wake up to him trying to sneak a small squeeze or feel in. of course I have to pop him. lol he loves rubbing my stomach and snuggling directly up under me. although its cute I have to sometimes tell him to please give me 50 ft mama needs to breath because I'm always so freaking hot.

I hope to chat with you ladies soon. I you ask me a question and I dont respond right away its because I'm either studying for school or sleep, but I will respond asap.

xoxo, and babydust to all.

13 years ago

Morning ladies!

Welcome to all the newcomers (& all of those returning!) I dont have a ton of time this morning or I would go through each of you one by one!

79Girl - Good luck with your apt!

Aisha - I am so sorry about the mix up at the wedding!! That is horrible! And also so sorry about your bfp this morning... still possible it's too early though. You can inplant as last as 12dpo (today) so dont give up hope!

I am heading out shopping this morning so that should keep my mind off of my symptoms. So far I am still mostly just cramping a lot. Kind of thinking af is on her way... if she is I wish she would hurry up! Probably gonna test tomorrow after dh goes to work. We'll see... I might just wait out af this cycle and see if she shows.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

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13 years ago • Post starter


So sorry to hear about your experience last night-that must have been a tough moment! I'm glad the rest of the wedding was fun. Btw, when I was charting, my temp would start to drop a day or two before AF. If your's is still high, that's good. dr's apt. this morning...I'm feeling mixed. On one hand, the doc was nice and she said that my progesterone level was "wonderful" and my history and husband's history all sound good. I saw myself through her eyes as someone who was getting worked up about nothing. At the same time, it almost would have been easier if there was something that was "wrong" so that it would make more sense and we could do something about it!! I just feel torn, b/c part of me knows that I need to just relax about this, and part of me really struggles with not knowing what to "do" to make it more likely to conceive after 7-8 months. She did say that we could do a semen analysis and an HSG if we wanted but she left this up to us. So we did schedule a semen analysis and if those results come back fine, I probably will end up doing the HSG since it's the only thing I really can do at this point.

Btw, I asked her how I would know if I was low estrogen. She said that as long as I was ovulating and my luteal phase was long enough, my hormones were in balance and there was no need to test for this. So there goes that theory! She also said that she wouldn't recommend anything different for a tilted uterus, and that this shouldn't interfere with fertility at all.

So, I guess I'll test the next few days and we'll go from there. I'm exhausted and it's not even noon yet!

13 years ago


I was recently in Hawaii. Where are you headed? It really is paradise.

Cd 11 and counting....

13 years ago


I am 7 DPO today!! Trying to stop testing until at LEAST 10 DPO. Good for you on not testing yet! That is WILL POWER!

My temp dipped yesterday, then spiked again today. I am hoping that is a good sign. FINGERS CROSSED!!

I love this site!

Tink - Good luck with the sickness. Hope it passes soon.

Pooker - SORRY. That sounds like a nightmare.

79girl - Good luck at the docs. It is hard to find good docs that value your opinion!

Nursemom - Hold out! HA HA! I have made a pact with my DH to not test until 10DPO. Not sure I can make it. HA HA HA!

~ Amanda (mevensgirl)

~ Amanda User Image

13 years ago

Good Morning ladies!!!

Monday and all!

Well, I am tired today because we drove back from our friend's house yesterday and it was a long day.... especially after partying and drinking some! But we had an awesome time.

Aisha: it sucks that people speak before thinking sometimes! My sister asked me the same thing when I said I was going for an ultrasound. But it is worse when it is in front of a bunch of people! At the party I was sitting in a room of people and my dh went outside and all of a sudden I was left with a circle of about 10 older women and the lady next to me started in on the "are you married?" "Do you have any children?"

Oh god here we go, is what I was thinking! Where is my husband who left me here to suffer!!!

Another lady there my age who was single said to me later... that makes my ovaries she understood!

How frustrating! I know they mean well, but UGH!

Well, ladies here are my symptoms today:

ovary pain left side
bbs a little sore and sensitive
sore throat
creamy lotiony cm
hungry (usually I can't eat much in AM for a little while but I woke up starving today)

Here's to hoping!! And I am hoping that someone else gets a bfp before me as a good sign this month!!!

13 years ago

Hi ladies!
My name is Lisa and I am from NE Ohio. I will be 30 on Apri 5 and dh is 35. We have been ttc actively since December. I am set to o on Thursday this week. This month and last month, I have found some things to keep me from obsessing and starting last month, I am not using opk's and refusing to buy hpt's unless my period is actually late.

I know I have to be close to o because dh and I just about an hour and a half ago and I am feeling VERY frisky again, lol. If I did not think he would choke me and if we had time before we have to leave for work, I would go downstairs and jump on him, lol. My drive has always been high, but it has been insane the past two months, lol. Maybe it is a good sign. Now, I have to go to work feeling squishy (gross!!!) and aroused at the same time, lol. Tonight is NOT going to be a good night at work, haha. Good thing there is a VERY limited number of attractive men working at that place, haha. Out of nearly 80 people on my line alone, there are only 2 men that are even remotely drool-worrthy, lol. Today is the LAST day I need eye candy at work with how horny I am, haha!


13 years ago

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