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May 2015 Babies!!!!

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Hey ladies! I'm pretty sure I'm out for an April baby, so I'm going to start the next thread. Good luck everyone who wants a May 2015 baby!!

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894 Replies • 9 years ago



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Welcome Texas!

RPope and Basia - hopefully you catch those eggs!

Marcie - fingers crossed for you!

AFM, I have been trying to figure out what is going on with me the past few weeks. I've been nauseous off and on for a week now and I am not sure why. My period was very different from normal and shorter so who knows what is going on. I was beginning to think that I needed to test just to confirm whether or not I am pregnant. But last night and this morning I have felt ovulation pains. So I'm guessing that I just had a weird period and I'm ovulating today. I tried to get DH to BD last night but he is a bit worn out. We've BD'ed 5 out of the last 8 days. Hoping he might be able to do it tonight. I want to tell him today is a perfect day to try but I don't want to put pressure on him. Especially since we weren't going to try too hard this month with everything going on. Its hard not to try hard when I can feel when I ovulate! So trying to stick with the "if it happens then it happens" mentality.

Question...if I felt the ovulation pains in late afternoon yesterday should I put down ovulation day as yesterday or today? Normally it happens during the day so I haven't had to worry about it. What would you all do?

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9 years ago

Danielle my ovulation pain started yesterday and I still have it today.
I am a bit confused as well.

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago

Yeah DH was really tired last night and we didn't get home till 11 and he kept asking all night are we still doing it tonight or do we have to do it tonight? I felt bad and told him to stop asking. Lol I felt like I was his mom telling him he had to do something he didn't want to do. He said it's not very romantic. I was going to take a break anyways because I don't want it to be like this. But if I hadn't pushed for BD then we would have totally missed it this cycle because we've been so busy this week we probably wouldn't have done it at all. Hopefully all these efforts aren't wasted. I think you're right Marcie, just relax and enjoy it. We probably won't again until the weekend. I'm ready to go get this blood work done to see what's going on...

Danielle, I'm sorry I don't have any advice for that... I have cramping too often to distinguish ovulation cramps. If I had to guess though I'd say mark your O day as today.

Actually come to think of it, I have stopped cramping. That's weird... I haven't had a cramp since Sunday when my temp dropped. Oh well...I'm not going to read into anything at this point.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Haha you're a better person than I am, Danielle! I'd have POAS so fast your head would spin :)

As for your question, I'm not entirely sure since I don't always feel O pains, and when I do feel twinges like that it doesn't always correspond to anything. So idk! No matter your O day, BDing 5 out of the last 8 days is really impressive and I think it's safe to say that you caught that egg if it was going to happen!

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9 years ago

Marcie - thanks! I'm hoping we caught it or at least plenty of sperm were waiting for it! The only reason I managed to not test is because DH gives me so much grief if I test. He knows that there is one test in the bathroom. Since I was working from home I was going to go get a dollar store cheapie just to confirm. Oh well. I can always go get one Friday when I'm home if I really feel the need.

RPope - Yeah I went ahead and went with today since I can still feel it a bit. I would rather put it later than earlier to help me hold off testing!

Basia - I went with today. Figured if I start the clock as late as possible then I might get pleasantly surprised a little early. that we managed to have things work this month!

My step son told me that he wanted his baby brother or sister to have a May birthday like him. He said he was even willing to share his birthday! It was very cute. If we get pregnant this month I would be due on May 5th. And if we get pregnant next month then I would be due early June which means that if the baby is a little early then they just might share the same birthday!

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9 years ago

Aww that's so fun, Danielle! If I get pregnant this cycle, my EDD is 5/11. One of my best friends had her son this year on 5/9, so our kids could share the same birthday!

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9 years ago

My EDD would be 5-18 if this is our month... Right now I am on CD3 so I still have a little bit. I was thinking of not using OPK's or anything this month. I think I am just going to try to check my CM, and go by record. I just hate ruling all of my days around TTC and then getting a BFN at the end. It's like it controls my life and the only "time out" is the week of AF. Bu ton the other hand I feel like if I want a baby this is what I have to do. What do you girls think? The past few months I have O'd on CD 14 or 15. I also feel really bad telling DH when we HAVE to have BD. I don't know if he cares or not because he wants a baby just as much as I do, but it really takes the romance away for that one week out of the month.

9 years ago

Maggie - unfortunately our romance goes out the window that month as well. Actually my husband tries to be more romantic than I am about it.
I guess I know a bit to much details about baby making than he does so I take a different approach to it.

I think I might just ovulated. Suddenly I got this pulsing sharp pain in my right overy (for the past day I was cramping but nothing in comparison to what I just felt). It lasted for a minute maybe and it went away... but it was quiet sharp and sudden. Fingers crossed :)

If I ovulate today my baby would be do May 6th - based on ovulation

I really hope I will see in 2 weeks.

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago

Basia - it looks like we are on the same cycle! Let the countdown begin!

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9 years ago

Danielle it also looks like RPope is with us.

I will consider this day as O day unless my temperature drops drastically tomorrow.

Also, I am trying to convince my husband not to go to work tonight so we can BD a bit more :)

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago

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