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BYOB: Bring on the New Years Babies!!

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Hi ladies!

Well I jumped the gun again and started a new thread! So lets kick it off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I'm 27 (almost 28), dh is 28 we've been togethe 9yrs and married 2 or those (As of tomorrow... technically today since it's after midnight)
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
But we have escentially been ttc for a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently on CD11 & can't wait to be done with my pre-O 2ww!
I have used OPK's for the last 5 cycles
& last cycle I also started to chart my bbt

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

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276 Replies • 13 years ago



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Well, these ladies haven't kicked me out yet, so I think everyone is on the up-and-up around here

fraggle - I have to say that I am beyond proud of how you stood up for yourself. I would have a hard time being that honest to someone who was being outright mean. I frequently find myself wishing I could think of something snarky to say back but often just wimp out to "politeness".


Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

13 years ago


Fragglerock:: (SWEET NAME by the way..loved that cartoon), that was some funny S*it. Exactly what I would have said......We would def get along

dieselb::: you may have a small point but I just think it's a bit of envy....I think we all benefit from the happiness of others and know that there is still hope for the rest of us who keep getting .

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago


Fragglerock:: (SWEET NAME by the way..loved that cartoon), that was some funny S*it. Exactly what I would have said......We would def get along

dieselb::: you may have a small point but I just think it's a bit of envy....I think we all benefit from the happiness of others and know that there is still hope for the rest of us who keep getting .

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago

Fraggle- that was hilarious. Way to go! I bet she will think about what she says from now on unless she wants to be called bugly again (butt ugly) or fugly (Fu@&ing ugly) hehehe

13 years ago

Hey everyone!

My first time in the BYOB thread. I've been posting in the other thread so I know some of you. :)

Fragglerock: Good on ya! That lady deserves it.

Was telling the other ladies in the other thread, had my AF on 12 dpo, 4 days earlier. But extremely light by my standards. 2nd day should have been heavy but it was light and it finished on the 3rd day, slightly heavier than the 2nd day. Morning of the 4th day, it was just spotting and now, nothing.

Tested and got a BFN. boo. But the backache and that dull feeling is still there. No tender BBs and no nausea.

If this continues, I'll go see the doc.

Not sure what's up. or down.

Baby dusts all!

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13 years ago

Mira- Happy

Joy- 1dpo: Any symptoms yet? I kid!!!! You are so getting your bfp and I will appreciate your unused eggs, but keep your progesterone, you will need it!!!! By the way, I laughed at your explanation of why you couldn't steal the baby- sounds like you put a lot of thought and research into it. I know in nine months when you have your baby (and yes, it will be in nine months) if anyone tries to take your baby you will go ninja on them and send them to Madagascar and back!!!!

Popstar- As long as the babies come out of us at this point I don't think we care what eggs they come from!!!! If you want to share 9 months worth of eggs, we'd appreciate it How are you and the little one doing?

Jamie- I'm so sorry hun! Will you be doing another IUI?

Justus- Joy and I have been pressuring our ovaries, but I like your sperm take!!!! I'm just not sure how well my dh will take to me talking to his balls

Cristine- I hope you figure out what is going on soon, and I hope it will be a pleasant surprise!!!!

Keico- You are freaking gorgeous and that bi*** is clearly jealous of you!!!! Way to tell her girl!!!!! And sorry about your bfn

diesel- You are right about baby hot spots. I just think a lot of us, especially those of us who have fertility problems, just get sad around pg women. It's not that we don't like them or aren't happy for them, but it reminds us of our own emptiness. I think it also depends on the women who are pregnant and how they act. The pg ladies on this thread are great and super supportive of those who are ttc. But some pg ladies (including Joy's friend) complain about being pg or things like that and then that is just frustrating for someone with fertility problems. But when pg ladies are great and supportive, I think we all feel happy because it gives us hope

Teresaling- Welcome to the thread!!! I know I've seen you on another thread, but I can't remember which one. These ladies are the best and we look forward to getting to know you! Sorry about your bfn. I hope you get answers soon.

Nothing new with me. Tomorrow will be extremely busy as I have part 1 of the wedding tomorrow after spending a day doing pelvic exams (anyone want a free one? I'm getting to be a pro!). No one worry if I'm not around tomorrow. This is horrible, but I hope none of my patients are pg tomorrow. They shouldn't be since I'm just doing gyno and not OB, but you never know.

Anyway, I've been dancing my little tush off! I will be bellydancing at the wedding tomorrow and then just for fun and shock effect me and a friend are going to do Thriller. Dancing these last few days has brought me so much happiness. I realize I miss performing. Maybe I need to find some dance venues to fill my lonely hours until I get my bfp!!!

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13 years ago

Hi ladies!

Yikes! I feel like I missed a lot! LoL! But no worries, I took notes!

Jamie - I am so sorry sweetie! Does this mean you'll be doing another IUI next cycle? Hopefully the second time is the charm!

Justus - Sounds like you are totally prepared this cycle!!! I have been pressuring dh's swimmers (as well as my ovaries with Aisha!) this cycle! After bd I sing "just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" I know I'm nuts... I'm getting desperate! Haha!

1stbabytry - I really hope the baby gave me lots of babydust too!! Hopefully the little cuddle-bug convinced dh's swimmers & my egg to cooperate this cycle!! I'm glad you figured out the emotions!! Hehe

Keico - Wow what a piece of work!! So glad you told her off and stood up for yourself!! Go you!!

dieselb - You made a good point about women getting preggo in groups. My gf and I got pg withing a week of each other last time! Doesnt change the fact that some women (especially ones that know we're ttc) need to be a little more sensitive on the subject... I am not one to want to listen to a friend bitch about how she hates being pg when she knows I just m/c'd. And for the ladies that dont know were ttc, well it's just human nature for us to be a little envious/jealous. None of which means we dont like/love the ladies, it's just a difficult situation. (Hope that didnt sound like a retort or anything, I totally agree with your comment and was in no way offended by it or anything! )

teresaling - Welcome to the thread!! This is an amazing group of ladies!! (The best there is in my opinion ) I look forward to getting to know you, I am sure you will fit right in! Sorry to hear about your bfn!

Aisha - Oh I have TONS of symptoms already!! ....they are all imaginary of course, but what else is new? Thanks for the vote of confidence! ("and yes it will be in nine months") You're awesome! & I would TOTALLY go all ninja on anyone who tried to steal my baby!!! I really hope none of your patients are preggo!! Have fun at the wedding tomorrow!! I am sure your performance will be awesome!! Post pics on fb if you can!!

As for me, it is after midnight (actually it's 1:30am) so I am officially (possibly) 2dpo!!!! I have a super busy week/weekend this week so hopefully that will help the time fly by a little faster!

Hope you ladies have/had a great day!! I am off to bed... dont know why I am up in the first place! G'night all!

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13 years ago • Post starter

Diesel-it isn't that we are not happy for the pregnant women in our familes or that work with us, it is more jealousy, as much as I hate to admit it. I know many of us (myself included) who have been ttc for a while have had our ups and downs and have ben extremely depressed at many months of failed attempts. Being around pg women everyday at work or family functions actually hurts because we wonder why we have not been blessed yet. Some pregnant women are not too helpful either because so many of them feel the need to tell us we are doing something wrong because we are not pg yet and they got pregnant their first month. It is hurtful when they rub it in our faces that they got pg without trying and we have been pulling out all the stops because ntnp wasn't working for us.

Keico-you go girl! I would have done the same. I am known for my brutal honesty and have been known to make people cry for pointing out their character flaws during an argument.

Work was hellacious tonight. I am so glad to be home. They recently took away two of my jobs and moved two new ones into my team and the one operator came back from 3 weeks of sick leave for an EAR INFECTION last Tuesday and went back on sick leave for who knows what on Friday. The other one apparently thinks she needs 4 breaks off the line a night in addition to the 3 scheduled breaks. I am three days behind on my paperwork because of her. REALLY? Who needs to go to the bathroom 7 times in 8 hours every single day? I put my foot down today and reminded her that the contract states she can only have 3 emergency breaks a day and she put in a civil rights call against me. Not that it will go anywhere because she is a lazy POS and the civil righs guy knows she calls him whenever she does not get her way, but still...on what friggin grounds does she have a civil rights issue???? She is a woman, guess what? I own a vagina as well. She is white? So am I! Ugh, sometimes union people milk whatever they can just so someone can tell them they can be lazy! These are the exact people that give autoworkers a bad name!


13 years ago

Hi Girls,

Bens and Peaches- so sorry about your BFN's.

Fraggle- kick some a** Girl! I am with popstar, I am usually the polite one that walks away....just to come up with the best retort ever...when it's too late! I talk a mean game though, but no bite (at least most the time...I do nip pretty hard)

AFM, I am on CD2, and still feeling depressed. I am hoping that a BFP would come right around Mother's Day...that should be a sign, right?!

At least I get to drink at my trashy step sisters' wedding this weekend. GOd KNows I am going to need it. I didn't go to the Bachelorette party cuz I knew I wasn't going to be able to handle the girls she hangs out with, and her too if I am being honest. She is one of those "girls" that we hate...meaning pregnant 3 times (all "oops") by 3 different men, and can't afford a single one of them. Complains constantly about being poor, but girlfriend always has her nails done with designs, and her hair did.??? I digress...sorry. It's just frustrating.

Have a great day ladies. I will be checking in.


13 years ago

I just want to say I am SORRY. Really I am. I just ment it differently. They ladies at the bank were nasty to each other 15or so ladies together everyday with nothing to do turn on each other, and that escalliy if ones were trying and didnt get BFP were hurting. I just notice they were like hot spots. I understand how it hurts my BF tells me to "get on the stick" and get it done. zshe knows im off BC my inlaws keep telling me over & over DS needs a brother/sister they dont know im trying.i have been trying Sept 2010. I am very sorry

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13 years ago

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