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TTC PARTY! BYOB: Bring Your Own Baby! AKA AF Christmas Girls

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Ok ladies...

Our last thread was 17 pages long!
We were honest, open and held nothing back.

I really enjoyed every one of your posts and want to thank you so much for being such a fantastic support to me and to all of the other beautiful women on the thread. Everyone has got something unique and special to offer... Let's help eachother through this next month.
Here we go! On our way to making some babies!

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey!

BIanca's Mama (NIcole)

338 Replies • 13 years ago



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Pookie... wow, I am really so happy for you!

This is so great. Our thread started a few weeks ago, and we already have some success stories!

It is so encouraging...

so Bianca and expecting... we are def. on the same cycle... Witchy Witcherson is due for me this weekend. I am sure she is coming. So we will keep trying!
even though I still have thirst! so weird. It's like what you were saying B, you get symptoms now that you are TTC. but before TTC, nothing... my body hates me...

I used pre-seed this cycle too.. I will continue using that... I definitely like it.

Can I ask a TMI question to the preggers ladies... did any of your husbands semen leak out after he pulled out? it seems like we are losing a lot... any advice???

I love that nothing is off limits here!!!

13 years ago

@Bens I asked my fertility doctor about that and she said some is going to leak out no matter what you do b/c it can only hold XXml so expect some to leak no matter what. That's how God made a woman's body so its out of your control you have no way of preventing it no matter how high you hold them legs or hips up.

13 years ago

Bens10, there is something called softcup by instead google it then u can read nd make ur own opinion about dat...
well i think it can help wd dis problem surelly.. i didnt use yet coz here in venezuela i cnt find it.. nd i cnt buy it online coz i dnt use credit card... i may accert gifts hahaha (just kiddng) but really i want test it... GOOD LUCKKKK

User Image User Image 34 years old, endometriosis, got oophorectomy jst 1 ovary working..

13 years ago

Happy Friday ladies and Happy Birthday Nicole(Bianca)!!!!

DRUMROLL PLEASE.......................

It was NEGATIVE! And I can't take a part a digital and decipher it, I don't know what I'm looking for since they measure both LH and HCG. Anyway, we got the FRER Gold Digital which apparently measure 18 MIU or 4 days before you expected period. Which for me is TODAY! Apparently this test also detects the pregnancy hormone in 58% of women who are 4 or more days away from their period. So, could I be the 42% it isn't detecting?! Time will tell. But these test are so expensive, I'll wait to use the second one till Tuesday which is when AF is due...Wednesday the latest.

So, it looks like we all got BFN morning or we got AF. Good times.

So, I go back to work today! So, you guys wont hear back from me till like 11pm cst.

Have a super fantastic day ladies!!

Xoxoxo- Steph

13 years ago

Aw, Pookie, really sorry to hear about your bfn There is still lots of time to get your bfp though, dont give up hope!!

Looks like today kinda sucked for all of us poas! Ok, technically I wasnt peeing on a stick, but I'm out entirely, which sucks. :(

Corvina...?? Waiting to hear if you got af today or maybe a bfp???

Good luck to all you ladies still dpo! I am on Cd1.... gah! I hate the beginning of a cycle, can't I just start AFTER af leaves me alone... that part is at least fun!! LoL!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

Yeah, I guess I'm only 10 dpo so I won't give up hope just yet! :) I just read a girl on the forum got a BFP at 13 dpo. Everyone is different. What if I am but it's producing such low HCG?? I don't freaking know! Lol... All I do know is that I'm working the next 2 days which will keep my mind off everything and Sunday I have inventory at 5 am( I manage a clothing store) and than I have Da Bears game later Sunday, so for my next couple days, I'll be super busy! I'm actually off the day I'm suppose to get AF so my standard AF practice is if I DO get it, I get a big ole Starbucks latte and get a mani/pedi than booze it up that night. So, really both sides have a positive side. Lol..


13 years ago

Happy birthday Nicole sweetie! I hope you have a fantastic day!


13 years ago

Corvina, did you test this morning? Did you get AF??

13 years ago

Pookie... Holy crap. Totally shocked... you are still in it though!!!

I love you guys so much...
Thanks for the birthday wishes!

So, I went to the doctor (for my annual) and he said it really doesn't look like I am pregnant... I would rather hear it from him than get yet another BFN... They hurt after a while, ya know???

Anyway, because this is my second and we know my body parts work and my husbands work he said he wanted to check everything out to make sure we were good to go... He did an ultrasound and everythig looks good there then he took blood to make sure I am infact Oing...

Ya know, all of this might be totally unnecessary, but at least I can go onto next month knowing that I am healthy and able to make a baby.... I guess it is just peace of mind... I feel better about it now and it kind of lessened the blow of the BFN this morning...

Well pookie, I am with you, AF is on the way so time to get tipsy!!!

Guys, thanks for the support and for being there always. You are alll wonderful.

13 years ago • Post starter

The bitch came. I knew she was going to when I got out of bed because my back was achiing and I was crampy. Needless to say, I have been so pissed off that I have not accomplished much today. DH knew something was bothering me last night when we came home from work, but he has no idea what it was. I wouldn't tell him because I know I will get the same thing I got last month "It doesn't always happen right away babe. Just forget about it, we'll try again." blah blah blah! I just don't understand the three lines I got with the dipsticks. What are the chances of three evaps? Seriously now? I wonder if falling down the steps undid something
I REALLY do not want to go to work tonight. I have to go in early for a stupid training class on something I already know how to do but there are assholes that are nearly 70 years old with over 40 years in that will not retire that do not understand how to enter scrap into the computer because computers didn't exist until they were already having grandkids. I told the superintendent that, if we can demonstarte successfully that we know how to use the system, we should not have to take the class. Ugh! So I get to spend and hour listening to stuff I already know, bored to tears, my mind will wander and I will be all upset about the fact that I am bleeding. I also do NOT get along with the new supervisor they brought to my line. Can't stnad him actually. Everytime he walks past me, I want nothing more than to rip his fking face off. He twists things to try and justify writing up people when they are doing nothing wrong. He tried to tell me last night what the contract said and tried to writ eup one of the women on my team. The asshole must have forgetten from lwhen he was my supervisor a couple years ago, I keep a copy of the contract in my locker and I showed him he was wrong. I just can't justify burning a personal day this early in the year ::(

I honestly do not even know if I am going to tell hubby the bitch showed up. He will probably nag me on the way to work to tell him what is wrong. I don't want cliches from him. I need babied right now.


13 years ago

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