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BYOB: We Want Some Chirstmas Babies!!

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Hi ladies!

Well, it's that time again! Lets kick things off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I am 28, and dh is 29
we've been together almost 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom

I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby

I got a BFP on June 30th 2011
Had a missed m/c on Aug 18th 2011
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")

I am Finally back to TTC and am currently on cd12
Right now I am taking my prenatal vitamin, my iron suppliment (which I plan on stopping), I chart my bbt, use opks, and take EPO from cd8-Ovulation.

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Hope everyone had a great Monday!!!

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266 Replies • 12 years ago



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Wow! Lots of "new" faces for me to catch up on!

Nicole, so sorry to hear about your dog, our black lab mix just got diagnosed with terminal cancer after finding a tumor on her spleen, only expecting another 4 to 6 months with her. She's 9 1/2 and the love of our life!

So my update:

Name is Robyn
I'm 26, soon to be 27 and DH is 38.
DH is a t-5 paraplegic due to car accident back in 1993.
We have been married for almost one yr. Been together for 6.
Started trying the same month we got married April 2011.
DH has issues with motility and count and we believe he suffers from something called retrograde ejaculation, because he has no control over his bladder, the sperm sometimes goes into bladder instead of where it's supposed to!

This was my first cycle charting my BBT and using digital OPK's and preseed. I have a normal cycle so before we would just BD around cd12-16 when my physical signs of O'ing were apparent.

I am currently on cd16, got my +smiley face on cd15 using clearblue OP. We tried BDing last night AND this morning without luck. DH had "dry" ejaculation again bc of his retrograde ejaculation. I am beyond upset, I had a really good feeling about this cycle with the charting and everything, I was so sure it would happen for us this time.

After the "fail" this morning after the one last night, I have just been crying on and off, don't understand why in the world this has to be so difficult. And poor DH, he really puts it all on him and he gets soooo angry, and I believe he gets to feeling really down about his paralysis and that being the cause of our problems. We were going to try one more time this evening, but I'm really not sure if we are...

I'm glad I have this site to rant, and get a kick in the face sometimes. I complain about our situation but then I look around and see so many strong women who've had m/c after m/c or two plus years of trying with no success and feel like an idiot for getting so frustrated when we haven't been even trying for a year yet.

12 years ago

Hi everyone:

Quick intro for those who don't know me- dh and I are 32 and have been ttc for almost 2 years now. We've never seen a positive pregnancy test and were diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility last year after all tests came back looking great. So we've done several months of clomid and several IUI's with clomid-no luck! This month is our 20th cycle of trying and I'm thinking that we may do IVF in a few more cycles, so I am taking it easy this cycle. no charting and I will enjoy some beverages if I feel like it! Feel like I need a break before we amp up for IVF, but of course we'll still bd around ovulation. Just feeling like there's little chance of us getting pregnant without some major help at this point!

rmorgan, so sorry to hear about your recent frustrations. That's got to be so hard for you and your dh. Really hoping that you have some successful bding in the next few days!! And I can definitely relate to your post-whether it's having a disability like your dh or experiencing multiple miscarriages, or trying for 2 years w/o a single BFP, we've all got something hard on our plate, just different types of hard!! Hoping this is a lucky month for you.

Nicole-so, so sorry about your dog. I am completely in love with my pets and am a mess whenever they're sick or not doing well.

Welcome to the new ladies and here's crossing my fingers for a lucky thread this month!

12 years ago

I'm Jil. I'm 24, dear fiance is 28.
no one knows about our engagement except for you guys, no date set yet.
we've been trying since November.
came off b/c in november
in december we conceived
miscarried in january at 5 weeks.
i'm now 16dpo and 5 days late
4 negative hpts
went for a blood test today

i went for a blood test today and should get the results back by thursday. im dying to know!

glad everyones back for the next round of byob. i really appreciate having you ladies in my life.

edit: pregnancy test timing calculator says i should have tested on the 2nd, when my period was due. but the due date calculator said i should have tested on the 4th. which would make sense why im getting negatives. the blood test is the only definitive way to know for sure.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

12 years ago

Yay new thread means new hope and hopefully many new BFP!!!!

Hello ladies!

My name is Cristine, Cris for short.
I'm 28 ( for another month...) and so is DH
Started TTC in November 2010
Got a in late Feb 2011 and m/c a couple weeks later
Have not been able to get pg since
Found out I have cysts either in or on my ovaries, doc wasn't clear
Scheduled to see a gyno in May (yeah, that late)
Trying Vitex to help me ovulate naturally

Nicole - I tear up just thinking about my dogs not being part of this world anymore. So sorry for your loss

Jil - I can't wait to hear your results! I hope you get the 1st of this thread!

Joy - Oh no! I hope you're not catching the flu! Rest and lots of fluids for you!

As for me, I am on CD 26. No sign of early AF yet. I've been having the worst sleep these past few days. Barely sleeping through the night and when I do sleep, I have weird dreams. Feeling some twinges and pinches and some bloating. I've almost caved twice now to get an hpt. It's like something is telling me to buy one!!

Good luck to all of us!!

User Image and and to all!

12 years ago

Hello everyone ,

My name is Caren
My dh and I are both 25
From Australia
Currently work as a retail store manager but would love to be a stay at home mum
We have only been married since Aug 2011 but been together for 6 years
We have been ttc for #1 since July 2011 but have only had 5 cycles as I am irregular
I have had 2 MC since ttc with dh
Doctor has run some test but so far all is looking good
Currently on CD 9 and waiting to O but for me I have a while until I O.
The earliest I have Oed is CD31 last cycle so I am pretty happy with that as I Oed on CD41 the time before that
I am currently on prenatal vitamins, using preseed, charting bbt and using OPK's

I am still feeling pretty sick Actually I feel like shit!! but have dragged myself to the computer to do some work from home so that I dont get behind. I had a fever last night and that has thrown my temps out. I am just glad that I wont O for a bit yet anyway for it to really affect ttc.

Hopefully this new thread will bring us some much awaited real soon

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12 years ago

Hi ladies! I figured I would introduce myself.

My name is Cassie.
DH and I are both 25.
We've been together for 9 years, married for 3.5.
We live in Indiana, USA.

I am in R&D for the Beverage Industry. DH is a Computer Programmer.

We have been TTC #1 since January 2012. Hoping for a BFP this month, but AF is due any day now.

Good luck and baby dust to everyone!

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

caren - Sorry you're still feeling so crappy! Get lots of and feel better soon!

Cris - Thanks hun! I sure hope your right about the new thread bringing lots of bfps!! (including yours in the next day or so!! ) When is af due again?

Jil - Cant wait to hear your results!

hoping - Boo to the 20th cycle I am on month 23... not sure how many cycles though. I know it's hard but hang in there sweetie! I just know you'll get your little bean soon!

Robyn - I am so sorry you guys are having so much trouble this cycle. It must be really hard on both of you Sending lots of your way for a successful bd tonight if you decide to give it another try!

Jessica - Your story always makes me cringe... we always think once we get pregnant we just have to make it to the second trimester and we're safe, I cant even imagine loosing 2 little ones so late. Keeping my that you O soon!

Elle - sweetie!

Jenn - Cycle twins again! I should be O-ing Sat as well! And I totally agree... once you start ttc, it's pretty much impossible to ntnp! Last cycle we were supposed to be "ntnp" but it totally ended up with us ttc! Good luck hun! Keeping my for our twin bfps this cycle!!

kristine - I think it's great how determined you are to have a baby, dont let anything stand in your way So glad you're back on here! And keeping my for you this cycles and always!

AFM - Busy day today... shopping with my Grandma. It was lots of fun, but can be pretty tiring!

Excited to be starting my opks tomorrow (tho I am fairly certian O will be Sat) and gonna be bd-ing up a storm for the next week!!


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12 years ago • Post starter

Hello I am fairly new to the board but love all the support here.

My name is Retha i am 35 DH 32
together we have 4 children, in March 2011 m/c and haven't had anything since. I am currently on CD 16, O'ed March 3rd and praying really hard that this is our month.

Have OB/Gyn appt on the 29th, hoping it will be to announce to her I am pregnant.

Love y'all and baby dust to all!!!

12 years ago

here's a bizarre symptom ive been having as a of a few days ago that i've never had before. my eye and eyebrow are twitching. thats never happened to me before. i dont know if its related to pregnancy or what but its driving me bonkers.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

12 years ago

Thanks ladies for all the kinds words about our dog. It's actually my parents dog and didn't live with us until about 1 1/2 yrs ago. My parents originally got it when I was already moved out. I got a Lab/Rot mix about 4 months after my parents did and that had been my dog until about 3 yrs ago. When I lost her I was totally broken! She was my rock. I had some really tough stuff happen during the time I had her and she was truly the light in my life. I did love my parents dog but not in the way that I love my other dog. Sounds awful, but she just had a special place in my heart. So overall, I'm sad but not depressed. More sad for my dd cause she's constantly asking about her. Poor old girl was really ready to go though. :-(

Hello my BYOB friends and welcome to all my soon to be BYOB friends!

Robyn: I'm so sorry that you're feeling so discouraged! I don't obviously "understand" but I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for you both! I know your journey is unique but I hope that this forum helps you not feel so alone. BIG HUGS!

Snow: how annoying to have to wait till Thursday! When I had my blood test they gave me the results later that day. I can't imagine having to wait this long!

Cris: I'm feeling very good about your symptoms! Ahh! I hope we're hearing a bfp announcement soon!

AFM: I am 11 dpo. I'm feeling all the classic PMS symptoms: gassy, crampy, eating lots of carbs (oops) and a headache. So I imagine she's be here by morning. But the good news is that would bring me to an 11 day LP instead of a 5 day! WOOT!


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12 years ago

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