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The EPO Experiment: Chapter 5

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Hi ladies...

Since we filled 14 pages already, and I'm bored, I figured I would jump the gun and start the new thread! Hopefully the start of a new thread will brng in some new ladies to chat with our amazing group!

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

Also maybe a quick introduction for any new-comers and a refresher for everyone else?

My name is Joy
I'm ttc #1
Have been ttc for nearly 2 years
I've had 2 m/c's
My last pregnancy I got pg on my 1st cycle using EPO!
I am currently on cd31 of a 30-34 day cycle
Hoping for a bfp, but not feeling too optimistic
didnt try the epo this go around, but if af shows this week I plan on giving it another try!

Good luck ladies!
Here's to another chapter!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

289 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Becca - Aw sweetie I am so sorry you're feeling so crappy! Hope you feel better soon!

Liz - Glad you're doing so good! Hope your apt went well!

Ayrian - Hope you just had the sniffles or something and arent actually getting a cold!

AFM - caved and tested with a frer today... wanted to test before going to shovel the driveway cause I wasnt gonna do it if I was pg... bfn as usual. Af should be here tomorrow or Thursday... kinda hoping tomorrow... wanna get it over with!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

Morning ladies, internet is down so i'm on my phone so this could be awkward and can't check back so I hope all is well! Joy: so sorry about the bfn :( Becca: hope you're feeling better! AFM: i'm confused, all signs pointed to o 2 days ago but signs were still there yesterday & pains continue today....don't know about cm/cp as we dtd last night so i don't check. Hoping my new "cocktail" hasn't scrwed me royal this month! Hope i can get back in here later on a real computer & not my archaic phone.......Peace out ladies :-)

Me: almost 42 (May) DH: 42 DD: soon to be 3 (also May!) Honeymoon baby conceived at 38, born at 39 08/11 mc 9.5 weeks. Lost heartbeat, growth stopped 7.5 weeks d&c 11weeks 02/12 chemical pg 4 weeks + 4 (surprise pg) 04/12 BFP!! EDD 12/09/12 PLEASE GOD! PRAISE GOD!! My cocktail:prenatal baby aspirin EPO cd1-O B-100 maca, vitex green tea Now: Prometrium 100mg, by mouth, 2x a day

12 years ago

Yay! I'm back on!! So!

Liz: Can't wait to hear about the appt!

Ayrian: Glad to be in the 2ww with you I *think* I'm 2dpo but w/ the lingering pain, I'm not quite sure!

Imosier: WELCOME!

(am I all caught up??? )

Me: almost 42 (May) DH: 42 DD: soon to be 3 (also May!) Honeymoon baby conceived at 38, born at 39 08/11 mc 9.5 weeks. Lost heartbeat, growth stopped 7.5 weeks d&c 11weeks 02/12 chemical pg 4 weeks + 4 (surprise pg) 04/12 BFP!! EDD 12/09/12 PLEASE GOD! PRAISE GOD!! My cocktail:prenatal baby aspirin EPO cd1-O B-100 maca, vitex green tea Now: Prometrium 100mg, by mouth, 2x a day

12 years ago

the appointment went well, took a video on my phone while they were doing the scan. in the video my 8yr old son is pointing out the head and hands. dr said the head is a lovely shape, spine is straight and the amniotic fluid looks perfect. i really wish i could figure out how to upload it on here!!!! does anyone know how?

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Liz - Glad your apt went well!! Sorry, no idea how to upload videos on here... not sure if you even can.

Airies - Thanks. Hmm... I think I would just keep bding! Cant hurt right? lol

AFM - Still no sign of af... wish she would hurry up and show now that I know she is coming. I have plans to go out drinking on Saturday and would prefer to no be on a heavy day!!

Hope everyon is haing a good week!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies.

Mamma: don't think you can upload anything on this site, it's pretty restrictive in that sense, but you could put it on youtube and then send the link through - if you're up for that. Congrats on seeing a healthy little bean!

Joy: hope you get some surprising news instead of AF. did your temp drop again this morning?

Sorry this is quick, but i'm a busy girl today.
I'm 4DPO, temp drop just below coverline today - weird (praying it may be something positive, but this whole cycle my temp seems to be off and i'm not sure why. Anyway, been having an annoying teasing headache for the most part of the day and also having some cramping feeling too - feels like AF but WAY to early to even think. Probably just my mind playing tricks. Anyway - all is well, don't feel the cold coming on anymore, maybe it's just allergies which is good cause that means spring is on her way! YAY!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Hi Ladies

Aryian and Erica - good luck in the 2ww, hope you get your bfps very soon. FX

Bee - Yay for 15 week mark!!! Good luck with the school reading and finding swimwear!

Joy - Sorry your still in limbo, hopefully you will bfp soon or at least start af so you can move on. Waiting in limbo like that is the worst!!!

AFM - CD 9 Still sick today, but not as bad as yesterday. Hoping to o late so that I'm up to bding. I'll start with the opks tomorrow. I'm still stuck in bed with very sore ears. Even sitting up or talking makes them hurt. What a horrible time to get sick!
Hope you ladies are having a nice evening.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Becca - Yep still in limbo... boo, this sucks!! Hope you're feeling better soon sweetie!!

Ayrian - Thanks hun. Bbt dropped .01 degree this am so not really a noticable drop. I hope your signs mean you caught that eggie this time!!

AFM - Still no sign of af, so I guess she'll come tomorrow. That means that one of my heaviest days will be Sat when I am supposed to be out drinking and having fun... stupid witch! She better come early tomorrow and not at night!


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12 years ago • Post starter

Hey there ladies, just a ho hum kinda day here....3dpo & nothing to report. The kiddo is kinda cranky & I'm counting the minutes til nap time!!!

Joy & Aryian: I was stalking the "confessions" board, quite the action there yesterday!

Bee: I swim 3-4x a week & LOVE it! Have fun!

Becca: have you tried a heating pad for your ears?? might help a bit. I used to get ear infections all the time when I was a kid, until I got my tonsils out. They came back in my 20's when my wisdom teeth came in. Here's something to show my age....when I got earaches my dad would blow cigarette smoke in them!!! Oddly, it helped!! God knows what else it did though!!! YIKES!

AFM: Like I said, not much to report. Honestly, I'm not actually sure what "dpo" I am. Ovulation signs were so odd this month that I'm not even sure I ovulation completely at all, I thought all signs were done because my cm went sticky but then my cervix was high (today) & there was more (just a bit) ewcm this morning & it was shortly after I had another one of those pains...they're getting less & less, the worst was the day I *think* I O'd. Nothing terrible, just the kind that make you stop & cuss a couple of times, nothing crippling.

I can say that my mojo has left the building! That's typical after "o" so I take that as a sign. Not much left to do but wait, only time will tell

Later ladies..

Me: almost 42 (May) DH: 42 DD: soon to be 3 (also May!) Honeymoon baby conceived at 38, born at 39 08/11 mc 9.5 weeks. Lost heartbeat, growth stopped 7.5 weeks d&c 11weeks 02/12 chemical pg 4 weeks + 4 (surprise pg) 04/12 BFP!! EDD 12/09/12 PLEASE GOD! PRAISE GOD!! My cocktail:prenatal baby aspirin EPO cd1-O B-100 maca, vitex green tea Now: Prometrium 100mg, by mouth, 2x a day

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

airies - oh yes lots of drama on the confessions thread! lol! FX for you!!

AFM - Af is here... she is super light, just minimal spotting right now, but I have cramps and feel like crap. Wish I could spend the day on the couch watching tv in my jammies, but I think I have to go out later. I hope it picks up a bit so I can hurry up and get this over with! As is it's gonna be heavy on Saturday when I am supposed to be going out dancing/drinking.

This cycle I am sticking with the preseed and prenatals (obviously) and maybe the iron - I'll see what my doc says. But I will also be starting up the EPO this cycle! hopefully I get lucky and get pg on the first month of it again! Will be starting that after af until o.


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

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