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Welp, that was quick

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Things had gotten a little odd with Randy the past two weeks or so. One day things were fine and then BAM, he did a 180 and treated me completely different. I decided to overlook it for the most part and figured there was just alot going on with him. Yeah, no.
Saturday we were talking and I mentioned that I wanted to go bowling and asked if he was interested. His truck needed fixed so he said I'd have to drive. I was cool with that. Whatever. So I pick him up and we drive to an alley in had a 2+ hour wait so we went to a hoopie-ass bowling alley in Canton instead and played 2 games. It was fun and things were good. Then he said his friend Jerry just moved back from Montana and wanted to go out but his truck hasn't arrived yet from the move. So we go pick up Jerry and head to a decent bar. We hang out, laugh, and have a great time. Things feel like they're a little more normal between me and Randy. More of Randy's friends showed up and we all had a blast. We decided to move to a bar two doors down (it was a dive). Jerry and I were talking and he was talking about how he had asked Randy who he was with and Randy's answer was "Some girl I'm talking to, she's driving". I look at Jerry and I'm like "really. I'm just 'some girl'. hm". Then I thought maybe Jerry was just paraphrasing and let it go. The rest of their friends left and Randy and I walked back to the first bar and he turns around and goes "where's Jerry?" I'm like "I don't know, go get him". He says "You're the sober one, you go". Okay fine. So I walk back down the street, in the dark, alone, to get Jerry. On our way back, Jerry throws his arm over my shoulder and says "if it doesn't work out with Randy, call me". O_O WHATT?! I'm like "Jerry, I don't think Randy would like that very much." He says "I won't say anything about it again, I'm only going to throw it out there once and you can decide." Oye. We're not at the first bar more than 20 minutes and Randy's ready to go. NOW. We jump in the car and get 2 minutes down the road before Randy's yelling at me to stop the car and proceeds to puke for 10 minutes straight. We finally get back to Jerry's and he's concerned about me finding my way back to my house since I had no idea where I was and my "navigator" was seconds from passing out. I get my GPS ready and Jerry gives me a water for Randy for the road and requests that I text him when we get to my house so he knows we're safe. I have to pull over two more times for Drunky McPukerson and finally start following my GPS home. He opens his eyes at one point and YELLS at me for the route I was taking and I told him off. He passes out (thank GOD) and we get home just fine. I get his sorry ass into bed and tell him that I have to text Jerry from his phone. Here's the gold moment: I open up his text app and he had a convo open...with a girl named Becky...whom he calls "baby" (and she calls him the same). DONE. I text Jerry, see that he wasn't just paraphrasing earlier..Randy really did say "some girl I'm talking to, she's driving", and I plug in Randy's phone and I crash. So the synopsis: He's a mean drunk, I know we weren't official but if I'm loyal to you before it is then I deserve the same treatment, trust has flown out the damn window, he talked to her a HELL of a lot more than he talked to me even though he sleeps in MY FUCKING BED every weekend, and I'm d.o.n.e. I'll never be able to see him on his phone, and not wonder if he's texting a different girl. He wasn't even concerned about me not knowing where I was, and now I basically feel like I was used as DD and a ride. I give 100% and I deserve 100% back, not this 50% bullshit I've apparently been getting. So there ya go folks, another one bites the dust. I think the universe is telling me that I can't date until court is over, and now I'm going to listen. Happy New Years, girls.

17 Comments • 8 years ago



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11 - 17 of 17 Comments

Mmmmmmm, very nice ;)

8 years ago

Oh man! Sad to hear he turned out to be such a creep. You definitely deserve better...someone who will treat you like the awesome person you are! GL :)

8 years ago

Hahaha! You crack me up, Hannah. He's my type, but It seems wrong to even consider it.

Thank you starmama!

8 years ago • Post starter

Ugh, now I wanna see Jerry's pic.

8 years ago

Lmao! You have fb sandy?

8 years ago • Post starter

I do, I do. I'll pm u the deats.

8 years ago

I'm with the other girls, so glad you found this out early but doesn't make it suck even less tho :/ Ha-ha you definitely should start talking to the friend..sounds like he was interested ;)<img src=

8 years ago

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