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It seems I will be saying goodbye to you...

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It kills me to have to do this but for my own well being, it must be done.
Over the weekend my life, my world, basically went to shit. My husband came home from his dad's house on Friday night, around midnight and said we needed to talk. Cue the waterworks...that phrase is never good. He ticked off a list of things he's been keeping bottled up: Living at my dad's/my not-so-secure job (we've been looking for a house/apartment that we could afford easily and I've been applying for anything I could find), debt, TTC, and the issues between his family and me. Finally it all culminated in: he's not happy and he's been lying to me about it for YEARS to "keep me happy". I can honestly say, fine, I agree with getting out from under my dad's roof, I DO need a more secure job, we DO need to make more of an effort to pay off any debt we have...but what I have an issue with is that the things with his mom's side of the family have been better. The only real issue is his dad's fiance but FINE I can work on that. This is my marriage, I'll do what needs done to make it work. What I can't understand is the lying for years. How can I fix anything when I don't know how broken it is?! I thought we were happy. He only told me he wanted to TTC because he wanted to KEEP ME HAPPY?! That is NOT a game you play with someone. He doesn't know what he wants, that much is clear. Over the course of the weekend, I finally couldn't take the "indifference" towards me any longer and asked him yesterday morning, "Do you truly want me to fight for this marriage, or do you want out? Because my gut is telling me you're already gone." He really couldn't give me an answer...which is an answer all in itself. He told me he thought it was best to go stay at his dad's house for now, that we should take some time apart and I just told him to do what he needed to do. I told him I loved him and I left. I couldn't watch him walk out the door. It seems to me that he's looking for an excuse to leave and if he wants that, fine. But to protect myself, if he decides he wants to try and make it work, I'm demanding we see a marriage counselor. He's placed all of this on me and only me but he isn't perfect either so if he expects this to work, we'll need help. If he's not willing to seek help with me then I will be the one to walk away. I need to worry about ME.
Where I am now: We're separated, I'm actually dealing okay since I've had a few people to talk to over the weekend about everything and I'm reluctantly but honestly starting to see that this is a blessing in disguise. I don't want to see my marriage fall apart, but how can I trust his word in the future. Will this happen again in 5 years, AFTER kids have entered the picture? I know that I can't do the yo-yo thing, either this is when we fix it and things change, or we cut our losses and walk away. So while he's taking this time to figure out what he wants, so am I. I don't deserve to be in the dark like this. I don't deserve to have these games played with me and my heart. While it kills me, KILLS me to say this, I'm praying this cycle is a dud. I don't know how I would be able to handle that at this point. Things are easy right now, if we decide to divorce: split up our things and sign the papers. I don't know how it would work if I end up pregnant NOW of all times.
I really hate to leave you ladies but at this point, it's way too hard to be here and think about how much my life will be likely changing from the course I thought we were on.
I'll leave you girls with my e-mail address if you'd like to keep in touch. I know I'd enjoy it. I truly hope you ladies find everything you dream of in your lives. Each of you deserves to hold the world in the palm of your hand and you will all be amazing mothers.
Alycia (

25 Comments • 8 years ago



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11 - 20 of 25 Comments | Last Page

Prayers for your marriage, hope everything works out. Glad u got to vent on here. Ur not alone. Stay strong and take things one day at a time. Much love my sister!

After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

8 years ago

I'm so sorry you're going through this. Take this time to yourself and enjoy life and what it has to offer. You will be missed :(.

Colton "Casually" TTC #2 Go Bills!

8 years ago

Thank you, ladies for your wonderful support. <3

8 years ago • Post starter

I'm so sorry to hear this xxx Stay strong xx

User image

8 years ago

Im so sorry u have to go through this. I will definitely save ur email addy and hit u up.
Huge hugz! Take care of urself!!

8 years ago

So so sorry to hear this leesh sending big hugs too you xx

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

8 years ago

I'll miss your posts. Big hugs and wishing you all the best :-)

8 years ago

I know exactly how you feel hun. Honest I do. Two years ago, the day after new years, I caught my husband texting an old co-worker, telling her how his marriage had no fireworks. He commented on how skinny her frame is, and was just overall flirting with her. I was devastated. I even texted the girl back, and she just told me she wasn't the bad guy. He and I fought long and hard, and I was on my way out, because he wouldn't go to counseling with me, and said he didn't know if he wanted a divorce or not. I was sideswiped by all of this because our marriage was really good, at least I thought. We rarely fought, and were having sex at least 3 times a week, and it was hot sex. But he tells this woman (who was super pretty, which makes it worse) that our marriage had no fireworks! LYING AHOLE. He said he wanted to try and make it work after this fight, but still wouldn't go talk to anyone. A year later, like a light switch, he completely changed, and a year after that, we're having a baby!

8 years ago

So don't give up hun. Men are stupid. Sometimes they need a reality check, and sometimes they need a mass of people to pray for God to take the blinders off of his eyes, so he will see how good what he has is. I really believe it was the prayers of so many others combined with mine is what worked this miracle. Thinking of you XOXO

8 years ago

So very sorry you are going through all this Leesh. Maybe a little time apart will help him come to his senses and go with you for some counselling. However it turns out I hope you have oodles of happiness in your life, I will miss you on her sweetie xxx

8 years ago

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