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*UPDATE* Spotting has started today. Not holding onto too much hope at this point. I'm going to hazard a guess that AF will be here in a day or two.

Nothing exceptional going on here. I went to spend time with family yesterday for my twin cousins' birthday party. It was a ball. I love those girls something fierce. We spent the majority of the day cuddling and having girl talk. They are the most mature, level headed 14 year olds ever! I enjoyed them harping on my brother about getting a girlfriend. My favorite was: "When is Nick going to get married? He needs to get on that or all the good girls will be married already!" Oye. God love 'em. I look forward to the day that they can babysit for me...they will be great role models for my future daughter(s).

As far as me, I had a temp dip yesterday and back up again today. Not reading into it. The most annoying thing I have going on is my boobs. They hurt so damn bad. Not just the nips, the whole damn thing. It's uncomfortable to wear a bra and it's uncomfortable to go without. Nip pain is normal for me pre-AF but not whole boob pain so I will catalog that.

I will probably test a week from today, should AF not show before then. That'll be 14dpo so it should be a good time to test. I'm not holding my breath or reading into the little things right now. I'm only counting the "punching bag boobs" because it's so pronounced and has been constant for a few days now. As far as Dakota's suggestion for the awesome boob pads, I've ordered them since our Walmart is stupid and never carries what I need, when I need it. Hopefully they get here soon!

I'm hoping y'all had a great weekend. I'm sorry to the ladies that got visited by the witch :( On to a new cycle! I've got my fingers crossed for y'all! For those of you in the TWW, I'm curious, when are y'all testing?! Let's start a new BFP trend!! Hugs! <3

13 Comments • 8 years ago



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11 - 13 of 13 Comments

Go away spotting!!! I need my cycle buddy with me!

8 years ago

Hey girl! Just checking in. Sorry to hear you're spotting. Hopefully AF will stay away. I was pretty much out before I began this month, so I'm expecting AF tomorrow or Friday. I'm not 100% sure because I didn't temp while we were gone, but if I'm going by OPK's, that should be correct. I'm still keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you. Hope your boob issues get better soon. I know that's the worst.

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8 years ago

Well, I may have jumped the gun. Spotting only lasted a few hours (2 potty breaks) and hasn't returned. I did have a minor temp drop today but my mood shifted from anger yesterday to feeling "normal" (emotionally) today.

Sonata: Not getting my hopes up but maybe.

Lib: Great picture girl!! I'm still with ya, sweets!

Renee: WELCOME BACK!!! I missed your pretty face! The boob pain has been on and off since yesterday. One minute I feel like they're gonna fall off, the next they feel normal, no pain or tenderness.

8 years ago • Post starter

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