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June 1st, CD1!

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I love when my cycle starts on the first of a month, I never know what CD I'm on unless I look at my damn chart. Everything is based on "day 3 of soy", "day 2 of tam", "4 days before O", "7dpo"...I can never remember the actual cycle day and it drives me nuts! Now I get a two'fer...I get my CD AND the calendar date lol...yeah, cuz that'll help!! Lol!

So this is a medicated cycle...shocker, eh?! I took my Iso's and EPO this morning and will start Tam tomorrow and switch my Iso's to a bedtime dose. I'm gonna have so much ewcm I'm gonna need a diaper. Lol, watch, cuz I said that, it's gonna be like bangin' dead tree trunk hahaha! I'm going all in tho! Hubs leaves Idk when, so I'm hittin' this shit HARD!!

The inlaws came Saturday...dark clouds were hovering over (and in) my house allll fucking day! MIL brought me a hanging basket...petunia's. U girls know me fairly well, do I come off as a petunia kinda gal? Ugh! Now I have this big fugly basket that I gotta figure out where to put (haha, I'm lettin' that shit DIE!). MIL walked in and ran to Braelyn. Twit gets down on the floor in front of her and starts her baby babble while Braelyn is clearly watching Shrek. Braelyn keeps moving her head to look around MIL and MIL keeps moving with her. So Braelyn starts to crawl around her and gets swooped up by the smokey stink and kissed non-stop. She was not impressed! MIL is so forceful with her advances and it bugs me! I sat on the couch staring at my phone to avoid giving dirty looks and rolling my eyes. It's always a boring visit. They never have anything to say, neither do we. They talk shit about people (MIL does more than FIL) and it's annoying. Idk some of these people and I'm sure they wouldnt appreciate u airing their lives out in our livingroom. One guy apparently doesnt care what he looks like...this coming from a woman who wears a fucking moomoo and randomly dyes her hair purple...she's in her 60's and not trendy, so she looks like a fool, not a "cool grandma".
Then it moved on to hubs' brother. He's schizo and yet again has stopped taking his meds. Big shock there! They started on my husband about how he should call him and talk to him. Di-fucking-saster waiting to happen! They put this on him every time this happens, it stresses him out, its a silent one-sided phone call that ends in his brother freaking out or rambling about incomprehensible things. Then come the nasty emails. Its fucking ridonculous! He's a grown man! Yes, I'm sorry he's sick, but that is not our problem OR responsibility. I have no pity for someone who gets "better" and knowingly stops the meds that keep them in touch with reality. He's not allowed here, btw. He has a history of violence with family and coworkers/bosses, there's not a hope in hell he'll step foot in this house and harm my kids becuz they squeak at the wrong time and it sets him fucking way!!! The whole family is fucked! I should tell the "homophobe" story from Christmas's a fun one! Ugh! Hubs has 2 bro's and neither are allowed here lol! That family is full of drama, I fucking hate it!! My sisters are drama queens, and I dropped them the second my Mom died in ''s been so much more peaceful w/o them.

Anywayyys, not the most exciting update, sorry.

Best of luck, ladies! I hear June is a kickass month to make some bebe's!

Let's do this shit!! =))

29 Comments • 9 years ago



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we are cycle buddies :) I got the lovely visit today too<img src=

9 years ago

Lol, Gem...moomoo's are definitely sexy, huh?! Hahaha!

Thanks, Star! Best of luck to u too! =))

Kandi, I toned it down too, u should see the F-bombs pre-edit! I will never be writing children's books, that's fo'sho!

Sorry the witch got u too, pregnancyaddict. We'll get catch the egg this time!! =))

9 years ago • Post starter

Some MILs just being out the dark side. You and I should send our MILs on a couples retreat...Survival of the Fittest. They can drive each other crazy. ;-)

9 years ago

Idk that that would work tho, crazies don't know they're crazy, so they'd probably just swap stories and tips on how to make US leave. Besides, all the places I'd like to send my MIL, a vacay with urs would not be it. Where I'd send her, she wouldnt be returning lol! ;D

9 years ago • Post starter

Can I get in on this "sending away of the MILs"?! I kinda have more than one...more like 3. I'd love a break from the endless list of responsibilities that aren't our responsibility. *Claps hands and jumps up and down, hopeful*

OH, maybe kid's books are out of the questions but maybe someday we could write a "MILs from Hell" Anthology with all of our multiple stories?! I'm sure we could make BOAT LOADS of cash-ola! ;)

9 years ago

So....I'm so glad that your cycle started on the first day of the month!! Yay, that is very exciting, and I can totally relate.

I'm not going to comment on the MIL story because we had a family reunion for my husband's side this weekend, and I might make this site crash if I started my rant. My MIL is a dear (she's a little quirky, but a very nice lady), but HER mother is a whole different story. Let's just say DH and I will not be seeing her again.

Anyways, all that's behind us now and we can move on to our new cycles, and the imminent BFP's this month! Good luck!!! Sounds like you've got yourself covered lol.

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9 years ago

Lol! I'm sure if enough of us get together, we can form a fool-proof plan! I was telling Adiggs about "Strangers on a Train" not too long ago, lol...just sayin'! ;D

Omg, RPope, we're all very jealous of ur MIL! They're very few and far between. The GMIL doesn't sound too nice tho...please, do tell! Lol!

9 years ago • Post starter

If you figure out a good way to solve the MIL problem... please let me know. Good luck this month, Dakota!

9 years ago

Must say first journal entry that I have read and loved! You seem real as shit! Haha.. Good luck to you.. I started my cycle one day before you so cycles are pretty close!!!

9 years ago

3 MILs??? Omg! That's so mean.

9 years ago

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