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June/July IVF buddies?

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Anyone starting IVF soon or starting IVF again? This is my first cycle trying it and am looking for others to chat with during the process whether you are a first timer like me or you could practically get an honorary doctorate in reproductive endocrinology because you know so much :-)

197 Replies • 11 years ago



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Welcome to the group robn! It's definitely not a group you ever want to join, or think you have to join, but the support is so nice to have.

I haven't been on in a while so it's nice to see some updates. mnor - I hope your transfer went well! Keep us posted.

robn - it sounds like you've had a tough road and I know your husband being in the military makes it that much harder. IVF seems do overwhelming in the beginning but you get the hang of it pretty quickly. The expense is crazy, but I agree with mnor that you have to look at ALL your options and the programs that go along with it. I used ARC (which is an option my clinic offered that is a separate company with package options). I chose the 2PLUS program, which is 2 fresh and 2 frozen transfers for $18K. Unfortunately we quickly learned that frozen might not be an option for me because I have very low egg production and probably will not have the chance to freeze. I'm crossing my fingers for a miracle and hope to get at least 5 to 10 eggs for my next cycle in June! Most clinics are also very helpful in coming up with payment plans if you need it. Keep in mine those numbers do not include your meds and I really encourage you to get quotes from multiple RX companies!! Some your insurance will cover, some will not and some will be out of network vs. in. This past time I went from $5,500 for the first quote and got my costs all the way down to $1,100 by the time I found the best one.

I know it must be tough you are moving too!! ... and the fact there are so many unknowns. I would say to look at the positives. It's always good to have a second opinion and it sounds like you will most likely have to switch doctors. If you happen to end up in GA I'd be happy to help in that area :) Also, with the move hopefully it will keep your mind off IVF somewhat (even when you are going through it) and you can focus on other things. One of the toughest part for me when cycling (whether IUI or IVF) was keeping busy! Keep us posted and yes, definitely let us know if you have any questions. I'm fairly new to the process as well (3 IUI's and one cancelled IVF converted to IUI), but am happy to try and help!

10 years ago

@thewaitinggame ..Thank you very much! Yes moving will definitely help. My husband just left yesterday to go to California to train for 2 months, then we will have 30 days to move when he gets back, so I'm going to be very busy. I'm very nervous about everything. I'm just praying God leads me down the right path because I honestly have lots of reservations about IVF. I will cross that bridge one we get moved I guess. What part of Ga are you from? I am from Rossville area which is right on Chattanooga TN border. We are trying to go to TN but we really don't get that much of a say so lol. Thank you guys for the warm welcome. I will be going in May for my second hsg test to see if this cyst is in fact blocking my entire left tube, then I will discuss my options with my fertility specialist.I. I will keep you all updated. Good luck in your upcoming IVF!!

10 years ago

Hi, I'm back in the TTC with IVF game and looking forward to the multi-dose drug regimen anytime AF decides to pay me a visit. Baby dust to us all!

10 years ago

So how is everyone doing? Although I don't post on here very often I check in once in a while to see how everyone else is doing.

We haven't tried anything since our failed ivf in September, however have just decided to have my husbands sperm tested again just in case something has changed since his first one that was done 7 years ago. I doubt anything has changed but still keeping my fingers crossed.

We are still in the process of adopting but really hope we can still try to have another child of our own. If it weren't for money we would be continuing to try.

I hope everyone is doing well and that I will read about a few pregnancies this summer.

10 years ago

Hi lilangel and everyone!

lilangel - Thanks for checking in! Glad to hear your are still working on the adoption process. I sure hope you are blessed with a miracle somewhere along the way though! So glad you already have your one though :)

I'm on CD 4 of my second IVF cycle now (if you can call it that, since the first was cancelled). I'm doing a lupron flare protocol this time so hopefully the results are better and I will produce more than 3 eggs!! AFC was only 8, but they didn't seem too concerned. I added Repronex this time and I hate it!! I'm having redness and swelling at the injection site and it's leaving a bruise :( Hopefully it will be worth it though! I'm already feel a little bloated and I'm taking that as a good sign in hopes I have some growing follicles down there! My next appt. will be Monday (and then every day from there until retrieval). At that stage last time I only had 2 measurable follicles (10mm+) so I'm shooting for at least 3 this time even though it will be early!

Robntiff - I don't think I ever answered your question... I'm in Alpharetta, GA and I go to RBA. I tried GRS at first (and for all of my IUI's) but I like RBA much better.

10 years ago

hey is your ivf cycle going? I never tried any of the medications that you are using. I hope they are giving you better results.

10 years ago

Hey lilangel - things are going about as well as I expected! Any changes with you?

I had my retrieval yesterday and out of 5 follicles they retrieved 3 eggs. However, I just got a call about an hour ago and they stated they actually only got 2, however, both of those fertilized with ICSI, so we have two embryos!! I would've loved more (especially so I could freeze one) but I'm satisfied with that. They are thinking we will have a 3 day transfer on Monday. I'm really hoping they both make it!!! I will most likely transfer both.

In anyone's past experience, how many fertilized embryos made it to day 3?

10 years ago

hi thewaitinggame...nothing new with me...we have an appt with our doctor on June 30th to get results of my husbands sperm analysis. He hasn't had one done in about 7 years so we are really hoping something has changed, if not I'm hoping our doctor will let us know what we should do next if anything. We are soo fortunate to have 1 daughter through IUI, and we are on the adoption waiting list. We are hoping to adopt a child and have one more of our own. I'm almost wanting to go back and try IUI again.

I hope everything is going well with your little embryos, and that you will be going for your transfer tomorrow. Good luck.

10 years ago

Well... we transferred 2, high grade embryo's this morning! They called early this AM and actually wanted to push for a day 5 transfer, but once learning I planned to transfer both anyway, we stuck with today. As of yesterday we had a 4 cell and 6 cell and the embryologist said he checked again this morning and one had already grown into a 8 cell, which he said is great.

lilangel - IUI is worth a shot if it's worked for you before... definitely! It's so great you are open to adoption too. DH and I have discussed that we would definitely be open to adoption the second time around. We would just love to have one of our own first.

Onto the TWW! It's going to be a long one.

10 years ago

thewaitinggame - sounds like everything is going well, I hope you are starting to feel symptoms, ...when do you get to test?

10 years ago

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