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BYOB: Hoping for a New Years Baby!! *2012*

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Hi ladies!

Well I jumped the gun AGAIN and started a new thread! So lets kick it off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I'm 27 (almost 28), dh is 28 we've been together 9yrs and married 2 or those
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
But we have escentially been ttc #1 for a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently 4dpo & am insisting that this WILL be my month
I have used OPK's for the last 5 cycles
Last cycle I started to chart my bbt
& this cycle I started chartting cm & cp
(as well as pressuring my ovaries to O & singing "just keep swimming, just keep swimming to dh's sperm after bd!! LoL!)

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

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280 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Keico - I hope they're some stong swimmers so they can hold out till O-day and you can get your bfp this cycle!!

Katie - Happy O-Day!! we ALL get out bfp's this cycle!!

Lisa - Hope you got some rest and are feeling better! Tangeled is adorable by the way!!

As for me, I wasnt all that tempted to poas this am so i didnt.... I think i would prefer to wait till dh is at work anyway and he is off today for Easter Monday.
My temp was exactly the same this am as it was yesterday, so yay for no temp drop!! I am still so worried it's going to start falling and af will show...
And i have decided I am going to TRY and wait out af rather than testing... so hopefully I will be testing May 1st... thats a weekend though, and like I said I prefer to test when dh isnt here so maybe I will test on Friday... well see. ing for a !!

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13 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning,
um im pretty sure no one remembers me since I have not posted in ages. I really miss all you guys. Although I have tried to keep up its been very hard. between school and pregnancy I am stretched out .

any who I graduate in two weeks and I cant wait. well first I have to get through these four test. it has become so hard to study and stay focus when all I want to do is sleep and eat. followed by hanging over the toilet.

well i am now 16 weeks pregnant and my all day sickness is showing no sign of going away, actually its getting worse and so are my headaches. and my uterus and baby was pressing on my kidney and sciatic nerve for a whole week and the doctor said there was nothing they could do about it. It hurt with every breath I took every move I made and I couldnt lay down I had to sit up and sleep. the only thing the Doctor said might would help is if I got prenantal massages and used warm and cold compresses. well Im better today.

So of course that sistuation freaked me out because it felt like someone was ripping my kidney out my back. but the doctor said some women experience that early on in pregnancy while some dont have that problem until later. She said it really depends on your shape and physical build and were your little one decides to rest.

I went to my last orthopedic surgeon appt before the baby comes, and my knee is showing little sign of healing, how wonderful, so of course crutches for the remainder of the pregnancy, which means the further along I get ill either be in bed most of the time or in a wheel chair, because my knee is starting to give out more. so after the little one arrives I will start going back to the doctor and hopefully get all fixed up.

so enough about me how is everyone doing? and welcome to all the new ladies, although since I havent been around Im pretty new to you guys also.

well hope to chat with you guys soon.

13 years ago

Tink- Hey! Nice to see you again! Sorry to hear about your bad knee! Hopefully it isn't too bad during the rest of your pregnancy. on your tests!

Joy - ! I hope you can make it to AF's due date...I know I won't be able to!!

AFM, I am 2DPO and I have sensitive has nothing to do with being pg I'm sure, but I had the same thing happen before my m/c, so hopefully it's a good sign!!

, and to all!


User Image and and to all!

13 years ago

Hi ladies! I hope you all had a great day for Easter..... we took our dog to an easter egg dog hunt hosted by our city here on Sat.! We had a lot of fun!
And of course I am thrilled dh is back home and we have been enjoying getting back into our routine together again!


I am so happy for you!! Did you do anything different this month? Or do you feel anything was different that helped you get your bfp?

Tink: It is good to hear from you again! I am sorry you are having some difficulties though! I have had feet surgery on both my feet and I have three screws in each.... so I know what it is like to be in pain with every step..... I hope it gets better soon and take it easy while you are preg. let yourself rest!

Ladies I am already starting to obsess this month! I am already feeling the stress about what I can do about getting a bfp..... I am anxious about it already... I just want to get pregnant so badly...... this fri is hsg and then I will be at O week next week so I will be anxiously waiting for that to come quickly!

13 years ago

I just stopped by the store to pick up some softcups......SOFT MY ASS! Those rings are not as rubbery as I thought they would be....ugh....gonna try 'em out today/tonight to see what they feel like. My OPK's are getting darker today but not as dark as test line so I don't think its a positive just yet......

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago

They are not bad Justus...I promise. They look more intimidating than anything else..but they are a breeze.


13 years ago

ok Kyleighsmommma! Thanks for the encouragement!!

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago

hahaha! I totally just spelled my name wrong! IDIOT!


JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Hope you don't mind me joining as well, even if the thread started over a week ago. Im Susy, 34 and dp 32. I live in The Netherlands, Europe and ttc1.

I had a mc in November of 2010 and since the beginning of this year we're trying again. Hopefully month is a positive one :)

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13 years ago

hello Susy00! Welcome! You're gonna love this group of ladies. They are full of knowledge and good stories. I have definitely learned tons from them.

So, Katie, you were right!!!!!!! Don't even feel it! "slipped" right in! (sorry about the pun)

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago

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