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BYOB: We Want Some Chirstmas Babies!!

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Hi ladies!

Well, it's that time again! Lets kick things off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I am 28, and dh is 29
we've been together almost 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom

I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby

I got a BFP on June 30th 2011
Had a missed m/c on Aug 18th 2011
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")

I am Finally back to TTC and am currently on cd12
Right now I am taking my prenatal vitamin, my iron suppliment (which I plan on stopping), I chart my bbt, use opks, and take EPO from cd8-Ovulation.

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Hope everyone had a great Monday!!!

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266 Replies • 12 years ago



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Happy Patty's Day ladies!

Elle: I'm sorry about the bfn, but it's still early! xf for you!

Morgan: I know that cm can happen throughout the cycle, but it is true that a lot of women, including myself experienced an increase before the bfp. Hopefully that's the case for you!!!

Caren: that's awesome that dh's is so interested in all the details of ttc and wanting to be so involved. My dh is definitely NOT like that! He rolls his eyes at me all the time. But I'm like whatev. You want a baby right?! So deal with it Mr! hahaha!

Snow: glad af is on her way out. And welcome to the oh so boring wait to O phase! Hopefully it goes by fast and you get to bding soon!

Joy: glad you had a fun day! Honestly my bosses are both evil and awesome. It really depends on the day. They are a married couple and have horrible screaming cussing fights all the time. And often she'll take it out on us ladies. When I finally left there after working full time, it was the best feeling ever! Its been over a year and a lot has changed since I've come back. They get along a lot better and things are running alot smoother. So its not as bad now. Plus it's only one day a week. Although, apparently I missed a huge fight the other day. The FDA was there doing and inspection during it and the girls said that they looked super freaked out. They don't even bother to hide it! But no matter how bad it is, they have these random days where they will just spoil us and be really fun. You really never know what to expect?!

Well, I though we were being lame tonight and staying in for Patty's day, but our friends just invited us over for dinner and drinks. My friends dh is a fabulous cook. I so wish my man could could like him! I'll still keep him though

Good night!


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12 years ago

arrived last night and is in full flow this morning - boo but I had a feeling she was on the way haha

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Elle - Boo to the evil witch So sorry she came!

Nicole - Yikes, sounds like an interesting work place! LoL! I guess they keep you on your toes... never know what your gonna get! Glad you ended up having a nice St. Patricks day with your friends!

Jil - Glad you had a nice day with your df!

AFM - I have another fun day planned today, My good friend that I have know since grade 1 is coming over later this morning, were gonna play some Mario Party, then go out and do a little shopping and maybe even go for lunch. Should be fun! Then I want to get outside and finish up some yard work while it is still beautiful out (supposed to get a little cooler on Tues) Were getting up to +31c apparently today! Then I plan on snuggling with dh on the couch all night.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Hope we get some bfps in the next week or so! There have been was to many appearances by that evil !!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

I have been to the pits of AF hell and I am back. She's almost gone. I can't wait to see the specialist because the pressure I get on my ovaries during AF is getting worse. I feel it all the way up my stomach and I have painful BMs (sorry, TMI) because of it. I assume it's because of the cysts. I'm considering going to a correctologist (like a chiropractor except he plays with your feet and the energy of your body, he doesn't crack your back) to get things working properly.

Sorry to those who are in the pits of AF hell. Hang in there!

to those in the TWW!

Back to work tomorrow ewwwwww! March Break is over!

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12 years ago

Cris - Yay for af packing her bags! When do you see the specialist? I cant believe you guys are done spring break already... ours hasnt even started yet! lol!

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12 years ago • Post starter

joy- where do you live that its +31c out? that's beautiful!

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12 years ago

Good morning everybody! Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!

Joy- I am not sure about my O date. What I reported on here is the average day, but I do think I ovulated later than that. So honestly I'm not exactly sure how many dpo I am right now.

aromatherapy- no news? you and me both keep getting these positive opks...

AFM negatives again this morning Starting to think it might not be my month. can come anytime between today and Thursday. All I'm holding on to is that with my last bfp I dint get it until day AF was due


12 years ago

morning guys. i don't feel right today, i cannot put my finger on it but i just feel yucky. im really bloated and a little nauceaus because of the bloating, my uterus was tender last night, and i can't poop. i have ibs and when i have days like this it means the ibs will hit full force either today or tomorrw,which means severe stomach cramps for about 3-4 hrs with nausea and possible vomiting, and i keep having kinda sharp pain on my left side where the ovary is.. im gonna try and lay low today for fear of gong out and ibs attacks, it kinda rules what i do in life cuz i like to be in the comfort of y own bathroom if you get what i mean.. i think af will be here by the end of the week the way im feelng but wil keep you all updated.

12 years ago

Ok well its official Im out, AF showed up today.

12 years ago

ok maybe tmi/gross but do any of you get clots when you have af?
I know blood clots are normal but I'm talking like ... well it's like fleshy lumps
Sorry if any of you were eating then, I don't know if this is normal. I swear my periods used to just be blood.

Sorry again but I am just curious

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12 years ago

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