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BYOB: Hoping for some summer bfps!

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Hi ladies!!

Lets start things off as usual.... with an introduction/update!

My name is Joy
DH and I are both 29
we've been together just over 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom

I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby

I got a BFP on June 30th 2011
Had a missed m/c on Aug 18th 2011
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")

I Finally got back to TTC in Jan/Feb 2012 and on March 21st I got my BFP!
I am currently 14 weeks 3 days pregnant!
My first ob/gyn apt was Wed April 4th 2012
He put me on progestrone and asked to see me in 2 weeks
My next apts were April 19th 2012 & May 3rd
At our May 3rd apt (at 9 weeks5 days) we heard the best sound ever - our little one's heartbeat!!
We went for our 1st non-diagnostic u/s on May 15th and saw our little ones heartbeat & he or she was VERY active!
Had another dr apt on May 22nd and heard the heartbeat again!
Next apt is June 21st... my diagnostic u/s is July 13th
We will be going for a non-diagnostic u/s around the end of June/Beginning of July so dh can see our little peanut before he leaves on his trip.
My due date is Dec 1st 2012!

This is truly an amazing group of ladies & I really hope our string of luck (& bfps) continues!! ladies!


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296 Replies • 12 years ago



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Expecting... SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

I am a bit discouraged today, I took another test doesn't show the faint line that yesterdays did??? Why would that be? A lady in another chat download it to her paint program and said she could see something but I can't. ?????????

11 years ago

Hey Everyone!! Just popping in quick!

Joy, Congrats on team blue! So happy for you!

My puppers is doing amazingly! They said 10-12 weeks recovery time. She's practically walking now and it's been a week today since it happened! To be honest, we stopped giving her the pain meds Monday and Tuesday is when she really started making improvements. I think the pain meds just kept her sedated so she didn't feel like trying much. But The hubs and I are about to head out the pool out back to finish this 92* day!

Me: Alicia (29) ~ DH: Patrick (29) TTC #1 Since August 2009 with PCOS 1st & 2nd (March & May 2012) IUI Cycles w/ Clomid = BFN's 6/24/12 - 3rd IUI cycle w/ Gonal-F and Lupron. IUI on 7/9. TWINS! Born 2/11/13 Back on the NTNP train as of September 2013 hoping for a boy someday!

11 years ago

Greetings from Phuket! Internet is slow so will keep this brief, just that af showed so onto ivf for us

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

11 years ago

Oh and vet sick too! Just spent all afternoon either on the toilet or on my knees in front of it!!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

11 years ago

Hey girls,

Just popping in real quick! Today is 12dpo, and CD 29. If I wasnt keeping track of my ovulation, I would be excited right now. My cycles are always 26-27 days. So technically im 2 days late. However, I O'd late this month, so I am refraining from testing until 14 dpo. 2 more days! I am still having brief random AF type cramps, so Im not holding my breath, but we'll see.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you ladies as well! Come on .


11 years ago

Bumble-yay your puppy is getting better. Krunchie-good luck with ivf sorry you're sick. Armywife- exciting. afm- stupid storms here have killed my internet and phone line so I am having to use my mobile for gmtdtmdtwamd it sucks. I am on day 43 so I am now officially late! And storm prevents me getting to the shop for tests.

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

hi ladies!

Sorry it's been a while, life has been a little hectic lately! Dh left yesterday am for a month with work. Prior to that we were packing and just spending time together and since he left I have just been keeping busy. Hoping to get some spring cleaning done while he is away!

Thanks for all the congrats! We are so happy! Tho I am irriated with some of my friends and family who seemed dissappointed by the news... one aunt even had the gull to say.. "bet your dissapointed" NO! How can anyone even say that?? I said from day 1 I couldnt decide if I wanted a boy or a girl, all I cared was that baby was healthy! Grr... some people are so rude!


Amber - for you! Can't wait to hear!

Katie - So sorry the evil witch showed up Hope you're feeling better soon!

Bumble - Yay so happy to hear your pup is doing so well!!

Alisha - Hope it turns out to be a bfp!!

Elle - Got my for you sweetie!! Hope you get some answers soon!!

Just1more - Ugh, so frustrating! Hope you get some news about your Dad soon!

Hope everyone else is doing great!
xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! Happy weekend!

Joy, CONGRATS ON TEAM BLUE!!!!! I'm sooo excited! I was smiling a lot when I read that! do you have any names picked out? I'm sorry that your family is saying negative things like that to you! Just ignore it!

Elle, hope the storms are dying down and you get back to your power and everything soon!

Amber, we've been chatting lots thanks for being my 'pen pal' during all this! We can do it!

Krunchie, hope you're feeling better!

Bumble! I'm so happy pup is doing well! Hoping she continues to get better fast. Keep us updated

Sabrina, sorry the info on your dad isn't coming through with ease. Hoping he's feeling good and everyone is in great spirits!

to all!

AFM, I am 9DPO today, AF due Monday! I'll tell you what, these bbs are SORE! I tightened my bra straps so they won't wiggle EVER haha. Having some bloating and some odd cramping that feels more like burning than AF cramps. Noticed some CM today which I'm normally bone dry by now in the cycle. Who knows though, trying not to read to much into it! DH and I are planning a canoeing trip with some friends tomorrow. It's in the upper 70's here in Seattle and low to mid 60's at night - not too shabby! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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11 years ago

Hi ladies! Well still no internet or period for me . I still haven't tested Really don't think this is it. I don't feel different all I have is a late period for and after going 9 weeks 4 days without one last year I know its demurely possible my body is just being weird again. And over the last year3 years I havoc gotten really sick of seeing bfns. i take foliage acid aye don't feel drink anyway so even if I was pregnant I would not be doing any harm by not knowing. I do feel quite silly having a sudden phobia of poas but I cant help how I feel. I am just going to wait it out a bit longer. I am sorry about how crazy this post is I am still trying to figure out my new phone ha ha

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Elle - Glad to hear af has still stayed away! Keeping my for you! I totally understand your poas phobia though! There comes a point where you really just cant stand to see another bfn! Like you said, if you are preggo you arent doing anything you shouldnt be anyway, so no harm done!

abc123 - Thanks hun! We're soooo excited. I am going through baby names today trying to narrow the list a little... pretty sure we should have a name within the week - I will be hitting the halfway mark next Sat so I want my little boy to have a name by then! lol! Hope af stays away hun!

AFM - Planning a trip to the states at the end of the month with my Mom and Grandparents. Can't really afford it, but they dont seem to wanna take no for an answer! lol should be fun. Also need to get on planning my bff's wedding shower & getting our dresses, they were supposed to be in this week... still havent hear anything about them yet. So irritating! (The wedding is in 6 weeks)

Not doing much of anything today, just some online stuff, trying to decide on a name for my little boy, and then doing housework. Fun! lol

Hope you're all having a great weekend!
xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

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