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Confessions of the TTC woman....

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Hi all!

Well a long time ago there was a thread started by a good friend of mine (who went on to have her adorable baby last weekend) called "confessions of an infertile woman". It was a place for all of us to share our negitive feelings and vent our pain about ttc. It was a great place and a safe place for negitivity (as we didnt want to air our negitive thoughts amoung the positive threads) And I am feeling like it needs to come back!!

So here are some of my confessions:

- I dont wanna hear about "GOD"... I understand that some people are religious, and I am good with that, and if someone says "I'm praying for you" I take it as a compliment. BUT when people tell me that my 2 horrible m/c's were GOD's will and that I will get pg when GOD thinks I am ready, etc etc.... that just pisses me off!! It doesnt help anything to tell me this... it just makes me mad and sad that you think GOD doesnt approve of me being a parent.

- I think it is completely unfair that my 18 yr old cousin, my 21 year old friend, and the druggie I went to high school with can all get pg, but somehow someone like me who eats right, doesnt smoke or drink can't seem to stay pregnant.

- It pissed me off to see pregnant women at the mall or out at a club drinking and/or smoking.. same goes for the mom's smoking with their baby in their hands.

Those are my confessions for the day... I hope you ladies will join me in airing our negitive thoughs in a healthy way.


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285 Replies • 12 years ago



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you know what, why should we snk to this chicks level guys, obviously she is looking to stir some shit otherwise she wouldn't have sent the pm to some of you. i unfortunatly did not get a message from this girl,but i was thinking last night why provoke her,we pity her as of the way she is acting,so whats the point. im 35 and just not up for drama,and neither are you girls, we got better things to do right. so i would say report the pms to the admin. and let her deal with it thats her job,and if she keeps up she will be the one getting kicked off not us..

afm i just ordered 100 opk strips off of ebay,should be here by friday. i bought a kit yesterday too and i have peed in 2 so far with not even a hint of a line on them.. i figured i will buy 100 of them and that way for the next 3 months i can pee on one everyday and maybe catch my first ovulation right out of the gate and get down to business. i still only have a 10% chance of getting pg on my own but i am not ready to give up yet.. im hoping by some dam miricle that i can walk into my f.s. app. in april and say im pregnant... bahahahahahaha ya right

12 years ago

You guys are sooooo funny!

I have to tell you that I personally am tired of ALWAYS being the bigger person. I have a severe problem with everyone else being able to act like assholes and not having to take responsibility for their behaviors. i want to be able to act like an asshole sometimes too and get away with it. I'm tired of people who over-exaggerate their simple problems (chick #5) and get to behave like idiots without a care in the world when you have us who have been through trauma after trauma and suck it up, don't complain and behave appropriately and responsibly. When do we get to release some of that negative energy? when do we get to whine and cry and complain how life sucks so bad? I think it's our time!

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago

OMG - someone just posted a clearly positive HPT this morning under "unsure" saying this:

"13DPO I think...can't be completely sure!!!"

REALLY? Are you serious? The test line is the same color as the control line. Stop it already will ya?

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12 years ago

Can anyone tell me if I can take EPO and estradiol at the same time?

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12 years ago

So I have this aunt Lisa who has a 21yo daughter in college and a 14yo son, Josh (my cousin). Josh is in the same school as my son. Josh has some socialization and immaturity issues which get on my son's nerves.

So here's my rant:

Last night my son and Josh had ski club. Lisa goes skiing at the same place that the boys do for ski club. This is the 2nd time that she has asked me to pick up her son because she did not think she would make it back in time from her skiing to pick up Josh. This time my son didn't go because he had his braces tightened yesterday and didn't feel like it. Mind you, I work 60+ hours a week with barely have enough time to go to the gym. She still wanted me to pick him up at 9:30p when my son was not going because she wasn't gonna be back from skiing by that time.

So then she emailed me today to ask me what gym I go to because she was gonna sign her and Josh up for it! WHAT? Can i please have my own personal space? I can forsee the future now - Lisa "Are you going to the gym tonight? Is Shaun going? Can you take Josh?" When I go to the gym I don't wanna to be bothered! I just want to work out.

For Christmas my son wanted a G-Shock watch. So I got it for him and didn't tell anyone. Then like a week before Christmas I mentioned it and she went out and bought one for Josh. I told her my son wanted these Beats headphones that are like $200. She was like "Why would you by Shaun those headphone - he's just gonna break them?" Um my kid is not 5yo. So when I bought them for Shaun she was like "Oh you got them? Josh is gonna be so jealous. I guess he can buy them with the money he gets for Christmas" WTF???? They are 2 separate people why do they have to have the same things? And of course this was after she bought Josh a $600 laptop.

Every year my family goes to Maine for a big ski trip during Christmas break. Last year Shaun wanted to try snowboarding and had a hard time. This year she gave me and Shaun a hard time about snowboarding. "He needs to ski so he can stay with us on the mountains. If he snowboards then what will Josh do?" Um IDK, fucking figure it out! My son was so frustrated by the situation he didn't even want to go.

I bought my husband a pair of pajama pants - she got the same exact ones for her boyfriend. I had my attic made into a bedroom - she had her kitchen done the same exact time. I wanted this vest for Christmas - she went out and bought the same one in a different color. I LOVE football - now she does too.

I seriously can't take it anymore! Lisa and Josh have no personal identity. Everytime Lisa has to buy something for someone or do something she needs my opinion. Josh wants to be exactly like Shaun and Lisa wants to be me. It's crazy! I get the whole imitation is a form of flattery but come on!

Daisypath Anniversary tickersNotes:

12 years ago

Oh you ladies crack me up!! I do agree that all of you who got pm's from this #5 chick should report her to the admin... better her getting banned than us!! I however feel no pity for this chick... lol

Becca - I agree... (regretfully cause I would LOVE to tell this chick off) but why should be risk getting booted from the site.

Faith... ugh that damn "unsure" category... if it's as dark as the control line then you KNOW it's positive... dont post it in "unsure" if your not!! So irritating!!

kristine - I love your attitude!!! Yay for opks!!

My vent for today...

got a message from a friend of ours (same one as alwasy) talking about her sons 1st bday party. Well she wants to have it at this big expensive place that is closer to my house then it is hers so she asked if I could go have a look and check it out.... (pain in the ass cause I was just in that area on Monday, and her dh works like right beside it - why cant he go??) Then when I said I would try to get over there she asked me to pay the $50 deposit if I liked it!! Seriously?? Talk about giving an inch and taking a mile!! Its an expensive place too and, in my opinion WAY too old for a 1st birthday party!

Anyway... I have a sick little nephew here, who is actually getting sick as I type, so better go.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies

so I finally saw my bff today... hadnt seen her in nearly a year and she just lives up the street!! Had a good visit though & found out she is engaged... so I will be getting into a dress in August... hopefully I will have a big belly by then!! - I just hope I KNOW if I will need a "preggy" friendly dress or not by then.

Is it horrible that rather than automatically thinking "I hope I am pg then" my first thought was "I hope I'm not m/c-ing then"!! So sad!

So this friend made a crack about being pregnant today.... and she through it would be hallarious if she was cause she would be like "donno how that happened" .... she really didnt get how NOT funny that would be. (Or how not funny her comment was)


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12 years ago • Post starter

My rant of the night.... My sister finally posted a belly pic on fb. I live three hours away and havent seen her since she visited us for new years weekend. Her belly was jus starting to show but not very big for 20 weeks. At first I was all "Awwww sooo cute!" and then the green monster came over me and I am EXTREMLY jealous!!!! I want that belly! I want to be growing a small child in my stupid uterus! Why does this have to be so hard if there isn't really anything wrong with us I guess. Two and a half years and just recently did I get my first positive pregnancy test which gave me 48 wonderful hours for us to let our minds wander and start to believe that we actually did it, just to have it all get flushed down the shitter and AF to show her ugly head. I am trying my hardest to be the supportive sister and I know I will be the best aunt in the world to her baby but how do I squash the waves of jealousy that are more frequently washing over me? Ughhhh!!!! I've been the biggest bitch the last two weeks and I'm wondering if the chemical pregnancy is causing this mood or is ttc making me a rotten crotchety old bag?

Me: Alicia (29) ~ DH: Patrick (29) TTC #1 Since August 2009 with PCOS 1st & 2nd (March & May 2012) IUI Cycles w/ Clomid = BFN's 6/24/12 - 3rd IUI cycle w/ Gonal-F and Lupron. IUI on 7/9. TWINS! Born 2/11/13 Back on the NTNP train as of September 2013 hoping for a boy someday!

12 years ago

Oh I seen a thread like this on BC!

*I confess I HATE seeing my younger sisters friends getting pregnant. My sister is 14. One particular girl who back stabbed my sister and then messaged me on FB and was extremely catty to me for no apparent reason found out she's 9 weeks and she was talking about "Wow I know you get a big gross belly from pregnancy but nobody ever told me I can't have caffeine and party" I was SO upset about that for awhile(I even wrote a ttc journal about it) then I feel bad for being upset about someones pregnancy.

*I confess it upsets me how DH is all on board with a baby until testing time then he's "not sure". After I get my BFN he talks about being disappointed and wanting one again. MAKE UP YOUR MIND.

* I confess I just stopped telling people we were TTC so they would stop asking about it and asking their ignorant questions.

*I confess that I feel bad for having these confessions, but I also confess I think it's unfair how women who don't want babies get them so easily, but girls like us have to work HARD at it.

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

This thread has been pretty slow as of late... hope that means things are going better for everyone! lol!

Well af finally packed her bags, but I still keep freaking out everytime I have the tiniest bit of cm, thinking its blood.... this whole m/c has totally screwed me up!! I am sooooo paranoid now, ALL the time... this is technically my 3rd af since and I still get freaked out the entire time! Grrr!!

bumble - honestly, the jealousy thing doesnt really go away... with my friends kid (I should have a baby the same age as I was due a few days later) I still look at him and feel that twinge... especially when she complains!! Dont get me wrong, I love the kid, but some days the jealousy/envy kills me!

daphnis - I hate looking at younger kids getting pg and acting like idiots about it... my 18yr old cousin was the same. (tho she ended up "getting rid of it") It makes me sick!

Ooo.. another quick rant... if I am NOT pregnant for this wedding I am apart of and this other chick who is in the wedding IS I'm gonna be PISSD!!

Hope y'all are good!

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12 years ago • Post starter

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