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TTC - New and looking for cycle buddies

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Hi I am 24 and DH is 29 and we are trying for number one after being married almost two years.

We have been trying for a few months without much success.

I am currently cd 2/3 and lookinf for anyone who wants to chat or be buddies. I am starting to temp this month as well as opks and preseed.

233 Replies • 12 years ago



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welcome fdry!

i AM SO SORRY ABout your previous loss. This journey can be long and emotional and it breaks my heart anyone has to go through that. you too Haj! im so sorry! hopefully this will be your cycle. i completely understand if you want to take a month off. your decision.

I think everyone should change or make their avatar distinctive. Im starting to get confused :/ by people with the same pic.

Here is my updated info:

Cycle/Month: 2

CD: 29

Days until O or DPO:I either Od CD25 or CD27 (can anyone tell from my chart? I missed a few days)

What are you doing this cycle: OPKs temping charting

Phantom Symptoms: none

BD Timing:if CD 25- o-2, o-1, 0, 0+1
IF CD 27-o-4, o-3, o-2, o-1,

Feelings about this Cycle: hopefully it will be good. never had a read BFN before. Last cycle i did not chart so i was shooting in the dark

Testing Plans: ill cave at dpo 10, but would wait for dpo12 if i can.

12 years ago

Sorry AF showed Haj... :( I agree that it really helps to have an outlet to talk to others going through the same things... And I also like that I can talk to people who understand and are willing to talk about all the, well, not 'so pretty' aspects that my DH doesn't have any interest in knowing. :)

Sorry for your loss fdrysdale... I MC at 11w5d and understand the pain of getting BFN. Don't ever give up... After my loss, as cliche as it sounds, I can't imagine my life any differently and it'll happen when everything is perfect and supposed to.

Here's my update...

Cycle/Month: 2

CD: 11

Days until O or DPO: Got EWCM today... and tomorrow will be 14 days before AF is due... so I'm thinking tomorrow is O day!

What are you doing this cycle: CP, CM, and 'symptom' checking (or obsessing!)

Phantom Symptoms: I've definitely had cyst pains today... not really a phantom symptom... but a stupid pain none the less.

BD Timing: o-6, o-3, 0-2, and the night's not over yet for o-1 ;)

Feelings about this Cycle: definitely thinking that I'm going to O this month... I get EWCM every month pretty much on the dot... but didn't get any last month. I was on a super crash diet to go on our cruise, and am thinking it interfered with my cycle... Back to normal habits since April 28... Also, thinking of taking Yoga back up...

Testing Plans: I agree with Purple... I'm sure I'll cave at 10DPO. Really going to try and hold off though... I'm the least patient person ever though... ;)

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12 years ago

CD 26 draws to a close, 2 days to testing or AF.

Just feeling a little sorry for my self this evening, found out an ex-friend (I have panic attacks just thinking about her, her husband threatened me on FB and she keyed my car) is pregnant, seems to be almost due. :/ it's so silly to feel this way. Just not having a good feeling about this cycle anymore. Feeling like AF is imminent.

12 years ago

it's not silly at all to feel that way... I completely understand the feelings that arise when others (especially those who aren't trying or don't "deserve" it) are pregnant. I experienced a similar situation with a 'former' friend after my mc. I think we all sink into our holes every now and then... but don't get down, we're all in this together :)

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12 years ago

I second that, I graduated high school 2 years ago and sadly 50% of the girls were/are pregnant at some point in the 4 years they are there, and now that I'm out and married and want to get pregnant.... I can't. I have 14 day cycles including 5 period days. Either my ovaries aren't working or my uterus is shedding too much, even when it shouldn't as sad as it is to think that every period is a MC. I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor to see about going on Clomid, it's been 3 weeks and hubby is getting deployed mid-July so I took matters into my own hands, or atleast until I get a call, and started charting my BBT and CM, along with using and OPK. I also started a vitamin regimen of prenatals, flaxseed oil, b6, b12, c, selenium, and baby aspirin (for the uterus issue). AF is due monday but in the last 4 days, my OPKs were pos, pos, neg, and very pos, CM was watery except today it was EWCM which I almost never see, and my temp dipped so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

12 years ago

Cont- I agree with Sav, it sucks when stuff like this happens, but dont get urself down! stay positive (like out HPT! :) )

i am not sure if and when I Od this cycle. Anyone want to chart stalk me? my chart is in my sig. just click on the frog.


12 years ago

treeshalee83- How did your dh find out about the varicocele? Was it found during tests for infertility or just something that was found for another reason?

Haj- Sorry to hear that af showed up. Though a cp is very depressing at least you know that the little swimmers can get there! Lets just hope the next one sticks!

Sav2266- It would have been a horrible thing to go through 6 miscarriages, I hope they have gotten to the bottom of it now!

fdrysdale- So sorry to hear about your loss also, I cannot imagine what you went through. I hope you get your bfp this month and soon have your healthy baby in your arms.

Contemplating- Hope you get your bfp. I have about 6 days to go till af or bfp. I know how you feel about people being pregnant, it makes it worse when you dont like the person!

I hope I havent missed anything or anyone I havent been on here for a few days and the posts have multiplied!!

I have 6 days left before af arrives (or hopefully doesnt!) Appointment with the Gyno tomorrow. I hope all goes well there. Dh will get his second SA results back this afternoon too. Hoping they come back better than the first one!

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12 years ago

Purple - I'm pretty new to this whole charting and understanding BBT thing, but it looks to me like you possible O'd on CD 27... I looked up a chart on, and your dip is nearly exactly what they show as their sample ovulation chart. ( ... and the chart is near the bottom of the page). It looks like your BD timing would be great for CD 27 too... ;) I think we're within a day or two of each other this cycle... when are you planning on testing??

I'm sitting at either 2 or 4 DPO... and man oh man am I exhausted. Like, can't keep my eyes open tired. I have a thyroid dysfunction, so it can be screwy at times... so not sure if that's it or what... I can just tell I'm going to drive myself crazy here in the next week and a half!!!

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12 years ago

sav- thanks for looking into it! I appreciate it! my timing was good, but today I am 5DPO and I am having cramps and sore boobs so Im nervous that AF is coming but I am waiting for a dip to happen before I declare that I am out this cycle. I dont think those symptoms are normal at 5DPO, but my last cycle i got my AF on CD 33 today I am on CD 31. so who know?

Are you charting?

I would love to wait until 14 DPO, but I know myself... I will cave at 10DPO maybe earlier. Well see what my temps are like. HAppy to have a cycle buddy!

12 years ago

Just a quick update... I am so confused right now

All my poas up until now have need BFN. Yesterday was DH's birthday' the day AF was due CD 28. I have had no symptoms up until now.

Yesterday around midday I couched at work and then became very nauseous and had to run to the bathroom. I also had a headache where it felt like half my face felt funny. That want away with a panadol. I then had what I though was AF, so I resigned by self that the cycle was over, but only a small amount of brown blood came and since then nothing. I also noticed this morning that my nipples look darker.

As I wasn't charting or using OPKs maybe I ovulated later than I thought... And maybe yesterday was an implantation bleed? Or am I just reading between the lines??

I'm going to try get hold of my gynae tomorrow if nothing happens before then, but need to keep in on the down low as he works in the same hospital as me... Don't want our plans to get out.

12 years ago

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