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BYOB: Hoping for some Easter Babies!!

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Hi ladies!

Well, it's that time again! I jumped the gun (not that this is a surprise anymore) and started a new thread! So lets kick it off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
Dh and I are both 28
we've been together 9yrs and married 2 or those
From Canada
I'm a wanna-be stay-at-home-mom, currently just a house wife.
I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
So we have escentially been ttc #1 for over a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently on CD33 & not sure how many dpo, 11-13 I think, my bbt was messed up around O this cycle.
I use opks, and chart my bbt & take folic acid
This cycle I am starting baby asprin every day, and between Af and O I took Evening Primrose Oil and I also used preseed when we bd'd!
I've heard a lot of ladies have gotten pg on their first cycle using EPO so hopefully it works.
Thankfully dh is no longer going anywhere so he will still be here to try again next cycle if this one doesn work out.
I have been very relaxed this cycle, and havent obsessed on any "symptoms" the only thing I have notice are cramps (which woke me at 4am the other night) and a slight dip in my bbt.

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Happy Canada Day/4th of July weekend!!


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275 Replies • 12 years ago



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JKG - Do something totally out there to get him riled up. I danced for him once and teased him like crazy. He couldn't say no after that! I got a BFP not too loi=ng after! (I m/c shortly after though)

Jacks - @ "I'm meant to be loved not understood" I LOVE that!!

Well, tonight when I took my bra off, it felt like mt bbs might hit the floor they feel so heavy. I don't know if it's in my head or what. The yellowish cm has stopped and I'm pretty much dry now. But I pee a lot! I don't feel tired though or much of any other symptoms other than the odd pinching/ bloating.Oh and I'm gassy! No sign of AF yet! I hope this is it! I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much but it's hard!

User Image and and to all!

12 years ago

Men ARE all the same!!!! And I am still awake and he's asleep in bed. But I was promised we would tomorrow morning, he even set his alarm a whole half hour earlier. Lucky me, a whole half hour !!! I love the "I meant to be loved, not understood," too, may be my new answer for everything.
1stbabytry-- If he doesn't get in in gear soon I will have to pull out all the stops, lingerie, heels, maybe even a lil Barry White(haha juuuust kidding!) Sorry to hear abt your miscarriage. Such a hard thing to go thru.

Good Luck and Girls!!!

ps-I'll keep you posted on how my morning turns out!


12 years ago

12:30 am and I've been tossing and turning for about an hour and half now!!!!!! Is sleeplessness a symptom? If so, I don't really like it!! I listened to music, watched a ballet video, added cities to my weAther app and my world clocks and still not nodding off. We even and I am wide awake. And now I'm here... I can't get enough of you ladies I guess!

Here's to trying again! Good night (I hope)!!!

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12 years ago

Cris- I think sleeplessness is a symptom! At least ive heeard that it is! Hope you can get a nap in today though to make up for it.

AFM- it finally happened, thank the lord!

I don't know what I would do without this safe place to talk about everything!thanks for being so supportive girls

12 years ago

oh ladies the talk of men is making me laff.....i too have had the i am not a

gosh i thought men were meant to be sex

well im 7 days into the cycle im trying to chill this cycle im not temping and may try to leave the opk alone .....TRY been the word.


1 son 17 years old , and expecting B/G twins atm that are due next month : )

12 years ago

Jkg,what is your name by the way????. If you told us, I forgot! Yahoo for you!!!!! Now you can relax for a day! Then, back to work! Lol.

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

12 years ago

My name is Katie! I feel so relieved and now i can relax and plot my attack for tomorrow!! Hehe

12 years ago

Hi girls,
sorry for not being here for a couple of days but dp and I went through some rough times. Luckily we've talked everything through and we're ok again! Pff I really felt miserably.

I've had the same talk once every while with dp about bd-ing! hahaha it doesn't matter where you live all men are alike! Luckily dp initiated it yesterday LOL

I hope I didn't miss any BFP announcement but i I did, congratulations!

I have a question. Af started at June 27th and was pretty normal and took about 5 days. But after that, until yesterday I still had some red/brownish spotting on the toilet paper. Today was the first time it didn't happen and I only had lots of cm, you know, the sticky one like egg white. I'm CD 11 and according to this site O is around July 12 (CD 16). Any suggestions about the spotting?

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12 years ago

Hi all sounds like everyone is doing well

JKG- your funny...thanks for making me smile....funny how ALL DH's are the same have fun

JUST and 1st- have you gals tested yet?? I did this am (two different test internet and ept) both

Kitten- have fun

Suzy- sorry to hear you and your dp had a hard time...glad u guys got through it

AFM- well neg on the test, still low cramping- lots of cm- headache- backache- very nauseous - waking up all sorts of weird times at night- dreams that makes one think "what-the-h*ll" temp stayed up this morning guess time will tell

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

RJandJD - When is af due?

Susy - Hmmm... not sure what the spotting could have been. U dont have a cyst or fibroid or anything do you? (Cause I have had my fibroid bleed like that before. I am sure it's nothing to worry about!

jkg - I think I might be the only one on here that has a dh that LOVED how active my sex drive became while ttc! That being said, I am kind mean... if dh doesnt seem in the mood, I dress up in something super skanky (langerie, or just some super short skirt or something from my bar hoping days) and just walk around the house in it (doing housework or whatever) until he finally gets frustrated enought to give in.

Emma - Hopefully not temping or using opks will help you chill... tho in my experience "chilling" when ttc is a very difficult task!! LoL!

Cris - I have heard lots of pg ladies have trouble sleeping before their bfps! When do you plan on testing??

Jacks - When is af due? When are you testing??

Carolyn - Have you tested lately?? Af was due today wasnt she?

AFM... this is the third day in a row that our internet has been down ALL day! So NOT happy about it! ...OH and my laptop stoped working entirely, so now I have to take it in to get fixed! Boo!!

On a happier note, I booked my first doctors apt with my ob/gyn today! I got on Aug 4th! That will put me at about 8.5 weeks I think... any of you ladies know when they usually let you hear the heartbeat???


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12 years ago • Post starter

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