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The EPO Experiment: Chapter 4

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Hi ladies... (as bug said at the begginning of chapter 2...)

Since we filled 15 pages already, it's time to begin a new thread and to welcome anyone interested in joining our supportive and hilarious group of epo researchers.

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

So let's hear your personal experience with the epo journey to success!

Here's to another chapter!


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263 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey Ladies
Joy - I agree the possibilities with a Halloween baby are endless!!! lol That would be wonderful to have a little pumpkin to bring home for Halloween! Hope the witch shows for you on Friday.

Blessings - How r u today? Hope your feeling better and that you had decent weather for the drive to work.

Talless - Happy B-day Today! Hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for the encouragement.

AFM - Af is here today and she brought her friends. Cramps are going to kill me I think and I've taken the EPO and Motrin. Ugh, hope it lets up some. I'm happy however that the wait is over and I can start my countdown to o day!

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago

Heartbroken, upset, disappointment, crushed, and beyond PISSED OFF. I went to my doctors appointment and when I got there I gave them the paperwork filled out and they asked me for my payment upfront. I was like can't I pay after the visit. No, we take payments before hand. Okay, how much? $125. Okay, well I can pay $100 today and can you bill me the rest. Let me go ask the doctor. Nurse came back. Nope. Can't do it, you need to reschedule. What, you can't do a payment plan. Nope. Okay on your window it says carecredit payment plan. Nope we can't do that. Would you like to reschedule or call back? I'll call back. with tear-filled eyes, I walked out. And started bawling my eyes out. I will not be making another appointment with them. And now my answers are on hold again. UGH.

I did make another appointment and lucky its next Thursday, Jan 26th. with another office and the lady on the phone told me upfront what would more than likely happened and how much it would cost and if I didn't have enough they had a payment plan they could set me up. I already feel better after getting this other appointment set up and I even thank the lady on the phone for telling me that stuff and told her about the other office of course not naming names. I feel better now that I know what to do next week. My appointment is at 10:30 in the morning and hoping this week goes by fast.

Hugs and love to you all.

User image

12 years ago

Aw, Bug what an awful reception!
Not at all what you deserve or need considering the potentially stressful topic of fertility already. Hand squeezes and big hugs. I'm glad you decided not to indulge them with another appointment, and that you found another place more suited. As a political scientist I could get all ramped up about the structural injustice to women who can't afford to pay for this kind of thing up front! Argh! Who could??! Are you in the States or Canada, I forget? Either way it's disgusting that they wouldn't let you in with 80% of the payment and a willingness to be billed. I hope that doctor has bad mayo in his gilded sandwich today!


Talless, happy birthday sexy girl! I hope your day is filled with love and fun and cupcakes. Hip hooray for ewcm as well! O time is on the way ;)

Becca~ Sorry about the cramps, but I'm glad you finally know where you're at. Hot water bottle and ginger tea can help. Even a thick slice of ginger in hot water with lemon and honey. mmm. xo

Blessings~ How is your cold today? and the countdown to O? We must be getting close! I guess you and Talless are going to be tww buddies this month ;)

Joy~ When does your dh get back? Anyway, I hope af stays away a little longer for you so that your O time can be well spent this first cycle back in action.

To all of you~ I love the idea of you growing Halloween pumpkins this year. Imagine the early costume party potential for busting bellies! As well as pumpkin patch (bbs and bump could be three pumpkins right there!), Easy-bake oven (bun in oven), Santa-Claus, sumo wrestler, buoy or other flotation device, bowling ball thief, 'Alien' victim, I could go on! LOL.
Nevermind the years of cute birthday costumes once the babe is born.

AFM, I had gloops today, but they're all clear! We're back to 'normal'!

xoxo Bee

User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Bee - Yay for clean gloops!! LoL! Glad to hear things seem to be normal! And I totally agree with all the possibly preggy costumes!! Hehe!!

Bug - As I said on the other thread - outrageous!! What a horrible experience! I am so glad you found somewhere new that sounds good and reasonable!! And yay for your apt being next week!!

Becca - Plus the added bonus of being able to nickname the little bumb "pumpkin" hehe! Sorry to hear the witch showed, but glad you finally got some answers! We should be close to cycle twins at least if af shows up for me in the next couple of days. :) Hope the cramps go away soon!!

Talless - Glad you're feeling good (& sexy!) on your b-day! Have a great day!

AFM - Nothing new... bd'd with dh and got some killer cramps so hopped in the bath - I love that thing! Now I am feeling good and ready to eat, so off to make some dinner! TTFN!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all the birthday greetings. I'm unexplainably exhausted .
Bug, *hugs*

chat with you ladies tomorrow

to us all

with him all things are possible, his grace is sufficient for me

12 years ago

Hi Ladies

Bug - I'm so sorry you had that horrible experience today. Nobody deserves to deal with that. Im glad you were able to find another clinic that sounds way better. Take care of yourself girl. I hope you treated yourself to something fun or good to eat.

Bee - hahaha lol about the 3 pumpkin costume. Also the easy bake was really funny too. Oh the possibilities. . . .

Joy - twin cycle buddies that sounds awesome. Glad your ttc life is getting back to normal. Thats really exciting you can start trying again. Naming the bean pumpkin is a good idea.

AFM - Just taking it easy now. I spent half the day tearing up my house looking for my stupid keys and then tonight I found out I left them at my parents house. So relieved I found them, but it feels like a wasted my whole day on that.

Talk to you ladies later

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Becca - Yes being cycle buddies would be awesome... I am hoping af will ahow soon! I wanna get this over with!!

Talless - Glad you enjoyed your day!

AFM - Was supposed to be going to my Grandma's today to do her cleaning, but she's sick so she asked me not to come. Poor thing. On the plus side that means I dont really have to go out into this hobbile cold snap we have here!! It's currently -29c and with the windchill feels like -38c!! Burrrr!!!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

Talles: So happy you had a good birthday!

Bug: How devastating about that naughty appointment, but so happy you found a new place to go. It's amazing how some people think the money just falls out of pockets when you need it - ugh! Big hug to you.

Joy: Hope your grandma feels better soon. Stay warm and cozy!

Becca: Sorry, but had to laugh when you told us about the lost keys. Can't tell you how I have gone thru that myself. Glad you found them.

AFM: CD13. Waiting for O. Woke up with a headache, but hopefully it will go away without any meds. Not much else to report, besides we are having SnoMageddon 2012 (lol - that's what one of the news stations is calling it) here in Western Washington. I am at home staying cozy - no work for a lot of people today since the roads are covered and not enough people have the snow equipment to clear them or drive on them. It's so cozy at home!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Hey Ladies
Joy - Glad you got to stay in where its warm, but I hope your grandma feels better. Hope you have a great day.

Blessing - Yay for not having to go out on the bad roads today!!! I hope you have a nice day staying at home.

AFM - Having a rough day. No caffeine and af make me very cranky and on edge. However, I went over to my friends house that has two kids and I'm just depressed now. The ttc conversation came up and was just totally awful with all the normal comments of "your too stressed". . . . . ect. I already vented on the other thread, but its put me in the worst mood. Hope I can pull out of it now that I'm home. Talk to you later.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Becca - Ugh that friend of yours is pissing ME off!! Some people just dont get it... coming on this site actually helps to DEstress, it doesnt ADD to the stress. Grrr..... and double grr cause she was so horrible about it and still claims to be your friend. I have an unwritten rule now that I avoid talking about ttc with anyone other than the ladies on this thread and my dh!! And even dh sometimes just doesnt get it!!

Blessings - I hope you enjoyed your day inside & managed to stay cozy!! Happy -ing!!

AFM - just haning out with dh... he apparently leaves on Monday, I think, so only a few more days together. He took Friday off though, so we have planned a "date night"... well a date DAY reallly, but it should be lots of fun!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

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