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BYOB: Hoping for some Easter Babies!!

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Hi ladies!

Well, it's that time again! I jumped the gun (not that this is a surprise anymore) and started a new thread! So lets kick it off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
Dh and I are both 28
we've been together 9yrs and married 2 or those
From Canada
I'm a wanna-be stay-at-home-mom, currently just a house wife.
I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
So we have escentially been ttc #1 for over a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently on CD33 & not sure how many dpo, 11-13 I think, my bbt was messed up around O this cycle.
I use opks, and chart my bbt & take folic acid
This cycle I am starting baby asprin every day, and between Af and O I took Evening Primrose Oil and I also used preseed when we bd'd!
I've heard a lot of ladies have gotten pg on their first cycle using EPO so hopefully it works.
Thankfully dh is no longer going anywhere so he will still be here to try again next cycle if this one doesn work out.
I have been very relaxed this cycle, and havent obsessed on any "symptoms" the only thing I have notice are cramps (which woke me at 4am the other night) and a slight dip in my bbt.

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Happy Canada Day/4th of July weekend!!


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275 Replies • 12 years ago



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HI all
Hope everyones weekend went well

cj dont give up hope.....i did a internet test this morning and got what looked light a faint line, but hard to tell could be an evil evap- gets those all the time whith those test
we both will get our i have hope

peaches hope all is well

1st dont give in till the shows you will get a

yeh again for all the new mommies cant be happier for you guys

afm- dip on temp this morn, but not looking in to it to much (got sun burnt yesterday had the chills all night and didnt sleep well) sone nausea and mild cramping this morn, stuffy nose

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

I really hate when ctp cuts off peoples responses... now I have to try and read/respond to everyting from the "Review" section

RJandJD - I hope it wasnt just an evap line!!

Yudelka - Hmmm... I think maybe not knoing when you O'd exactly is a good sign!! Seems ladies always get bfps when they really dont know whats going on with their cycle!

Cris - Don't give up get sweeite! You're only what 10dpo?? Thats still pretty early for testing! I am keeping my that you get your bfp this cycle!!

Abbie - Aw sweetie, I am so sorry the spotting has started again. If you cant get in to see a doc maybe you should put yourself on bedrest until you can. And if the bleeding doesnt stop or gets any worse go to the emergency room?

Carolyn - Probably a good plan! Give your hcg levels a chance to grow! And for heavens sake use a different test! No more internet dip sticks! LoL! Both of mine at 11 and 12 dpo were really lights! So you're probably gonna be confused by them either way!

Katie - Thanks sweeite!!! YAY for you almost being into your second trimester!!

AFM - Dh has made a mess of my house with all the drywall sanding he has done over the past month or so. I plan on cleaning my house room by room until it's all done! LoL! And of course I am starting today with my favorite room - the nursery! It's gonna look all pretty and set up again when I am done with it!


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12 years ago • Post starter

Yay joy! I'm excited for you!!!

Well, 9dpo and still no Sx, normal or abnormal. Whatever! Gotta go start my work day....

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

12 years ago

hello ladies,
I hope everyone is having a blessed day. Congratulations to all the new mothers to be. I hope to see you guys on Countdown to my pregnancy.

12 years ago

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Don't give up until you see the ladies! I had cramping, sore bbs, and lots of CM (thought AF was coming) and even light spotting the day before I got a ! I thought for sure I was out when that started. I wasn't even sure that I O'd last month since I never even got a coverline on my chart. Maybe I'm further than I think?

to all of you! to all the new mommies!

AFM: Going to start rearranging rooms this weekend and getting the nursery set up. Got my doctor's appointment today to confirm the BFP. So excited!! Still having cramping, sore bbs, and I'm super exhausted. Kind of surprised to be able to feel any symptoms so early! And I'm nervous since I have PCOS and fibroids so hoping to get into a doctor for U/S soon.

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12 years ago

hey everyone , hope its all good

@cjp i have a real game with the internet dip strips just before af i had 3 faint bfps i was so hopeful, what a downer but you know your not out til the witch shows.

@peaches i hope everything is ok? thinking of you.

well afm im 5 days into the cycle , only 3 weeks til my appt with the fs im praying they will help me as we aint managing it on our own and they dont give you ivf after 39 so im mega stressed as im 39 in 9 months.i just want it to happen so much.

well off to take my son birthday shopping he is 16 next week.

1 son 17 years old , and expecting B/G twins atm that are due next month : )

12 years ago

Heya ladies!

Carolyn - I would not worry yet about the results on the digi's and frer's. The month of my bfp I first tested on 13dpo with a clearblue frer digi and got a bfn! I thought for sure that I was out that cycle since the test was suppose to have an 80% accuracy. I didn't test again until the day of my expected period, 16dpo with the SAME test (it was a 2-for-1 deal) and got my bfp. O date was right on time according to the baby's growth, so don't give up hope yet.

*squints* I saw the lines

to all of you wonderful ladies, as always and hope you had wonderful weekends!

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

12 years ago

Hi Girls,

Upon checking back in, I realized that I, literally, missed 5 pages of this thread. Not sure where I started last time. The only BFP announcement I saw was Joy's.

SO to follow up
Congrats to the other gals who also got their BFP's. I am so excited for you, and PEACHES I am crossing my fingers that everything is just fine...but I do have to agree with whomever said to put yourself on bedrest until your appt....and get someone to help with your 17 mth. old.

Carolyn- Does the clomid cause false positives?...last month we all thought you had a BFP also, and you were testing super early. Do you think maybe the clomid causes the confusion. I am hoping that it really is a BFP this month for you and DH, but I am definetely in agreement with waiting a few more days to test again, and NOT using the internet cheapies.

ALright-JACKS-nothing is a good thing for you! COme on the ball is a are gonna get yours too!

As for the ladies that are having yellowish CM....I ahd that before my BFP! here's to you getting your BFPs too!...I wish they had a wine glass cheer emoticon.

Everyone else who is in the 2WW,



12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Katie - Yikes! You missed a lot!! LoL! Glad you're all caught up now!

Emma - Keeping my fingers crossed that your 39th birthday present will be meeting your baby!!

serenity - Yay for setting up the nursery!! As if you got in to your doc for a confirmation apt!! I havent even CALLED my dr yet!! LoL!

Jacks - Thanks hun! Have you been feeling any af symptoms or just no symptoms either way?

AFM... nothing new. I desperately need to start cleaning my house as I have a family dinner here for my Grandma's birthday on Saturday!! Lots to do, my whole house looks like a construction zone right now!!


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12 years ago • Post starter

Joy, NO Sx either way...except today. Felt a little pinching but nothing much....tick tock...tick tock!

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

12 years ago

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