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BYOB: Hoping for a New Years Baby!! *2012*

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Hi ladies!

Well I jumped the gun AGAIN and started a new thread! So lets kick it off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I'm 27 (almost 28), dh is 28 we've been together 9yrs and married 2 or those
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
But we have escentially been ttc #1 for a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently 4dpo & am insisting that this WILL be my month
I have used OPK's for the last 5 cycles
Last cycle I started to chart my bbt
& this cycle I started chartting cm & cp
(as well as pressuring my ovaries to O & singing "just keep swimming, just keep swimming to dh's sperm after bd!! LoL!)

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

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280 Replies • 13 years ago



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Thanks for the help ladies!

Keico - The temps were taken around my normal time on CD17 and CD18 but I remember not being able to sleep the nights before. Maybe that is why the temps are strange.

FF finally gave me a date but it was a dotted line and had notes stating my CM didn't support the O date my temps showed. FF says my O date was on CD18. I changed it to research mode and it still has a dotted line for CD18. The last BD was on CD15, so hopefully the little swimmers are strong and held on. Oh well...

Carolyn - I am happy for you that DH is coming home!

~ Amanda User Image

13 years ago

hey there everyone ,

i havnt been on here in a few days , ive been having a rough time what with one thing and another , firstly ive had a emotional meltdown i cant get mine and dp results from last month they havnt been sent to my gp so i rand the hosp and spoke to a vile cow of an receptionist who told me to wait til my appt in the last week of july, she said i was making work for myself and why couldnt i wait like everyone else , but everyone else i know had there results sent to their gp.
dp is so stressed hes started smoking again which has upset me as he knows its important hes only haviing 5 a day but im not happy bout it .

then to top it off i had a huge bill from the inland revenue from 2 years ago tax year 2009 ....

the only good thing is that i had a positive opk yest so have been lots even tho i havnt felt up for it sometimes im not gonna waste that egg !!!!

i hope you are all ok . and im sorry for my rant , but i know you will understand.


1 son 17 years old , and expecting B/G twins atm that are due next month : )

13 years ago

Hi ladies!

Kitten - sorry to hear thinga have been so rough! Happy bd-ing!

mavensgirl - you still bd'd 3 days before O so you should still be good!

Nothing new with me... think I might take the puppies out for a walk since it is so beautiful out! I am throughly enjoying my 2ww this time around, I am not stressed cause I AM getting my bfp this cycle (and even if I dont the philosophy of "screw mother nature, I am getting pg because I say so" is very relaxing!!) So no stress and so far no urge to poas... it's still way too early for me anyway.

Hope everyone is having a good day!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago • Post starter

Hello all!

Katie- Happy anniversary!

Kitten- Sorry you`re having a hard time. Keep and hopefully you get your along with Joy!!

AFM, well we did get the 15cm of snow and I got my snow day! Only thing I don't have is my +OPK. My CM has increased and is EW so I'm thinking it's going to happen very soon. Looking forward to Easter weekend and 4 days off!

and to all!


User Image and and to all!

13 years ago

OH...MY....GOODNESS!!! I checked in this morning and I've missed out on almost 2 pages of news! WOW! I already lost track of whats going on.

Happy Anniversary!
Sorry about someone's little episode with the knife!
And sorry to whoeverer had a visit from the

I'm waiting to O next week but already doing the !!

JACQUELYN to ALL OF YOU!!! [url=]User Image[/url

13 years ago

I had a positive opk before work and after work today. I will see if they are still positive tomorrow. DH already knows he has to dtd tomorrow AGAIN and I think he is starting to get annoyed, lol. If I get a neg tomorrow, he is off the hook Friday, lol (although I still think we should bd until the day after the first negative opk).


13 years ago

Have fun BDing Corvina! Haha.

Btw, the green tea I am drinking? There is a photo of it in my blog so you'll be able to see it. It's from Japan. Like what Carolyn says, maybe should try to get Japanese green tea instead of those manufactured in US?

my personal journey: User Image

13 years ago

Morning Ladies

E2E-wow gf, I cannot believe you have not POAS yet! You go Girl

CJ- I am guessing DH got a "welcome home" dance?

Kitten- so sorry about your awful day. I find it amusing sometimes...people enter the healthcare field because they want to help people, but for many after a few years, they become "burnt out" and soooo nasty. I just don't understand it. Especially with such a sensitive subject. I am sorry you have to deal with someone like that receptionist, noone deserves to be spoken to like that.

Cristine- for your snow day, although I am glad you are in Canada, and no where near MD. Enjoy your 4 day Easter weekend.

Thanks for all the anniversary wishes.

I am just checking in for the day. I am on CD 10 and will POASOPK around 11am (it is 6:40am now). I have had increased CM for the passed 2 days but white and sticky, not EWCM as of yet. We have CD8 and 9 w/ preseed and I used soft cups after. I gotta tell ya ladies, I am loving the fact that I just slip it on in, and I do not leak all night! It is fantastic...I may use them when we are not ttcing.

I shall click at you ladies later,


13 years ago

Really struggling this morning...

I'm 12 DPO and got a

I'm starting to worry about if we're just not able to have kids since it's our 9th month TTC and doctors haven't been able to figure out any reason for our trouble. Just don't know what to do anymore.

13 years ago

79girl...... I am there with you

All my tests so far have come back fine and dh sperm was ok but we are at 8 months ttc and off bc for two years now! And no bfp yet. Hold out hope! I know it is really hard when bfns keep coming.... But let yourself feel sad for a few days and then you just have to focus on the next month of trying. You just have to believe it will happen when it is time and it is suppose to...... Doesn't make it easier though so I will give you a hug and say we are here for you on those hard to get though days!

DH is home!!!! Soooo happy! And glad that stress is gone now. We now can focus on ttc again this coming month!

Today I am coloring easter eggs with my students.... most of them have never done it before so it should be fun! (They are from Africa and Burma)

Have a great day!

13 years ago

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