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Hi ladies!!

I have no idea how many threads this is - I have lost count! Lets hope this one is just as luck as the last!!

Starting off as usual, a little update:

My name is Joy
I'm 27, dh is 28 we've been together almost 9yrs and married almost 2 or those
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
But we have escentially been ttc for a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently on CD3 & can't wait to be done with my pre-O 2ww!
I have used OPK's for the last 5 cycles
& last cycle I also started to chart my bbt

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all!Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

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269 Replies • 13 years ago



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So are you Tink! I love the wedding photos!! Looks like it was a beautiful wedding.

~ Amanda User Image

13 years ago

My Dh and I accuatly lived with in a mile of each other our whole life. When I was in first grade him made fun of me for the shoes I were. Than I did not see him again until he was have these big parties at his place right after i graduated high school. His smile is the biggest and he was sooo handsome. And he did not make fun of me. lol

I did not relize how many people had a gluten free diet. Is it hard to be gluten free?

Jan - there is still hope AF hasnt showen up.

Mevens - How many possible evaps is that?

I really need to take notes This thread is going so fast.

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13 years ago

I am wondering ladies if I should test again??? I would be 13dpo tommorrow....... so spotting stopped and never got enough for a tampon or pad like a normal period does..... I thought I needed one yesterday.... but never amounted to anything much and I have just been using a pantyliner... and just a little spotting until today with no full AF yet.....

So, would you ladies test again???? Or should I wait to see if AF in full shows up ???? I would be due for AF tommorrow or Thurs...........

13 years ago

Pooker - It is crazy how much gluten affected me. I am less sleepy now but my I didn't even realize I had stomach problems until I stopped having them! HA HA! My skin is clearer. My brain is less foggy (could be from the more restful sleep). I just miss the really doughy bread! :-( If you figure out how to make really doughy, soft gluten free bread for you DH, please share!!

Diesle - It was hard for me at the beginning of the gluten free diet. It has gotten easier over time. And more restaurants are providing gluten free options (YAY OUTBACK). It is hard to not have cross contamination when you eat out but there is only so much cooking I can do! I am not a good cook!

That is at least three very annoying and frustrating evaps for me. They keep getting my hopes up! But since the witch hasn't arrived yet, I am still hoping that maybe they aren't evaps. The bottom two pics were tests from today. The first pic was from the other day. There were more tests in between, some where I thought I saw a line and some that were totally negative. But the ones below were the worst. Plus my husband says I can see a line in anything and I swear I glanced out the window the other day and saw a line in the sky. HA HA! I am totally nuts!

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~ Amanda User Image

13 years ago

Tink - I just sent you a friend request on FB!

mevensgirl - i can totally see a line on all three of those tests! How may DPO are you? Get a CBE digital and test again.

cj - You should probably wait until is late so as not to waste anymore test. That being said, if it were me, I'd be peeing on anything that would let me at this point! Can you get a CBE digital to test with FMU tomorrow?

Y'alls stories of how you met your DH's are so cute! They all make my story seem well....whorish is the word I'm looking for. I met DH at a bar. I had a very horrible day at work, it was Memorial Day weekend andd everyone in the office had left except me because I had to stay and answer the phones (I was a receptionist). I worked in the office of a factory that makes baked goods, the factory was still running and one of the foremen got his arm stuck in the machinery and it nearly sliced his hand off. Well since I was the only one in the office, he came to me and there was just blood everywhere. He ended up being okay and they even saved his hand but the whole experience was very traumatic. This was when I was in my early twenties and the first thing I thought was that I needed to go out and get drunk and get laid and that is exactly what I did. DH was the lucky recipient of my drunken sluttiness. I'd never had a one night stand before and probably wouldn't have this night either, had I not been so extremely drunk. To his credit, DH did try to just get my number, but I was having none of it. The next morning, I didn't really have any regrets and I really didn't expect for him to call me, but he did. Now here we are 13 years later and he's still calling me.

We got married on the 6th anniversary of the day we met. After our wedding reception, we went back to the bar where we met and my SIL wrote Dan loves Keico in a red sharpie marker in the bathroom stall in the ladies room. We go back to that bar on every single anniversary and the message is still on the door. I always tell everyone that the bar is lucky because I met my DH there, my then best friend met her DH there and one of my ex co-workers met his wife there.

13 years ago

Fraggle - That story is awesome! :-)

I am 13 DPO, CD29. I was expecting AF to arrive today, but my cycles haven't exactly been regular. So who knows! I've got a FRER that I plan to use tomorrow morning.

~ Amanda User Image

13 years ago

OMG fraggle! I absolutely love it! That is an awesome story of lust and loveee

13 years ago

Meven, it looks like you're pregnant to me

13 years ago

Girls, yall are just flowing along! I have class Monday and Tuesday night so I wasn't on much bc of a huge test Monday. I'm off on Wednesday so I can spoil myself a little with some online time. Thats so neat you guys sharing how you met your husbands/bf. I have been with my husband for 10 years (met in high school) and married for 5. Def not 5 perfect years, but we are rejoicing now. We've had our struggles and I'm thankful now I stuck around. (dh had probs) We have become faithful in God more than ever and are the happiest we have ever been! I'm proud to say I love him! Thanks for sharing your stories! I'm sorry to the girls who got AF. Tell her she can just be on her way now. Get on with the real show! Guess I'll have to get on tomorrow and take notes (seriously) so I can reply to some of you in more detail. I haven't slept to well and am feeling it now! Good night......Jill

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13 years ago

Ok sorry if I miss someone!

First of all, thanks to all of the ladies who shared their stories of meeting their dhs. They are all delighful!

Carolyn- Definitely test and let us know!!!! If that was an evap, it was unlike any evap I've ever had!!!!

Amanda- Hmmm I'm not narcoleptic but maybe I should decrease my gluten intake even when my dh isn't around. I do need a lot of sleep (9 or more hours) but I always attributed that to my crazy vivid dreaming all night long.... Also, I've been dealing with acne for the last 13 years and I'm sick of it!!!! And I agree with Ivy, if those are evaps then they are insane evaps! The evaps I had would never show up on a photo!

Gotthefever- I'm glad you stuck with your dh! No romance is perfect as no person is perfect and too many people call it quits too quickly! Whatever the story is, I'm glad you stuck it out and are happy now!

Keico- you story made me smile! Even if you were drunk, there was obviously some amazing chemistry at first site!!! You guys have already lasted longer than most marriages so it must have been meant to be!!!

Joy- you must be having a great day!!! I'm happy for you!

Well, I'd like to jump into the facebook circle but now things will get confusing... I use facebook primarily to share photos with my family and follow a few old friends so my facebook account is under my birth name: Megan Elizabeth. Aisha is not my legal name but it's the name I introduce myself as now and here's why (cute story coming!):

The first day I met my dh I went home and told my mother that I was pretty sure that he would become my best friend. Within a week I was in love with him and within two weeks I knew I would marry him once I convinced him to see me as a woman instead of a little girl. I spent months flirting with him and he was oblivious even though all his friends told him I was into him (he thought they were crazy because I would never be into an "old" man_. I had always been old fashioned but finally I realized I was going to have to ask him out to get a date with him. Well he was shocked but said yes. Within a month of dating he asked me to marry him...

Well, up until the point we had started dating he had been really stressed and depressed. He had just gotten out of a terrible marriage and was fighting an atrocious custody battle. He had also just finished his training and was trying to start his own practice but had no money since it was all going to lawyer fees.

So when he told me he was in love with me, he asked me if I would mind if he called me "Aisha." In his native language, Aisha means "full of life" and he said that I had brought him back to life and gave him purpose and happiness again. It made me cry and I've introduced myself to new people as Aisha ever since....

But my family still calls me Megan (except my grandpa who calls me pookerdooks or pooks ) and since I use facebook to interact with them I put my account in that name.

So if you see someone named "Megan Elizabeth" requesting you as a friend, please know that it's me, Aisha

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13 years ago

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