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BYOB: Finally Got My BFP!!

Hi ladies!!

This is NOT the usual BYOB page (that one is currently called "BYOB: Hoping for some Easter Babies")

I finally got my bfp a few days ago, and altho I have already joined the "countdown MY Pregnancy" site and the BYOB thread on there, I somehow really dont feel like I belong there yet. I am sure I will get used to it, but I wanted to start a thread on ctp for all the BYOB girls who want to join and any others who have recently gotten their bfp's that want to share their worries/excitement without being insensitve to the ttc ladies.

My name is Joy
Dh and I are both 28
we've been together 9yrs
we got married & bought a house together in 2009
From Manitoba Canada
I'm a wanna-be stay-at-home-mom, currently just a house wife. (But not for much longer!)
I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
So we have escentially been ttc #1 for over a year now
8mos after m/c and 15 mos over all we finally got our bfp!
We have a nursery room all set up, the theme is Baby Winnie the Pooh
My LMP was May 28th, I O'd between June 17-19th (I'm going with the 19th - Fathers Day )
I got my bfp June 30th in the evening with EPT, FRER & a CBDigi with Conception Indicator that said 1-2weeks.
Took another EPT on July 1st - Faint BFP
Took another FRER today (July 3rd) and got a very strong BFP!
(I am a little parinoid about m/c-ing since I did last time so will probably continue testing until I am at least past 8 weeks)
I am currently 4 weeks pregnant!

Hope all my fav preggo ladies decide to join me here! & anyone else who has been lucky enough to get their bfp!!


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13 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hey Joy!

I am so excited for you! And I'm excited that we are having Father's Day babies :). I know my DH was super excited about that!

Here is a little about me.

My name is Abbie.
DH and I have been together for 7 years, married for 2. We have one DS and just found out yesturday that we are having our second child. We have only been trying for 6 mths, and it was a long 6 mths.
I took 2 Answer tests at 2 in the morning and got BFP's and I just took another FRER this evening when I got home because of some bleeding and it was a BFP as well. :).
I am currently 4 weeks!

I haven't moved over to the other site yet. I'm super scared of having a miscarriage because this pregnancy is not like the last one at all. I've had brown discharge and bleeding. So I really hope this doesn't mean bad things!

User Image Abbie DS: 01/19/2010 ? or ? March 2012

13 years ago

Hi Abbie!

I am so glad you joined! I joined the cmp page but havent had time to go through the byob thread really only posted once. It confusing cause everyone has different screen names! They are mostly all pretty far along too and I am so worried about m/c-ing again I feel like I shouldnt be on there somehow.

I am so sorry to hear about your spotting! You are in my thoughts!! I remember seeing the blood before my m/c and it was terrifying! I have heard tho that some women bleed close to when af is supposed to be due, not sure why something about your body not entirely realizing it's pregnant or something. Possibly because of late implantation? Not sure, but I really hope everything is okay!! I wouldnt get too concerned unless you start bleeding heavily.

Keep me posted on how things progress!
Sending tons of your way!!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago • Post starter

Hey Joy!

Me too! Thank you for the encouraging words! Its so nerve wrecking! I wasn't this nervous last time at all! To be honest I took advantage of it. lol. I hope you are doing well today!

I know how you feel. I joined the beta site, but I don't even know where to start. lol. So, we'll see! :). I'm glad to have a buddy to enjoy this journey with. 8 more weeks till we are out of the clear!

User Image Abbie DS: 01/19/2010 ? or ? March 2012

13 years ago

Hi Abbie!

Any news today? Are you still spotting or has it stopped? Any other symptoms you're experiencing?

I can't wait until we reach our 2nd trimesters!! I feel like I can hardly breath until then! I think once I pass the 8 week mark I will relax a little, or at least I hope I will! Haha! I told dh when we make it to our 2nd tri we're going our for dinner to The Keg!! LoL (Very expensive restaurant that I have never been to)

It is so nice to have a buddy to go through this with! When is your due date?


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago • Post starter

Hey Joy!

No Spotting today! So, I'm going to go with implantation bleeding?? I just feel tired, and very moody. It doesn't really help that DH and I are hosting a 4th of July party today. I've been to the grocery store more times then I care to. Oh the joys of hosting!

How are you feeling today? Any new symptoms and the dinner sounds amazing!!! :)

User Image Abbie DS: 01/19/2010 ? or ? March 2012

13 years ago

Hi Abbie!

Yay!!!!! I am so happy to hear that the spotting has stopped!!! Awesome!! I am so super excited to hear that!!

As for me, I have been super nauseous the past couple days, peeing a lot, some cramps, but they seem to be more gassy cramps than af feeling now. My back is really sore, and so are my bbs!! Even in a bra they still hurt when I move!

How have you been feeling? (Aside from probably exhausted from running back and forth to the supermarket! LoL!) Do you know when you're due?


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago • Post starter

So, I thought the spotting was gone, but it happened again last night!!! :(. I'm going to try and get into the doctors this morning, but it impossible and they make pregos go off base, but the referral takes about a week to get. I'm freaking out! I just hope they will see me today!!!

I had some bad nausea yesterday, some cramps and back pain. Other than that, nothing!

I'm so glad yours is going so well!!! How was your day yesterday? I think I over did it, I was up late because we had people over and now I'm afraid I'm paying for it.

I thought my BBS would be hurting, but they are seriously not, so that's a really good sign. :)

I'm pretty sure I'm due March 10th!

User Image Abbie DS: 01/19/2010 ? or ? March 2012

13 years ago

Hi Abbie!

Aw sweetie I am so sorry to hear your still spotting That is so dumb that they make preggos go off base to see a doc... tho here military wives cant see the base doctors at all! Do you guys have walk-ins or anything? (I'm in Canada so not sure what things are like where you are) If not and if you cant get a doc/referal soon I would suggest the emergency room, only to make sure that if there is anything you can do it's being done. (I would think if it's bleeding so lightly that it would NOT be a m/c but they would probably put you on bedrest for a while. So if you cant see a doc for a while, maybe put yourself on bedrest?? Hope all works out sweetie! & trust me the nausea is a good sign!!

As for me, my day yesterday was good (again I am in Canada so Friday was our big celebration) Glad you had a good 4th of July tho!

We're due about a day apart! I am going by my supposed O day of June 19th, but it couldvt happened anytime between the 17-19th so I would be due between March 9-11!!

Just a side note: my Mom desperately wants me to name my baby Abbie if we have a girl! LoL! She LOVES that name!

Hope thigs are better today! Take it easy and dont do anything that isnt completely nexessairy!!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago • Post starter

Hey Joy!

I was able to see the doctor, but there is nothing they can do for me because I am prego. I got my referral and my first appt is set for July 29th. I pray that I made the right choice of driving an hour away! Our clinic on base does not allow walk-ins. We have to call, and it takes for forever. I was on the phone for 25 minutes before someone talked to me. But I was able to just walk-in to take my prego test, which I thought would be a blood test, so I peed. Then I find out I was suppose to pee in a cup. >.< Made for a long bathroom visit and I'm sure the tech thought I was a weird because I asked her what the cup was for. HAHAHA. We are lucky to have the insurance we do, but it can be a pain to deal with some of the people that we do! I talked to my cousin who is a mid-wife (to bad she lives in PA and I live in MO) and she said that it sounded like implantation bleeding and not to worry it would stop after a few days. If not, I'm going to call the doctor. My good friend who has had two miscarriages told me to relax today, so for the most part that's what I did. Nothing. It seemed to help, lets hope nothing shows up tonight!

I'm calling this my Father's Day baby, because that weekend was Father's Day! LOL. Not sure when I O'd, but it had to be sometime around then!

Your mom has great taste. ;). It's a pretty awesome name! LOL.

How are doing? Have you got your first appt date yet? Are you using a midwife or OB? If I could I would totally do a midwife, but our insurance doesn't cover a VBAC midwife close enough to us, oh well! Hopefully, the doctor knows what they are doing this time!!!

User Image Abbie DS: 01/19/2010 ? or ? March 2012

13 years ago

Congrats again Joy & Abbie! Please don't be shy to come to the Countdown my Pregnancy site - there are ladies of all stages on there, some are just more active than others! I am on there constantly, and get a bit bored with the lack of come over and talk to me! Shannon

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13 years ago

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