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2nd month trying, who's with me? I'm CD 9...

Hello girls,

Well I am currently TTC baby #2 (with my son, i got preggo the second month of seriously trying), it is my 2nd month right now. First month was very weird, lots of symptoms, a very long cycle...felt like I was preggo, but no...AF showed up on CD 41.
So now we're "back in business"...cycle day 9, and waiting to ovulate. This month, no more ovulation guessing...we'll have to as much as possible...any suggestions? What's better, every day or every second day? DH is super happy about the trying part...hihihi
Usually my cycle is anywhere around 30 days...

Hope this is THE month!!!
Anybody else out there at the same timing as me? It would be fun to have a group while we're trying hard!
Well to all the ladies out there that are TTC, and hope to see some this month!!!

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14 Replies • 13 years ago



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I am currently on CD 11 of 2nd cycle of trying. Last cycle we were busy with so many distractions that we were unable to BD as often as we would have liked. But this month since I am not temping, charting, checking cm we have begun early and often (every other days since cd 6 (practice runs) I don't know exactly when I will O but just to cover the basis we are going to until we can't any more. hehehe With our other 3 we every other day. DH has always said that taking a bit of a break is necessary so there are active lil swimmers released (idk). I've read posts where some have daily and it worked for them. If you can make it work for you why not everyday...
DH and I joke about trying, the other night we stood on our heads (hehehe) we are truly enjoying the trying part.
I'm super excited too! Best wishes to you!

-10/11/10 (9dpo) The best early B-day present! EDD 6/25/11 ~ for a & to all!

13 years ago

Hi ladies,
This is our second month of trying, been married for a year and 2 months so we are ready!! It is kinda depressing though b/c today I have been feeling pretty pmsy, so sad. I thought this month would be THE MONTH! I want to take a test so bad, is anyone addicted to wanting to test even when you shouldn't. I am supposed to get my period next Monday- today is
Monday and I already want to take a test. It's sorta addicting, I'm not going to lie.
Anyways, best of luck to all of you!

13 years ago

POAS is SO addictive! I know its way too early as I am about 2dpo but I def want to. LOL I only have 3 test left over from last cycle of trying so I am going to wait until at least the 13/14. The 15th is my birthday and as much as I would like to have a for a b-day present. I also don't want to be disappointed either. I know that my husband has plans for us not sure what they are but if I don't get a + before I will test that morning just so I know if it is 'safe' to drink or not lol...Well AF shouldn't rear her head but if she does it won't be until 16/17th so...I'm trying to keep busy and stay offline while we wait cuz being online makes me want to test more
to both of you ladies!

-10/11/10 (9dpo) The best early B-day present! EDD 6/25/11 ~ for a & to all!

13 years ago

Hello girls, and yes, thanks for the replies! It's so nice to have a group to go to with our own little questions/obsessions!!! I am totally addicted to POAs as well...last month for some weird reason my cycle was 41 days and i tested a gazillian times starting this month I said no more testing like crazy... My normal cycle should be 30-31 days so I won't test until October technically a day before should show up! Until then...we enjoy as often as we can!

Thekcross: waw, you have 3 children? Congratulations!!!! Waw, you must know a lot about conception! Hihihi... How long did it take you to concieve your first 3?
I have 1...a son, and with him I didn't get any nausea, nothing nothing nothing, I just retained a lot of water, but that was throughout the pregnancy, not at the beginning! I hope I'll have a little princess now so that we can have one of each...but a little boy would be great too, my son would have a buddy to play with!!!

Hi LCollins82: Trust me, I was exactly like you last month, and I'll probably be the same this it time to test yet???? Hihihi...can you imagine how women had to be so strong in the past before the POAs came along? They had to wait forever before finding out if they're preggo or not...Hahhaha...
This month I will try to be a good girl, I won't look at all the little symptoms anymore....just wait until the end of the month and if by Oct. 20th I have no sign of ...then I'll test!

So let's hope this is our month!!! and to both of you ladies and let's keep in touch!!!

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13 years ago • Post starter

HappyTTC - I was also CD9 on the 29th. I tried the OPK this month but I think it confused me more than anything. We BD on 10/4 & 10/7 and the OPK was positive on 10/6 but it was darker on 10/7 so does that mean I ovulated 10/7 or 10/8? I also am attempting to ignore any symptoms and it seems to be working. My worst symptoms this cycle or bloating and cranky. Sorry for my family huh?! LOL

Well to all!

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13 years ago

Hope4pink11 - so we're about the same in our cycle...I am 7 DPO today I think...but I am not sure since I don't exactly know when I ovulated. I started taking OPK only on Sept 8th, and the line was not dark enough, and in time it got lighter...therefore I tend to think that I ovulated before Sept. 8th...or around that date.
I am also trying to ignore any symptoms, just I clearly noticed a LOT of cm...and tingly bbs, but nothing else really...or trying not to think about it.

I will wait until Saturday and I will test then...I am so hoping that this month I am preggo...

From your name, I see that you are hoping for a girl? Do you already have a son?

I have a 20 months old son now, and I would absolutely looove to have a girl, but even if it is a little boy, I would not mind!!! As long as it is healthy, it's all I want!!!

When did you start TTC?

Let's keep eachother posted! Hope this is our month!!!!!!!

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13 years ago • Post starter

HappyTTC- We started in July but we had already missed O so this is my third cycle. I have two boys 10 & 2. Just feel like our family is too small. I would LOVE a daughter but I really just want a healthy baby.

I got false negatives with my last pregnancy until about 3 days after AF is due. So I won't test until next Wednesday which will be DPO 15.

Not as excited about TTC this cycle, pretty pessimistic so it's made it easy to not pay attention. Then I saw yesterday I was CD 23 out of 27 and I got the TTC bug back LOL!

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13 years ago

Waw, congrats for your two boys Hope4pink!!! It would be nice to have a baby girl this time!!! Cross my fingers for u!!
I have a son, and i first got a positive at 12 dpo, therfore i still have a couple of days!! I'll test on Tuesday...hope this is it!!!
I'll keep you posted!!! Plz do the same!!!
Baby dust to all!!!

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13 years ago • Post starter

Hi HappyTTC!

I see you are still waiting for AF with some promising symptoms. Fingers crossed for you! I should start tomorrow so we will see. I am soooo exhausted all the time. Have some other symptoms but I've had them before. I don't think I have been this tired before, I guess I look downright glum. My DH told me he is worried about me and doesn't believe it's just because I am tired. I am planning to test on Wednesday. That will be 15 DPO for me and previously I have started on day 13 or 14.

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13 years ago

Hi Hope4pink,

It's so promissing, being tired was my only symptom with my son...I really hope you get a bfp on Wednesday. I am crossing my fingers for you!

Today I tested, got a bfn...booo, and I am barely waiting to test again tomorrow morning with FMU. With my son I had a very faint positive one day before af was due...(which in this case would be Wednesday), so I still have some hope!!! I'll keep you posted!!!!

Let's hope this is our dust and get some rest! :o)

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13 years ago • Post starter

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