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Questions about Conception Tools/Fertility Aids/Medications

Hi ladies!

Ok af just showed herself, so it looks like tomorrow will be CD1 for me, so I am trying to figure out what I am going to use this cycle to get me pregnant!!

I need to know for each of the following when do you take during your cycle and how much and anything else you can tell me!!

- Mucinex/Robitussin
- Baby Aspirin
- Green Tea
- Soy Isoflavones

Anything y'all can tell me would help so much! And any other suggestions as well! Thanks!

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3 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hey Joy!! It's Steph! DH and I took a few months of from TTC and I am officially back!! Hope you're doing well..

I'm wondering the same thing you are..I'm going to budge and buy those silly soft cups or whatever they are called. My period just ended and DH has promised sex every 2 days and than every other day around ovulation..and we are super excited this go round..I'm also going to drink a ton if water, hoping it will help with ewcm.

Wanna be cycle buddies this month!?

13 years ago

Hi Steph!!

I missed you!! I would LOVE to be cycle buddies!! :) I am on Cd1... was SO devistated last night when I started spotting! Damn witch!

I have been doing some research today into some fertility aids... I already ordered myself some preseed so I will be trying that for the first time this cycle.

I heard that Green Tea may actually cause fertility problems! So thats out!

I also hear that Soy Isoflavones can really screw up your cycle and cause problems is you have a fairly regular cycle... so I think I will avoid that too.

I would love to buy a fertility monitor but dont wanna pay that much if I can avoid it!

The robitussin sounds interesting as it is supposed to promote ewcm, and same with the Evening Primrose Oil (but you are only supposed to take it between af & O-day) Thou I wonder if I should bother with it if I have the preseed?

I also read that baby asprin is supposed to be really benificially especially if you've had a m/c (which I have) They do say to talk to your doc first though, which I would really reather avoid, so not sure if I will go that route! LoL!

So that was my research... didnt really help me much but it made me feel like I was at least doing something to help my chances this cycle!

I am totally desperate this cycle as dh might have to go on a course out of town soon and will likely miss my O-day in July, August and maybe even Sept! So I want to do everything I can to help things along this time!

Sorry... that was a really long blurb/rant!! Hahah!! So how are you doing? I hope your break from ttc was enjoyable and that your first month back to it is lucky! You'll have to let me know how the soft cups go... I thought about ordering some, but they intimidate me! LoL! That is awesome that your dh agreed to bd so much! Mine decided last cycle to try bd-ing less after af, so there is more "build up" (sorry tmi) around O-day! Not sure what our plan of attack will be this cycle!

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13 years ago • Post starter

i've gone gluten free since gluten intolerance/celiac disease can render one infertile, taking 75 mg of dhea each day, taking extra iron and vitamin d supplements.

13 years ago

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