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BYOB: Bring on the New Years Babies!!

Hi ladies!

Well I jumped the gun again and started a new thread! So lets kick it off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I'm 27 (almost 28), dh is 28 we've been togethe 9yrs and married 2 or those (As of tomorrow... technically today since it's after midnight)
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
But we have escentially been ttc for a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently on CD11 & can't wait to be done with my pre-O 2ww!
I have used OPK's for the last 5 cycles
& last cycle I also started to chart my bbt

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

276 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi ladies!

I just love you guys! My name is ivelisse. TTC#3, praying I get my little girl this time around. Im currently 3dpo and if this is my lucky month, I will be due on Dec 23, just in time for xmas

13 years ago

Yay! New thread!
My name is Lisa. I am still 29 for one day and 5 hours, lol. DH is 35 ad we have been married since October. Actively ttc for 5 months now. I hate to sound "uninformed," but I do not know how many dpo I am offhand. I have been tracking things, but I have spent the past two months trying not to stress like I have in previous months and it has IMMENSELY helped my mental state. AF should be due within a week, I would think.

Ty Aisha. I will have to celebrate at work, unfortunately. I don't like working on my birthday and last year was the first time ever that I have because my birthday landed on the day after Easter and it was a blackout day for personal days or vacation time. This year, our vacation is being stolen from us and the company is telling us when we are to use it (during summer shutdown), so I will be working again this year. Honestly, I am scared of what those girls have planned for me, lol. We have a huge marquis that shows information about line time, breakdowns in the department, ect. Every line in the department has one and they all show the same thing. Lately, our superintendent has thought it was cute to wish people happy birthday on there, but if it is a milestone birthday, she put something snarky like "How nifty! Carol is 50!" Carol works on my line and the girls brought her a lightup tiara, a feather boa and black balloons, lol. I alaready know I am getting a penis cake because EVERYONE on our line gets one for their birthday, lol.
So here is to another month of MANY !!!!
Hopefully, we can ALL graduate to the "other" forums by the end of this month


13 years ago

hi there thread again....

im Emma im 38 in 3 days !!!!! been ttc for 14 months the mo i am 4 days over due for af but not preg as i did a test yest and got a body is playing tricks on me .....ggggrrrrrr.....

this thread has been great to read and reply to i check it a few times a day . xx

1 son 17 years old , and expecting B/G twins atm that are due next month : )

13 years ago

Corvina- from your mouth to God's ears, I'm rooting for you guys, let's all graduate with our this month. I feel extra good and excited. My DH asked me if I was pregnant yet because " he's got a feeling" that I am, I said that we'll find out in 2 weeks!

Penis cake sound yummy lol, sound like you have quite some funny characters at work.

13 years ago

Hi Girls

My name is Katie
I'm 30, dh is 34 we've been together almost 14 yrs and married for 9 on April 20th!
From Baltimore. MD
We have a DD that will be 3 in August.
TTC #2 for 3 cycles so far.

I am 10 DPO today (BFN this am)...symptoms:
-bbs tender when poked underarms and on top
-intense low cramping yesterday am for about 5 mins. (9dpo... implantaion)
-EWCM (white) since about 4dpo and incr. CM in gen.
-(TMI alert) CM smells like vinegar, never even noticed a smell before.
-Fri. (7dpo) had a dream I gave birth to a little boy?! Hope that means something, last month I had a dream that a friend announced ther pregnancy and she isn't even trying to TTC.
-CP is med. soft.closed.

Ok...on to comments:

Pooker- I am so, so happy to hear the great news!
I had my DD in a hospital, and I had to be induced. I did have an epidural, if wore off 2 different times, and let me tell you, if you have to get pitocin, you are going to want (need) an epidural. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, and the look on my face when the epidural wore off, almost made my husband pass out...he is a fire fighter things don't usually phase him much...anyway, I hope no one has to be induced...It sucked (took 3 days). But I did feel the pushing when I birthed my DD, and I did tear, but that stopped hurting at about 6 days after birth, and I have not had any residual side effects.

I am sorry to those ladies who the slapped...and I am for better luck this cycle.

E2E- So my family of 3 now consists of a Chris, Katie, and my boy name is
Cole Preston, and my girl name is Carsyn Paisley

Good Luck everyone. It ain't over til the fat lady (or ugly witch) sings!


13 years ago

forgot to say its gonna be lilybelle for a girl and hunter for a boy .xx

1 son 17 years old , and expecting B/G twins atm that are due next month : )

13 years ago

Hey there everyone! My name is Keico I'm 35 and DH is 39 we have been together for nearly 13 years and married for nearly seven. We have a DS (9) and a DD (4) and we are ttc #3. This has been a NTNP cycle for me so I'm not stressing to much about it. I think I'm 6 DPO and except for some super watery cm at 4 DPO, I haven't had any symptoms.

Corvina: A penis cake, now that is funny! Lol, I can just imagine the funny comments being flung around while the cake is being eaten (that's a hint, make sure you report back with the funny comments). When I worked it was in a corporate environment and I'm pretty sure people would have gotten fired if anyone had brought a penis cake to work!

Some may thing it's hokey but we have a little theme going on with our kids names (or we will). Our daughter's name is Lily and our son's name is Jacob so we were thinking of sticking with a floral name if it's a girl and and a J name (preferably blibical) if it's a boy. Right now we both like Violet and Joshua or Judah. For middle names I like Patricia, my mom's name. I don't think it goes with Violet though and DH has a thing about naming children after dead relatives, he thinks it's morbid. I also like Seraphina, Lucia and Rose. For boy's middle names I like Lucas, Emerson, and Patrick (again after my mom).

13 years ago

Kitten - great name! Our daughter's name is Lily Annabelle so I'm a little biased.

13 years ago

Hi all: My name is Carolyn.... I am 35 and DH is 40 ... we are ttc #1...... we have been ttc really seriously for 7 months now. We live in Davenport IA along the Mississippi river...I just had my infertility checkup and so far I am good with no problems per say and DH sperm was good too!! I have an HSG this week and that will be the last test then they will start me on clomid.....

DH just found out that he is leaving for S. Korea to help with army operations there for Japan (he is a major in army) for a little over a month or so:( It is always hard for me when he is gone and now it will be before my HSG so even if we bd before he goes then all the fishes will be washed out with the test and it is a week before I O this month. So I know we have no chance this month either:( So I will just be hanging out with you ladies this time around and then hopefully when he gets back we can try again! So you ladies will have to keep my company while he is gone!!!!

13 years ago

Okay I forgot to weigh in on the hospital/home birth options. With DS I was two weeks past my due date and was induced with pitocin. I declined the epidural and labored for 24 hours and only dialated to 3 cm. I then had a c-section (failure to progress) and had a healthy 10 lb 5 oz. boy. Now many will say the pitocin is what caused me no to progress and that may be the case. However, if I had gone with a midwife, I would not have been induced. I was already two weeks past my due date and who knows how much longer DS would've kept a death grip on my uterus before he decided to come out on his own. Now at two weeks late he was 10 lbs 5 oz, I can't imagine how big he would have been had we waited any longer. I could've had an eleven or twelve pound kid and altough I have some big child birthing hips, they're not that big! I can't even imagine the complications that might have arose with me trying to vaginally deliver an 11 or 12 pound kid. So I am glad I had a hospital birth with him. With DD I wanted a VBAC but developed placenta previa, so that was completely out of the question. I have always been a better safe then sorry kind of girl and I'm way to paranoid not to have a doctor deliver my babies.

13 years ago

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