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BYOB: Hoping for A Special Little Christmas Gift This Year!!

Hi ladies!!

I have no idea how many threads this is - I have lost count! Lets hope this one is just as luck as the last!!

Starting off as usual, a little update:

My name is Joy
I'm 27, dh is 28 we've been together almost 9yrs and married almost 2 or those
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
But we have escentially been ttc for a year now
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
I am currently on CD3 & can't wait to be done with my pre-O 2ww!
I have used OPK's for the last 5 cycles
& last cycle I also started to chart my bbt

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all!Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

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269 Replies • 13 years ago



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My name is Carolyn: I am 35 dh is 40 we are ttc for #1... We have been married for one year and 1/2..... we have been seriously ttc for 7 months now. I am cd 24 today and spotted once today..... ?????? I have an follow up infertility apt. tommorrow with DH and we are getting a plan of action for hopefully a bfp in the future!!! I am nervous and scared about it..... And I don't know what to think about this spot today???? It may be AF 5 days early or implantation??? So I am confused! DH says "we are in this together!" Love him!

13 years ago

Hi everyone,

I am in Boston, 32 and DH is 31.

TTC for almost a year.

This cycle I had an HSG procedure, Clomid, and will get an IUI either tuesday or weds. I am trying really hard not to get too excited...I know this procedure doesn't work the fiist time always. But I am optimistic anyway...

I love this thread. I feel really supported and encouraged by everyone.
To everyone!

13 years ago

Hi ladies! Yay another thread!!!

My name is Josie, and I live in Australia. I am currently taking a break from TTC after a m/c in Feb at 5 weeks pregnant.

I have applied for several jobs interstate, and once we have moved/settled in we will start ttc again!

Good news - I have a telephone interview tomorrow for the job I REALLY want!! (I want them all - but this one has really drawn me in!) If I get this job we could be in sunny Queensland within a month, which means I can start ttc again SOON!!! I am so nervous/excited. I hope I don't blow it!

I love sticking around on these threads to keep up with all my online bffs. My dh saw I was on this forum yesterday, and asked why I was still coming here - I told him it was so I could stay in touch with you guys, and see each and every one of you get your BFP's!!!!!

A HUGE to all the ladies who have got their this month! I am so happy for you all, and I hope you will continue to stick around throughout your pregnancy!!


13 years ago

Hi everyone! Wow, a new thread already!!! Woo Hoo!

My name is Mira. I'm 28, DH is 31. We are trying for our first together, I have three little ones from a previous marriage. We have been TTC for two months, with two months before that being ntnp. We have been using OPKs and BBT. I'm now on CD1. AF just made her unwelcome appearance about an hour ago.

This has been a great thread to be a part of! All the ladies are so supportive and its been wonderful to have people to talk to who know exactly what this feels like!!

13 years ago

Yay a new page.
ok so lets see my name is jan I am 31 my dh is 32. We have been married 6 years. We have been together for 14. We have been ttc for 7 months.I should be starting af soon. I am hoping I will not.

I have been with this group since it was started and the group of ladies are wonderful. I love you all.

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

Heya, I'm Kat ... I'm 24, dh is 28 and we have been ttc our first until I got my bfp on the last thread :) yay! Still planning on sticking around to support the ladies who supported and are continuing to support me.

I live in Indiana and work as an Administrative Assistant. Sending plenty of to all of the ladies on this forum, and any woman out there who dreams to be a mother.

you ladies

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

13 years ago

Hi ladies!

babymomma - Yay for your job interview!! I hope you get it! Keeping my for you! & hopefully once you move and start ttc again I hope you get a quick bfp!

nursemom - sorry to hear that horrible witchy woman showed today Hopefully April will be another luck month for our thread!!

Another big & to all our wonderul preggo ladies on here!! I love that this thread is made up of so many ladies, in all the different stages of ttc & pregnancy!

Aisha - I'm bored!!! LOL! The pre-O 2ww sucks! I felt nauseous and just over all sick today and I couldnt even think.. "ooo am I pg??" LoL! Only on cd3... Boo!! Can't wait to at least start bd-ing!

Well I am just watching tv with dh... he's making me watch star trek... what a dork! LoL! Love him anyway! Hope you're all enjoying your weekend... ths week is spring break here so we should be pretty busy!

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13 years ago • Post starter

Wow! We are going through a thread a week now! Incredible!!!

Well here are my stats:
My name is Aisha. I'm 24 and my dh is 40. We've been married for almost 2 years and have been a couple for 5 years. We are ttc #1 for me but my dh has a son from a past marriage who is 10 and awesome! I'm currently in medical school and so I live in Maryland but my dh is in NJ most of the time but works two days a week in MD so I get to see him then. Unfortunately I don't get to see my stepson much while I'm at school

We've been ttc for three months but I didn't ovulate the first two due to hormonal inbalances. I took clomid the third month and ovulated, but just found out I have a bicornuate uterus so clomid is out for this next month. Hoping I will ovulate without it, will be starting vitex/chasteberry once it arrives (should be tomorrow) and awaiting more tests to see how "bad" my uterus is. I use charting and opks, but I'm not a charting pro yet! I also use saliva ferning tests, preseed, and soft cups. This month I've started checking cervical position as well. I plan to start checking my cm once AF leaves. I tried in the past but since clomid affects your cm it was pretty pointless!

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13 years ago

I thought I'd put my stats and then my updates in separate posts, lol.

Carolyn- I agree with Joy. Just tell the docs about the spotting and where you are in your cycle. They will probably be happy to know that actually when going through the infertility workup. I'm praying for you hun and that you will soon find out that you didn't need to see the fertility doc afterall if you catch my meaning!

Kat- glad you are sticking with us! We will love to share in your progress!

Josie- awww I love what you told your dh about us!!! I will pray that your interview goes well tomorrow!!!!

Mira- Sorry came. I really hate that witch!!!!

Jamie- for your procedure!!

Joy- Yeah I'm thinking by tomorrow I should just be spotting too. I'm glad the is starting to give us a break so we can get to the fun stuff . about not even being able to be excited about feelin nauseous! Nausea without the possibility of pregnancy is just annoying.

So today I was really glad that I'm not in the tww! I went ice-skating to get some exercise today (something I definitely can't do during the tww because I'm a miscarriage risk). I've never taken skating lessens or anything but I think it's fun and I try to teach myself tricks. Well today, I was practicing some footwork stuff and totally tripped myself and hit the ice so hard! I may have torn a muscle in my shoulder trying to break my fall because it is bad! I also have a welt the size of a golf ball on my knee. I hit the ice so hard that I knocked the wind out of myself and got so dizzy I felt like I was going to vomit on the ice! I pulled myself off the ice along the side of the rink because I couldn't even walk straight at that point let alone skate. The funny part is that all I kept thinking was "Thank God I'm not pregnant right now!"

As if I would actually go ice-skating while pregnant (especially with my heart-shaped uterus)! LOL. We ttc ladies obsess about being pregnant even when we know we aren't!!!

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13 years ago

Good luck to all of you. I pray that we all get Xmas babies! I want my little girl so very much. But I will settle for what God gives me. By the way, my name is ivelisse and I'm from New York. I've been married for 14 years and trying for #3 after 12 years

13 years ago

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