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BYOB: Hope for a little Christmas Miracle this year!!

Hi ladies!

Well I am bored so I jumped the gun a little and started a new thead even though we were only on pg14! Haha! So we will start off the same as always... with an update:

My name is Joy
I'm 27, dh is 28 we've been together almost 9yrs and married almost 2 or those
From Canada
I got pg back in the summer or 2010 (ntnp) then m/c'd at 8 weks
We have a nursery room all set up, all we're missing is the baby
Been ttc for 6, nearly 7 months I think
I am currently 11dpo & have not tested yet!
I have used OPK's for the last 4 cycles
& This cycle I have also started to chart my bbt

I am trying SO hard not to obsess this cycle and have not been reading anything into my symptoms - all of which could be explained by impending af as well as pregnancy. And I dont plan on testing until Tuesday at the earliest!

I am addicted to this site & love all you ladies to pieces! I swear this thread is my lifeline & you all are my online bffs! LoL!

Hope everyone decides to follow us over again!

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284 Replies • 13 years ago



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Helllooooooo ladies!!!!

Yay for jumping the gun! I'm going to do a quick intro than run- going to a Pakistani wedding reception tonight!

My name is Aisha
I'm 24, dh is 40
Been married since June 2009
TTC #1 (plus I have an awesome 10 year old stepson!)
I have hyperprolactinemia so I just did my first cycle on clomid.
Currently 11 dpo and in the same boat and Joy regarding symptoms!

I have an ultrasound tomorrow so I will poas in the morning. Praying for my bfp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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13 years ago

Holy cats, ladies! We are on a ROLL!!!! Love you all!

I'm Gretchen and I'm about to start my second trimester this coming Wednesday! I got my BFP back on January 19th and have stuck around because I heart all of you and love hearing your stories and praying for all of you to become the wonderful mommies that you deserve to be!

I'm 26 years old and DH is 33.

I live in warm and toasty (lol) Michigan.

I work in a cupcake shoppe (really! lol) and I LOVE it!!!!

I'm due October 2nd, and I'd love it if you'd let me stick around until (and maybe even beyond!) then!

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13 years ago

Hello lovely ladies!

Yes I know, I am on here a lot today... it's either sit on my computer or get off my butt and start some spring cleaning Haha!!

Aisha - Have fun at the wedding reception! & tomorrow!! (Both with the dr and the hpt!!)

Gretchen - Yay for you almost being in your 2nd trimester!! That is super exciting!! And we would LOVE for you to stick around throughout your pregnancy and after!!

Nothing new with my (obviously since I just posted like 30 mins ago!! LOL!) Did notice I seem to have to pee a lot so far today... but that has happened before af the past 2 cycles, so my hopes remain realistic for the time being.

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday! It's actually raining here, which is a switch... usually it's snowing . Getting a little frustrated... it's gonna be spring break in about a week and it definitely isnt spring outside yet!!

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13 years ago • Post starter

Hi all again!!

I am Carolyn..... I live in Iowa and dh and I have been married for 1 1/2 years. I am 35 he is 40. We are ttc for #1. We have been ttc for 7 months now. DH works with the army and I am an ESL teacher. I have my follow up infertility apt. coming up on the 28th were we will get some test results back and probably discuss treatment options in needed; but today I am 3dpo and hoping that we won't have to go because I will get a bfp this month instead!!

Sorry I was MIA for a day or so; I went to a family friend's of ours and to a St. Patty's day party.... we stayed the night and just drove home.......

13 years ago

YAY, E2E for starting the NEW thread!!

I'm Jill, 34 & DH 32.
This is month #6 & desperately TTC #1 !!!
I'm using OPK's, CBE fertility monitor, & preseed.
I'm 10DPO & trying NOT to obsess over symptoms, but we ALL know how hard that is...

Love this site & forum cuz it lets me vent to all of you & get feedback!! Everyone keep doing what your doing! This helps me alot when I have no one else to talk to!

13 years ago

Hi Everyone!! Woo Hoo for the new thread!

My name is Mira. I'm 28 for another month and a half, DH is 31. Were are TTC #1 together. I have three angels from a previous marriage.

I'm on 7DPO today. We have been ttc for two months, with two months ntnp before that. This cycle we tried OPKs for the first time and I have been charting my bbt.

13 years ago

Hi ladies!

I know, I'm back AGAIN!! LoL... at least I got some housework done first though!! Haha!

Mira - when is your bday? you say you're 28 for a month and a half... I turn 28 in about a month and a half! (May 15th)

Jill (lucky) - Glad you're not obsessing too much, it's SO hard! But I have myself convinced that I am out this cycle cause all the symptoms I have are typical of af. When are you testing? (or have you started already? LoL)

Carolyn - How was you're St.Pattys day party??

Well I am off to finish making dinner and then snuggle up with my dh and watch some tv/movies! Have a good Sunday everyone!

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13 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone!

I'm Keico, I'm 35 and DH is 39 we have been married for almost seven years and have been together for almost thirteen years (we got married on the 6th anniversary of the day we met). We have a DS (9) and a DD (4) we are TTC #3. Well I am TTC #3, DH is NTNP.

I am on CD 5, I've decided to take this cycle off because I don't want a Christmas baby and because I'm having some testing done and want to find out the results of those before trying again.

Tomorrow, I have an ultrasound to check my endometrial lining as my doc thinks it may be too thick, which can cause problems in getting pregnant and staying pregnant. I won't find out the results until Thursday though so it's more waiting for me.

13 years ago

My party was great.... we got to see our married friends and thier three kids who all were traveling in Ireland when we got married in Scotland and came to our Wedding. They are very special to us and so it was great to see them since they live about 3 hours away!

I am 3 dpo..... and so here goes the obsessing and symptoms ladies:

creamy cm
heavy/ fullness on left side with some crampiness
tired (could be from the party)
a little bloating

13 years ago

Hi ladies!

Keico - Good luck with your ultrasound tomorrow! I hope your results come back to say everything is good! (Or at very least easily fixable!)
If af comes for me next week then I think I will also be taking a break next cycle... or at least ntnp because we dont particularly want an xmas baby. (Not that we wouldnt still be happy if it happened)Dh's bday is right around xmas and he's always hated it.

Carolyn - glad you had a good time at your party and visiting with your friends! As for the symptoms, I can't say if they are af or pg - but I have had them all too!! LoL! The whole stork on the tummy thing sounds pretty good right about now!

I am just sitting on my laptop while dh and I watch some tv. I've been surfing lots of pregnancy sites, and doing some "window shopping" LoL!

Hope you ladies are having a good night

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13 years ago • Post starter

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