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An update I didn't see coming (preg. mentioned)

Things happen for a reason. This is my life motto. I'm not overly religious but I do believe in God and I also believe that He doesn't give us anything that we cannot handle.

Pumba and I started planning out the next two years. We had hoped to get married next fall but nothing was falling into place. The venues we were hoping for were either booked or too expensive so we decided to focus on buying a house next year and getting married the following year with the plan to save enough money that it wouldn't be a concern. This discussion happened on Saturday night. By Sunday night the plan is still in place but it looks wildly different.

It all started on Thursday. I wasn't super hungry so I ate some celery and peanut butter. I spent the rest of the night thinking that maybe the celery had gone bad. The churning stomach didn't cease. By Sunday morning I was dry heaving and crying huge crocodile tears....because I'm a huge baby when I'm sick. Go figure...
I called my cousin to use her as a sounding board and she encouraged me to test. I was terrified how Pumba would react. Our talks were always hypothetical and after we were settled as a married couple in our home. I started crying when I told him that we should grab a test from the dollar store. He handled my melt down like a pro. We picked up our dinner and tests and went home. Thankfully my mom was in town for the night so I, being the mommas girl that I am, told her what had been going on. Her response was "I'll babysit for the wedding!"
Pumba and I watched the new King Arthur movie with Charlie Hunnam - a must see, by the way, and I took a small nap. I woke up to go to bed and decided to just take a test then. Undeniable. There was no waiting. It was beyond a shadow of a doubt, positive. I was in shock that I was staring at my first BFP and according to my quick math in my head, I was already at approx. 6 weeks.
You see, at the beginning of Sept, I thought I had an ovarian cyst. Hurt like hell and I had some bleeding. It was a week before my period was due. The following week I had some spotting but nothing enough to wear a tampon or pad. I assumed that due to the cyst, I was having a very light AF. Nope, apparently I had experienced implantation pain and spotting. Meatball is implanted on the right side of my uterus, of that I am sure. We were also in shock because we literally had sex once in the time frame that I would have conceived and it was late in my cycle. It was anniversary sex on Labor day weekend. One time. Apparently his swimmers were on a mission. Now we joke about how it was anniversary sex, we find out were growing a tiny human 3 days before his birthday and we're due the week before mine.
The morning sickness is strong and I'm struggling to find things to eat. Hind sight being how it is, I had a plethora of other symptoms. I could have cut glass on my nips the last few weeks, I've had slight uterine cramps, which I assume are from expansion.
I had a mini freak out last night because I spotted a little bit. Nothing outrageous but we've quickly moved from the shock to doing everything in our power to keep me and the baby safe. I did my research and found that light spotting is normal.
I have my first appointment with our local pregnancy center to verify the pregnancy for insurance and then my first ultrasound next week.
This was not the update I was expecting to give, and I'm beyond scared but we've got this!

Sending BOAT LOADS of baby dust to all of you. It seems I will be making the transition to the sister site for the foreseeable future. Please know my thoughts are with you and I will be sending BFP thoughts to you all.

P.S. for those of you on my FB, we are keeping it quiet until December when his brother comes home. We want to be in the "safe zone" before going public with our family and friends.

14 Comments • 6 years ago



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Comments (sorted by laughs)

1 - 10 of 14 Comments | Last Page

OMG I'm in shock lol I am so glad I just logged in:))) how exciting for you both. Sending you sticky vibes x

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

6 years ago

lol! Thank you Gem! Given that this is Pumba's child, I have a feeling we have a stubborn one on our hands. lol Hope you've been well! XOXO

6 years ago • Post starter

EEEK!! So exciting! Congrats to you. I had spotting with both of my pregnancies - while nerve-wracking - it is totally normal. Can't wait to read your updates :)

6 years ago

Wow, congrats! What a great update! Sending sticky vibes to you and your mate.

6 years ago

Wow! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! What a wonderful surprise!

User Image

6 years ago

Whaaaaaaatttt!!!! Congratulations!! I'm so glad I logged on. Please keep us updated from time to time.

6 years ago

Thank you ladies! I'll be sure to stop in and update throughout. Right now the morning sickness is fierce.

6 years ago • Post starter

WOW!! That is amazing!! Congrats love!!

6 years ago


<img src=

6 years ago

Wow! Congratulations!! =))
Hope the ms ends soon.

6 years ago

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