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Has it really been almost 3 months since my last update?!

Holy cow. I'm slacking!
I'll keep it as short and sweet as I can. In the last three months I've made some of the best friends I could ever ask for, done some really stupid shit, started a new job, and the cherry on top: my cycles are completely normal!! 28 days on the nose. Ovulation moves around quite a bit so I've been super careful.
My birthday was, in two words: FUCKING EPIC. I went to ikea, got to ride in a firetruck in a parade, and got shitfaced around a fire with my closest friends. Then spent the weekend with my mom, got a tattoo, bought some new clothes because mine are all too big, and went swimming for the first time in a year. I think I can handle being 28...I'll just pretend the "2" is a "1". Lol
Other than that, things are running as normal.

Oh- funny fact: my exhusband is already engaged. LMFAO she's old enough to be his mother and his dad calls her "five head". Ha!

8 Comments • 8 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 8 of 8 Comments

I was thinking of you and hoping you would update. Good luck to the new victim. Sounds like she is going to need it. He is engaged because he needs someone to take care of him. At least that's not going to be you.

I love your update. It made me happy to see you are taking life by the horns. What tattoo did you get? I've always wanted one, just could never settle on a design.

And if you are having to be careful, does that mean there is a new lust or love in your life?

Sending you all the best. Keep doing what you're doing. It's working for you!

8 years ago

Love reading your updates! I too have been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing. Can't believe your ex is engaged all ready - it sounds like you dodged a bullet divorcing that guy though. You sound like you are doing what's best for you which is awesome! 28 is still very young yet :) Don't be a stranger - update again soon! :)

8 years ago

Good to hear from you! I've been wondering about you also.

8 years ago

Overthinker: How've you been? I've been thinkin about ya! Life is good. I just got my 8th tattoo and it says "You are far more precious than jewels" and runs along the top of my shoulder. No new love interests at present. I've dated a bit but nothing lasting. I'm okay with that. I'm waiting for the right guy. I may have met him already...we'll see. Sending all my best!!

Starmama: Thanks!!! I was laying in bed this morning thinkin "I wonder how everyone is!". Bullet is definitely dodged. He looks like hell lol! Thank you doll!

Adiggs: I hope you've been well!

8 years ago • Post starter

Lovely to see an update on here ;)
Wow can't believe your ex is engaged already... very lucky escape there. Glad you had an EPIC birthday. You look amazing btw so whatever you are doing keep it up its working :) xx

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

8 years ago

Gemma: thanks girl!!! I love seein pictures on Facebook, gorgeous! You're so damn perdy! Lol

8 years ago • Post starter

Life is good - BUSY. the 3yo is a handful at the moment. We are counting down the days till she turns 4 because I hear 4 is better. Twins are thriving and generally pretty happy little babies. They kinda live in their own bubble at the moment. Give them some toys and each other and they are content.

7 years ago

That's great!! haha I hear similar things. There must be a switch that's flipped the day they turn a new age. The day my niece turned 2, she turned into a possessed mini dictator. lol

7 years ago • Post starter

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