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Not too much

There's not a whole lot that's been goin on. I've told Dakota everything that happened last weekend, so I'll give y'all the cliff notes version:
Went to Jerry's and hung out with him, Randy and their friend. Randy ended up leaving around 1am. I stayed. At this point, I was only interested in being friends with him. I also never expected anything to happen with Jerry...he kissed me...alot. I forgot my damn name. Never in my life have I been kissed like that. Randy isn't speaking to me so I'm figuring he found out. He really has no right to be angry since he only invited me down to Jerry's AFTER he found out that "Becky" wasn't going to meet him there. Seriously, you can't get mad at your BACKUP PLAN girl when she finds out you have a PLAN A girl. Boys are dumb. BUT I also haven't heard from Jerry, and I'm cool with that for the most part...maybe a little bummed but whatever. Randy's his friend and it becomes a really sticky situation...
I'm super excited for tomorrow (Friday) night though! Brandon's cousin (they have zero relationship) and I are going out for a girls night. :) :) I need a wing girl. I'm not going to meet any guys when I'm hanging out with my guy or otherwise LMAO. We're going to be each other's wing girl. I need girl time VERY badly.
My cousin, her fiance, and Brookie Monster have been super sick lately. I haven't seen them since Christmas and that's a long time for us. My cousin's pregnancy is going well other than her ridiculous morning sickness on top of the strep she just got over. She's a hot mess but good respectively. Because she's 35, they're considering her an "elderly pregnancy"...OH the fit she had! BAHAH! I just laughed...because I'm a shithead little cousin like that. Anyway, because of her age, they're going to do the genetic testing for any abnormalities and they'll tell her the gender WAY early. I can't flipping wait!! I think it's a boy and I cannot WAIT to buy ALL THE CUTE BOY THINGS!! She's facilitating my baby fever at this point. UGH I'm not even having sex and I have baby fever. FML
Jealous...SO jealous of you ladies at this point. I'm not one of those girls that can just sleep with a guy and move on...therefore...I'm not getting any!! :( Not cool, life, not cool.
Enjoy a laugh at my expense. Clearly my mind is scattered to ends of the earth.
Love y'all!!! Stay warm!

6 Comments • 8 years ago



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Comments (sorted by laughs)

1 - 6 of 6 Comments

I totally understand the baby fever, but just enjoy yourself right now. Sounds like you're having a good time, and really keeping your options open. I'm so happy to hear that you're doing so well, and having a good time. Don't worry about those turds, you're going to find someone really great!

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8 years ago

Well, at least you got a good make out with Jerry. And in a way kinda stuck it to the jerk (Randy). I know that wasn't your intention, but hey, two birds with one stone. Girl, you are living the dream. ;) Hang in there - you are a catch, so it will happen. In the mean time, KEEP MAKING OUT WITH ALL THE CUTE BOYS. *jealous muttering*

8 years ago

Haven't heard from Jerry since, eh?! He's a douche too...Dodge or not...douche! I agree with the other ladies, enjoy life and make out with lotsa guys...nail a few for me too! =))

8 years ago

HA sorry I love these comments. :) Yea he is a total jerk. Looking forward to another update.

8 years ago

Just enjoy yourself hun, you deserve it! So many guys out there for you to kiss :)

8 years ago

Bahaha!!! while reading these comments I kept picturing one of those goofy ass memes with the caption "Make out with all the boys!!"...ya "Pee on all the sticks!!!" LMAO! But yeah, not worried about it at all. I am having fun and Overthinker is right: Two dodo birds, one large rock. :-P

8 years ago • Post starter

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