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New Experiences and Closure.

Hey girls!! I hope you are all doing well. :)
I just wanted to post an update on how things are going over here. I'm great. Happy.
About a week ago, I was out drinking with my mom's best friend and she talked me into joining a dating site. I really didn't think it would lead to anything BUT I went on my first, first date EVER yesterday. So I met him through this dating site, we talked a bit through it and then exchanged phone numbers. He started texting me Friday afternoon. That led to talking from 6pm to 3:30am Saturday morning. Somewhere during this conversation we decided to schedule a date (he lives 1.5hrs away) for two weeks from not. We talked on and off Saturday and he decided he didn't want to wait two weeks and that he wanted to drive to my town and go out before he had to go to work. One major downfall to meeting someone online and talking as much as we did before hand is that dinner conversation is a little stilted. We had already discussed those typical first date questions and topics. Never-the-less, I really like him. He's 6 years older with a son (total cutie pie too). He's a great guy. I just don't know where his head is with it all now. We went to dinner and then walked by the lake at the local park. Before he left he said "We should hang out again soon" and gave me a hug. Now, I don't know if this is like the "easy letdown" or if he really meant it. I think this is where Brandon screwed my head up more than I had originally thought. But, there isn't anything to do now except wait and see if I hear back from him again. I'll be bummed if I don't, but it is what it is. I'm glad I've got the experience of a first date under my belt and that I took the leap. I was scared shitless but I'm glad I did it. Fingers crossed though!!
Now to the divorce update: Brandon came over Saturday morning to get his half of the paperwork and more of his stuff. I realize now that he's looking for quick money out of me for things. He keeps asking about what I plan to do with my jewelry. Some of it isn't even paid off but I will never wear it. I know he's going to expect me to pay half of his credit card debt because he used them occasionally for things for both of us. Whatever. My offer to him when we meet on Wednesday to discuss the last of the paperwork will be, "You can have all the jewelry and in return, I walk away Scot-free". I don't LEGALLY owe him a dime but I don't want a fight. I just want it to be finalized. He asked how I was and I was honest. "I'm doing good. I realize now that I don't disagree with the things you said. I'm me again and I didn't realize how much of a shell I had become. We weren't right for each other and we're both better off going our separate ways." I don't think he expected that but he more or less agreed and said that someday he'd like us to be friends. I nipped that notion in the bud real quick. I can't do that. Maybe in a few years, but not now. I don't want to be privy to new girlfriends, just like he knows nothing of the fact that I had met someone. I'm happier than I have been in YEARS! My God, it's so good to feel like myself again, loving life like I used to.
Other news: My older cousin and I have grown very close again and we're spending an entire weekend at the fair, the first weekend of September. I'm unbelievably excited! We're seeing The Band Perry in concert, going to the Demo Derby, and the Truck and Tractor Pulls. WOOT!

I keep checking in on you ladies. I'm hoping to see some good news from yall! :) HUGE hugs to all of you. Thank you for your never ending support! <3you!

10 Comments • 8 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 10 of 10 Comments

I am SO happy to read this! I wouldnt think negatively about ur dates comment...think of it this way, if he didnt want to see u again, he couldve said nothing at all! No more negative thoughts, this is a new start, completely different man! I'm so happy that things are falling into place for u...and so quickly! U deserve the best, my dear, ur a fantastic person! =))

8 years ago

So glad to hear this from you. It's so good to hear that you're feeling so happy and confident these days. You're being much more calm and mature with Brandon than I might be, so props to you for that. Hopefully it'll all be done soon. Good luck with the new guy!

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8 years ago

So happy to see an update from you! And I think it is great you are back out and dating too! Sounds like you are in a really good place - I am so happy for you! Keep us updated on everything :)

8 years ago

Sandy: Thank you, sweets! I'm trying not to. I also don't want to get my hopes up but only time will tell. You're pretty fan-freaking-tastic yourself, lady! :)

Renae: Thanks!! I feel great! I definitely didn't think I'd be where I am right now. I'm surprising even myself at this point. lol! :)

Starmama: I am!! Thank you! I will :)

8 years ago • Post starter

Glad you found your happiness in being yourself again :) Good for you girl !!!

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

8 years ago

So glad to seen an update and SO SO glad to see you're doing well. Congrats on the first date going well and having it under your belt. I'm also glad you and Brandon are being mature about everything. I'm sure it helps the process much more. Have fun at your fair. Our county fair is held in the town I live in and it's this week as well. I'll be at the tractor pulls on Thursday and probably the derby on Friday or Saturday, haha. HURRAY FOR FAIR FOOD!!!

Colton "Casually" TTC #2 Go Bills!

8 years ago

Glad ur doing well. Ur a beautiful, strong woman. Brandon lost a gem , too bad! Hold your head up and don't stoop to his level. Thanks for posting. Cheers to finding true love and your BFP soon, we are here for you love. Hugs!

After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

8 years ago

I'm glad you had a nice date. It doesn't always need to lead to more at this point. Find out what means a lot to you as you work on yourself and the right man will come along.

I also agree, give him the jewelry and wipe your hands clean of him. If the CC was in his name, it's too bad. He can shove it.

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8 years ago

Nothing better than meeting someone new and going on a first date. Nothing compares to those butterflies in the stomach :) I could feel your happiness radiate through this post and it made me smile! As far as the ex husband goes I too say let him have the jewelry but don't agree to pay the credit cards. When my ex husband and I got divorced he wanted me to pay for his cards and his debt was SCARY! I said hell no and in court the judge asked whose name they were in and they were just in his. The judge said they were granted to him as they were just in his name! Haha loser. I feel you should do the same ;)<img src=

8 years ago

Basia: Thank you!!

Mal: Thanks! I'm super excited about the fair. I wish it was local though. That'd be even better. Have fun yourself!

newly: Thank you so much!!

mgulud: You're right. It doesn't need to. I'm so new to all of this, that I don't really know what to expect or feel about things. I can't wait for it to be final!!

pregnancyaddict: Thanks, sweets. I'm sooo happy. :) I'm glad the cards are in his name only. He's got like $4500 in debt and I think giving him back the jewelry is sufficient to cover my half of whatever he thinks that I owe. I'm going to use the "well, legally, I don't owe you anything so here's my offer. You take the jewelry and I walk away."

8 years ago • Post starter

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