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Red tide is still here, but planning a future vacation is fun!

So, AF is still here and I'm still surprised that I'm handling this one pretty well. Brandon is getting anxious and is more than ready. He basically said that if we could "poof" a baby out of thin air, it wouldn't be fast enough. It almost made me cry! I love our country drives that lead to conversations like that. I'm not sure why, but our best conversations happen in the car. He knows that we'll be making our appointments soon and he's a little am I. I explained everything I've learned about the process and he turned a little green when we talked about all of the possible testing for me. Poor guy.

We've been talking about needing to visit our family in the Florida pan-handle and are considering combining it with our very late honeymoon. What we'd like to do is drive down and have the road trip part be our honeymoon. 2 days down, 2 days back, 4 days in Florida...or some variance of that. From here to there we'd cross through: Louisville KY, Nashville TN, Birmingham AL, and Montgomery AL. I'm most excited about Nashville though. My best friend from my childhood that I haven't seen in 15 years lives there and a friend from high school also lives there and get this: has worked with Aerosmith! Awesome-sauce! I hope I get to see one of them on our way through. We plan to stay in Nashville over night and explore a bit since the majority of the trip is done by that point. Other than that, I have no idea what to expect from any of those places. Have y'all visited any of them? I'm all ears for tips and pointers on where to eat and what to see!

I'd like to swing through New Orleans before heading home but we'll have to make that call closer to the trip. It'd be easy to swing out and then back up without too much trouble. I wanna try a beignet from Cafe Du Monde in the worst way! Oh, all of the history is a plus too ;)

Unfortunately, right now we don't have the vacation time to go yet but I'm hoping we'll have a week or so accumulated by next spring at the latest. That also gives us enough time to save for it.

On another note, I did have a mini-breakdown yesterday after work...but it wasn't anything TTC related. I just really miss someone that doesn't want to speak to me anymore. That's a story for another JE...or 2. It's a LOOOOONG story. Maybe later this week I'll get it all out...but it makes it more real and that sucks.

Anywho, I hope you ladies are doing well. I love and pray for you all! I can't wait to celebrate more BFPs soon. I don't know that I'd be willing to let any of you ladies go after our TTC journeys are finished. Maybe that makes my social life sad, but y'all know more than my friends do. Y'all are some of the best people I've ever met. Keep your heads held high, we'll all get our miracles! <3

10 Comments • 8 years ago



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1 - 10 of 10 Comments

Sorry she is still visiting you. I hope she leaves soon. BTW, if somehow you two figure out how to Poof a baby let me know!! ;)

Have fun planning your vacation. Always fun doing that.

8 years ago

It's all good. I think I've got about 2 days left to go. I'll definitely let you know if we can figure that out ;)

8 years ago • Post starter

Wow, that sounds like one heck of a road trip/vacation! Jealous over here.

Go away, AF!

8 years ago

That sounds like an awesome trip! I have always wanted to visit Nashville... Very jealous ;) Maybe this trip will make you guys your late honeymoon baby!<img src=

8 years ago

Sounds like a fun vacation! It's been awhile since DH and I have taken a vacation together! Definitely gives you something fun to look forward too :) Good luck with everything! :)

8 years ago


8 years ago

Lots of plans, that's always good. Please let me in on the secret of how to "poof" a baby out of thin air. I will pay you good money lol - at least as much as my dr earns with every cycle that fails.
We love Sunday afternoon drives. They are a great way to connect and talk, way better than sitting at a boring old table. Sending lots of <3

8 years ago

Hope AF gets the hell out of dodge soon. That sounds like a hell of a road trip. I've never been to any of those places so can't recommend anything but Nashville would be my must stop place as well. I'm sure I've seen one or two good food places from there on Diners, Drive-in's and Dives (my favorite show ever) but I can't think of the names. Sorry to hear about that someone. He/she must be nuts because you seem like an awesome chic! Have fun planning your vacation!

Colton "Casually" TTC #2 Go Bills!

8 years ago

Lib: haha! No need to be jealous. It's our first real vacation in 8 years! lol

Pregnancyaddict: Thanks! Nashville is the stop I'm most excited about. Hopefully our peanut doesn't wait that long to come around though.

Starmomma: Thank you!! Hopefully you can go on your own vaca soon.

Emily: Hey lady! I've been missin' ya around here!

Mozart: It is. We make all of our plans while in the car. We can dream freely that way.

Mal: She's goin', slowly but surely. I can't wait for Nashville and I was totally on the same page as you. I got on the Triple-D Food Network site and printed off all of the restaurants in Nashville. I don't like big chains so I really wanna visit "Mom & Pop" diners. And thank you...he was the best person I've ever known but I made some mistakes and I guess things are irreparable.

8 years ago • Post starter

Boo AF but YAY to vacations!!!!!!!!!!

8 years ago

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