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Cd 1

Well, spotting yesterday turned into cd 1 today. I'm not nearly as devastated as I've been in the past. I bought myself two bottles of wine and I'm moving on. I think I'm going to take a break from bbt. As nice as it is to have confirmation of o and such, I think it may be a source of unnecessary anxiety. I now know what my o feels like so I'll just read my body and go with it. I'm going to try at scale back on the obsessing and just try to enjoy this next cycle. We'll see.

8 Comments • 8 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 8 of 8 Comments

Boooo!!! That darn she-devil! Sorry she got you :(. I stopped doing bbt a while ago. I know there are many that find success with it but all I ever got was super anxious and obsessive from I totally understand why you want a break from it! GL and hugs!

8 years ago

I agree, boooo. No charting can be very therapeutic. Best of luck with the next round !

8 years ago

:( Sorry she got you, Leesh. Still in cricket land over here, but my body's telling me NOTHING so I could be joining you anytime.

8 years ago

If u can get away with not temping, go for it! It does lift a lot off ur shoulders!! I hated that one stupid temp would dictate how the rest of my day went.
Sorry the bitch got u...u will beat her soon. xo

8 years ago

Sorry she got you! I agree temping can be crazy! Good luck for next cycle :) maybe we'll ovulate around the same time and be cycle buddies :)!

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8 years ago

BOOOOO Sorry she got you Chick :( I totally agree with the not temping its a giant pain in the ass. Hope the wine helped x

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

8 years ago

Good for you! Anxiety only makes it harder to conceive. FX

8 years ago

Thanks girls! I appreciate the support.

Sandy: That's EXACTLY why I need to take a break from it. One temp can dictate my entire day and mood. I hate letting it do that to me, but I can't seem to find a way to overcome that.

8 years ago • Post starter

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