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We interrupt your morning for a brief update

*UPDATE* Spotting has started today. Not holding onto too much hope at this point. I'm going to hazard a guess that AF will be here in a day or two.

Nothing exceptional going on here. I went to spend time with family yesterday for my twin cousins' birthday party. It was a ball. I love those girls something fierce. We spent the majority of the day cuddling and having girl talk. They are the most mature, level headed 14 year olds ever! I enjoyed them harping on my brother about getting a girlfriend. My favorite was: "When is Nick going to get married? He needs to get on that or all the good girls will be married already!" Oye. God love 'em. I look forward to the day that they can babysit for me...they will be great role models for my future daughter(s).

As far as me, I had a temp dip yesterday and back up again today. Not reading into it. The most annoying thing I have going on is my boobs. They hurt so damn bad. Not just the nips, the whole damn thing. It's uncomfortable to wear a bra and it's uncomfortable to go without. Nip pain is normal for me pre-AF but not whole boob pain so I will catalog that.

I will probably test a week from today, should AF not show before then. That'll be 14dpo so it should be a good time to test. I'm not holding my breath or reading into the little things right now. I'm only counting the "punching bag boobs" because it's so pronounced and has been constant for a few days now. As far as Dakota's suggestion for the awesome boob pads, I've ordered them since our Walmart is stupid and never carries what I need, when I need it. Hopefully they get here soon!

I'm hoping y'all had a great weekend. I'm sorry to the ladies that got visited by the witch :( On to a new cycle! I've got my fingers crossed for y'all! For those of you in the TWW, I'm curious, when are y'all testing?! Let's start a new BFP trend!! Hugs! <3

13 Comments • 9 years ago



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Oh yeah, that boob soreness is CERTAINLY catalog-worthy. FX for you!

I truly envy your power to resist POAS. I am already testing daily just as an additional source of info. After all, I could be 13dpo going by my CBFM. Or 7dpo by the OPK. Or 6 going by the O-cramps. ?!?! Blergh. ;)

9 years ago

Gah! Well, I had a similar issue this cycle with O cramps not lining up with BBT, BUT I did read, repeatedly, that there is no actual normal when it comes to BBT, just "ideal" and we all know that our bodies don't like to give us the "ideal". lol I'm 7dpo by the cramping that couldn't be missed and 5dpo by the BBT temp rise. I'm firmly sticking with 7dpo. I hope you get your BFP sooner rather than later! Try not to drive yourself batty ;)

9 years ago • Post starter

Major boob pain is definitely catalog-worthy :) And I have those boob pads that Dakota recommended and they are fabulous! You will love them...just be careful when warming them up in the microwave. DH somehow managed to blow one up ...ugh, LOL. Anyway, can't wait to hear how the rest of this cycle goes for you! Fx'd for a BFP!!

9 years ago

Thanks, Starmomma! I'm so excited to get some relief! I almost throttled Brandon for grabbing my boob two days ago. I didn't because it was all too funny how he went sheet white and his eyes got huge when he remembered how bad I said they were hurting. Poor guy thought he was dead meat. Hope you are doing well!!

9 years ago • Post starter

Boob pain like you are describing has always been the first indicator on all my pregnancies ;) I hope this is it for you so you can get those twin cousins to start that babysitting for you, hey maybe you will even get twin girls just like them. Wouldnt that be awesome!!! :)<img src=

9 years ago

Pregnancyaddict: Oh man, to be blessed with twins would be amazing. Ever since those girls came into this world, I've dreamed of having twins of my own. I'm not holding my breath on that though. Twins don't run in my family, their mom is my aunt by marriage. I can dream, right? Hope you're doing well!! hugs!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hope those boobs are trying to tell you something ;) GL and will be stalking xx

9 years ago

Here comes something crazy sounding for breast pain relief. Chilled cabbage leafs really help. Stick them in your bra overnight and you get some serious help. I have tried it and it works :)

9 years ago

Sonata: Thanks!! I've got my fingers crossed that the next time you see your hubs, it leads to your BFP!

Mozart: Wow! That's interesting! I'm not sure how much hubby would enjoy sleeping next to his cabbage smelling woman, but it's worth a shot. Maybe I'll make corned beef with the remaining cabbage? Thanks!!

Robin: Thanks! I'm so excited for you!!!

9 years ago • Post starter

spotting at 8 dpo.......FX for IB!

9 years ago

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