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So judging by my stagnant temps, I'm leaning towards LuckyRobin's suggestion of ovarian cyst...or something along those lines. I mean, my temp should have done SOMETHING different if I did, infact, O. I'm done temping this'll just drive me bat shit crazy at this point. I'm going to gear up for next cycle and get some OPKs...if I can find some. This town is like an OPK ghost town. I did NOT like the ones I got from so I'm hoping to find some dollar store brands to keep the cost down.

14 Comments • 9 years ago



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If it's going to drive you over the edge, yes, stop. No one needs extra crazy in the TWW. But... your temps are so nice and stable! Couldn't it just be a late O? You had a thermal shift every other cycle, right?

I agree that the pain is not to be ignored though, and you should get in to the doc. I had reeaally bad O-like cramps a few days ago, which is a pattern for me starting 4-5 cycles ago. From my research, that just doesn't seem normal, and can indicate many bad things. I'm asking my husband to FORCE me to make an OB appt if we don't conceive this time. You and me sister, let's get it checked out.

But maybe keep temping just in case? :) ;)

9 years ago

I have stopped temping few months ago and I am so glad I made that choice. It was stressing me. I was over-analyzing every movement of my temperature. I only use OPKs in the cycles where I am not having a medicated cycle (IUI/IVF).
Life is better this way - at least for me.
Maybe your ovulation will be just delayed. Do you have any pain in your stomach? The only time I had big cyst I ended up in ER so I know those suckers can hurt a lot.

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago

Temping drove me insane. Don't make your self crazy and maybe take a break from it. Hope you don't have cysts, I have them on a regular basis and they are so painful.<img src=

9 years ago

Oh man! Definitely stop temping this cycle if it is stressing you out. I don't temp anymore because I used to drive myself insane with analyzing etc. everyone is different but it didn't work for me :( And definitely go get yourself checked out...we don't want you and any more pain!! GL!

9 years ago

I couldn't get the hang of temping as my sleeping pattern was never consistent and ended up stressing me out so I gave it up a while ago and it feels so much better. Hope its not a cyst hun Fx

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

9 years ago

Lib: It's entirely possible. I mean I've had a friend on here that never had a thermal shift and ended up with a surprise BFP so with that being in the back of my mind, I've decided to just let go and go with the flow. Nothing I can do about it right now, so why worry over it? I don't O regularly, at least not until the last few cycles. It's entirely possible that I won't O at all this cycle. Basically, anything can happen and I can't plan for anything when it comes to my body. I've noticed the cramps during the last few cycles that I've ovulated but they accompanied a thermal shift so I knew what caused them. This cycle, no shift but worse pain. I'll be making the appointment as soon as the insurance kicks in...should be sometime at the beginning of my next cycle....I never know when to expect it until PMS kicks in.

9 years ago • Post starter

Basia: I'm so glad that you're not as stressed out now. :) The pain I had wasn't necessarily in my stomach. It was more located above my pelvic bone near the middle of my right hip. I refreshed my memory on anatomy to see where exactly the appendix is in relation to the right ovary and am confident that it was my ovary producing the pain. When I rested or stood, it was like a tight pinching. When I used the restroom, the use of my lower muscles made it more of a stabbing pain. The actual act of using the restroom wasn't painful, just the muscles tightening around that area was. I don't know if that makes any sense. It wasn't bad enough to go to the ER but it made my breath catch and was only that bad for about 6 hours. The two days prior to that felt relatively normal for O cramps.

9 years ago • Post starter

Pregnancyaddict: Oh man, I'm sorry! I told hubs that I couldn't go through that every cycle. It was deal-able being a one time thing, but I couldn't stand that regularly.

Starmomma: Thanks! I plan to...just need that damn insurance!!

Gem: Thanks, girl! I'm usually okay with temping, it's just making me crazy this cycle.

9 years ago • Post starter

Sorry O is being a pain! Literally! Fingers crossed that you did O :)

<img src=

9 years ago

Cysts will give you stabbing pains. I am a frequent cysts sufferer and they don't even have to be overly big for you to feel them. 20.2 mm was the size of my last one and I knew I had it. It will be good for you to see a dr. Anything that doesn't ovulate turns into cyst and cysts can hang around for a while. If they persist into the next cycle they potentially start getting bigger again because of your body's FSH production. Such cysts suck up all of your FSH and prevent a new healthy follicle to develop. So, see a dr as soon as you can.

9 years ago

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