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Stay at home mom?!?!

So... my husband received a WONDERFUL raise at his job. With this raise, he could easily pay the mortgage and other bills with his checks alone!! So... I've been sort of joking around, saying how I could quit my job now and become a stay at home mom! But, now I've grown serious about the idea. I would LOVE to stay home with Tim, and it would make it SO much easier if we were to get pregnant with #2, and we wouldn't have to pay daycare for either one of our babies, either! I'm really liking the idea more and more, especially since my job has become stressful since we've been under new management... I used to enjoy my job, but now there are times I actually just want to walk out!! But I can't, because I know my paycheck was important... but I really don't think it is anymore... I really hope this can be a wonderful opportunity for me to get my wish to be a stay at home mom... To be with my Tim constantly <3 It would be a dream come true and hoping I can get my husband to agree that we could afford a place without my puny check lol... Plus I would have time to get into couponing and save us money that way ;)

As for TTC #2, he still hasn't officially agreed yet. I think he's waiting until after we get our own house.... which could take another 6 months... so, I think that's been put on hold. But, if it happens, we will still be happy of course <3 I'm all for #2 NOW lol so either way :D

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7 Comments • 9 years ago



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That would be awesome! I'd love to continue to stay at home. Right now it's hard on my hubby to get everything paid for but when we get our taxes back we are gonna pay off my auto loan and our credit cards so then it'll be a breeze! My hubby is still a little on the fence about trying for #2 right now as well, same reason. I've only worked two days since our LO was born and with him having a weird schedule it's almost impossible for my employer to schedule me on a regular basis anyway. Hubby says he doesn't mind if I wanna stay home but I'd still like to have some sort of income so I don't feel like I'm getting an allowance from him lmao. Hopefully we'll both be able to have baby #2 soon =)

9 years ago

Yes, I would love to be able to find a job I can do from home, so that I can still have my own income as well... I don't like asking for money either =/I didn't think about that, since it's been forever since I've had to ask for some haha... so, we will see... =) good luck to you as well Kitten90

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9 years ago • Post starter

Here is my word of advice. Hate to play the devils advocate, BUT. I would wait until you settle in your new house. There are SO many expenses that come with moving. I'm not talking about the moving truck and boxes. You might need new furniture, curtains, TP holders, shower curtains. Hubby and I spent at least a good $5k within the first three months of being at our new house, and I wasn't buying the top of the line stuff it is just normal. After buying a house you are hit with all these expenses that you aren't use to. Trust me keep the job or at least a PT job for a little while then become a stay at home Mom and love on Tim all day, and when Hubby gets home from work get busy making Tim a big brother. ;)

9 years ago

I can relate to the stressful job and wanting to stay at home. I'm wondering what I will do, I tried my job part time when I was struggling with my dissertation. All that happened was I got paid less and my workload stayed the same with no one providing cover...great deal for my employer LOL.
That said I like having my own income too and I wouldn't want to give that up. Randall is right about the house costs, don't leave yourself short of money at the moment if you're about to get your first can always leave your job a bit later once you know how your finances will work. Good luck with everything xxxx

9 years ago

I've always been lucky and have been a stay at home wife for the past 2 years in preparation for what I thought would be a pregnancy and new baby! Hopefully it happens soon so I can get on with being the stay at home MOM And not just the stay at home WIFE :P financially we've been just fine and able to adjust our budget to one income

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9 years ago

I agree that it's nice to have a good financial cushion if you become a SAHM. Since you are buying a house & dealing with all the down-payment, closing cost & start-up costs associated with that, it would ease the impending financial costs to you guys bank account if there was a nice little nest egg in case something in the economy changes. I've always believed big changes such as these (a wonderful opportunity for you to be with your little ones!) need good conversation and some time to think things through. I'm sure you two will do what's best for your family =).

9 years ago

Thank you for all the advice ladies!! Hubby and I have rented our own home for a couple years, so we have furniture and such already. And it turns out we cannot but a house just yet, we have to wait 6 months or more now... so we lost the house we WERE going to get, unless its still on the market in 6 months, which I doubt =( But, we still have our money saved up and put back for the down payment and such. And hubby can start putting back a lot of his income to go towards our new home, when it finally does happen, IF I do decide to become a stay at home mom soon.... But, still undecided at this time as to if I will do that or not..

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9 years ago • Post starter

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