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Almost 14 Weeks Update

For the friends who still follow me, don't lose hope!!

12 week ultrasound went great! Baby measured 2in and heartbeat was 150bpm. And what a wiggler <3 Baby was moving all over, heehee. Baby even did a little somersault haha! I get my next ultrasound in almost 2 weeks on the 23rd of October. I will be 16 weeks then, and hoping they will be able to tell me the gender, although it might still be a bit early. Then I get another one on Nov 20th at 20 weeks, so they will definitely be able to tell me then as long as baby cooperates, heehee. All is well, baby is healthy, everything looks normal and well this time.... thank GOODNESS <3 <3 That's all I ever wanted!!!!!!!!!

Symptoms: Nausea still plagues me (hoping it would have disappeared by now)... I will go a few days without it and feel great, then it will hit me again and I will be bad nauseous off and on for several days. Appetite on days I don't have nausea is great, although I seem to get full quickly. I have a prenatal appointment with my doc tomorrow and going to make sure my lack of weight gain isn't an issue still... also need to ask him about one annoyingly itchy breast =/ Migraines will come for a few days, then go away for a few weeks. Fatigue is getting better, so that's good. Having lots of vivid, crazy dreams, haha! But, other than the nausea, I'm feeling pretty great and blessed!!!! Just hope baby continues to stay healthy in there!!!!!!

Hang in there ladies, it will happen!! Remember, it happened as soon as we decided to take a break ;) Obsessing really does get in the way and can just stress you out, whether you realize it or not!!

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2 Comments • 10 years ago



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Yay thanks for encouraging words and endless support. So tickled everything is going so well for you and baby.

<img src=

10 years ago

Thank you for all the words of encouragement! we are taking a break from using anything just trying to relax and letting the love take over.


10 years ago

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