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Anyone have a 28 day cycle???

I wanted to see if anyone has a 28day cycle do maybe I can get a idea about when ovulating or around and other peoples experience!!! Just looking for some cycle buddies to share information with!! :)

8 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 8 of 8 Answers

I have 28 day cycles! I always ovulate on cycle day 16. Which gives me a 13 day luteal phase. But most common 28 day cycles will ovulate on cd 15..which gives them a 14 day luteal phase.

To find out exactly when you ovulate (everyone is different) I would recommend using OPK's and charting your has really helped me with finding my peak fertile days.

Baby dust!

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12 years ago

I also have 28 day cycles. Today is cycle day 15 for me and I started getting my SMILEY faces on Clear Blue digi OPK this morning.

12 years ago

Today is CD14 for me . I had got my AF on may 8th. I have been charting my temp and using OPK. I got my first OPK positive Thursday night (17th) my temp dropped on CD11 and the next day spiked. So I am confused if I ovulated or not. I been BDing since Thursday the 17th! I don't know if I can handle any more BDing haha! Do you think I should be ok if I don't tonight or should I just do it and make this my last night? I posted pictures of my test maybe you can look at them On my profile and see if they look positive or not!! :)

12 years ago • Post starter

Last AF started May 7th for me. Pretty sure I will ovulate tomorrow, which is CD 16. I BD'd 5/17, 5/18 and 5/20 so far. Will BD tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday night if at all possible. With 3 very active boys and my sleep patterns all out of whack, I'm hoping I make it through this cycle and it works this time. As for your last OPK image, I think that is when you ovulated! It was the darkest image! I also had a "spike" a couple of days before I actually "surged". It confused me at first, but since I got all NEGs the day after that, and now 3 positives today, I know it was just a "spike" and not my actual surge. This whole "planning" thing is very stressful and "keeping" up with how many times you should BD can be tiring. Personally, to be on the safe side, I would try to BD again tonight. GL hun!

12 years ago

I hope that we all get BFP!! Your right, this charting and testing is tiring and then on top of it you have to BD!! Wow three active boys! Are you trying for a girl? I have a year old son and he is alot to handle at times haha!! Well i guess i will be doing the BD one last time tonight and then just wait to see what happens. Wishing and blessings to you and i hope that this is it for you :) ... Thank you for taking the time to chat with me.

12 years ago • Post starter

lol yeah my husband and I are "trying" ONE more time for a girl. If it doesn't happen, I guess it just wasn't meant to be and I will forever be outnumbered by boys lol. My boys are 13, 10 and 5. The youngest starts kindergarten this coming school year, so I guess that's why the baby fever is sooooo high lol. I just hope it doesn't take me as long to get the BFP as it did with my last baby (4 years). I hope you get your BFP! Pretty cool that we're almost on the same cycle- just a day off! Let me know how it turns out for you!! I know it's easier said than done, but just try to relax and try not think about it as much. ~*~*~*~*Baby Dust*~*~*~*~

12 years ago

Best of luck to you as well!! I will definitely let you know the out come :) and keep me updated as well. I hope for the best for you! And i feel like when we want something so bad it doesn't happen fast enough for us, but the minute we give up is when it happens lol!!! ����baby dust����

12 years ago • Post starter

@>~~~ baby dust ~~~<@

12 years ago • Post starter

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