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Okay so yesterday at 5:45am i took a ovulation test and it came out positive (i posted a picture) well around 5pm last night i took another to see if i was still ovulating and it wasn't as dark as when i took it in the morning. we went ahead and did the bd around 8pm. This morning i decided to take a ovulation test again and it came out darker again (5:45am) also took a picture.My btt was 97.95 and the yesterday it was 97.68. so does this mean i have already ovulated or and i in the process of it now? I'm still so confused with reading my basal chart and with these test. NEED ADVICE AND SOME GUIDANCE PLEASE!!! I am trying for baby #2 and i seem to be getting my head all out of wack over this "/

8 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 8 of 8 Answers

Interesting, I had the sae experience this month. I am not temping, but I had + opk's on 3 different brands between 9 and 1 pm on 5-17 but it was negative later that evening (I am testing a lot, just playing really, don't judge me!! Lol...). Yesterday am, it was + again but by last night it was -. I know the LH surges in the morning in most women, so maybe that explains it? I'd be interested to see what your chart says when you get your coverline and date! I am counting 5-18 as my O date because of Ov pains, the first LH surge on am of 5-17, and soft cervical texture on 5-17 + 5-18. But it's an educated guess, really.

12 years ago

Lol I do the same thing with the test (taking them more then I should haha) but what is my cover line mean? And I had cramps yesterday and having some now. This stuff confuses me lol well it seems that you are all ready and to drop it low haha :)

12 years ago • Post starter

Are you charting the temps? If you log them, I think the software will give you a "coverline" after it decides on your ovulation date based on a thermal shift. (The temps are lower prior to ovulation and higher after ovulation.)

12 years ago

Yeah I been charting them on here and I have a app that keeps tract as well. I guess it's now for the waiting game. If you look at my profile you can see my basal chart. This would be the second day my temp is going up. So does that mean I already ovulated?

12 years ago • Post starter

I think so...the thermal shift has to be 0.4 degrees, I think? (Sorry- on my phone so I can't really examine the chart, lol!) I haven't charted since ttc in 2003-2004 but we are starting next month if the opk's don't get us our bfp this month!

12 years ago

Best of luck to you!!! :) I really hope you get your bfp!!! And I hope the o test work as well because keeping track of the temp is confusing (well to me lol)

12 years ago • Post starter

I know. The temps seem crazy to me since I don't wake up at the same time or go to bed at the same time everyday! Hoping for my BFP...feeling good about this cycle but felt good about last one too! Haha.

12 years ago


You most likely ovulate 12-36 hrs (sometimes longer) after the 1st positive OPK. How long your surge is varies from woman to woman, cycle to cycle.

12 years ago

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