What women are saying


Page 4

Sadiebug   9 years ago
yes this one has been going on so bad I can barely tolerate ppl I live with


Openheart  9 years ago
around 7dpo to 11dpo i was snapping at everything this only happens during af


Older mama   9 years ago
I'm 12dpo. Extremely irritable . I just want to pack up my stuff and run away. It's either major Pms or I'm Prego.




wakeup79  9 years ago
0dpo and yes I feel this way!! Keeping my fingers crossed! #ttc


mummyjc  9 years ago
moody emotional want to hurry up and find out if im pregnant not my happy self 11 dpo


Sadiebug   9 years ago
8dpo irritable and just want to know if I'm pregnant already...I feel so impatient Grr please Jesus let this be a good sign


Sadiebug   9 years ago
8dpo irritable and just want to know if I'm pregnant already...I feel so impatient Grr please Jesus let this be a good sign


babyAhopeful  9 years ago
V four** V sorry


babyAhopeful  9 years ago
The past for days nothing DH says makes me happy. Usually I'm all over him and do happy. Don't want touched 10dpo


mstwonice   9 years ago
I be feeling cranky\irritablity


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