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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 10 years ago



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*sigh* you're so lucky! I want morning sickness! Don't worry I know which side my bread is buttered. I won't bite the hand that feeds me!

I definitely O'ed. I've been walking around like the Michelin man for the last week and then today my coat belt is at least a notch looser!

I haaate ttc so much. At least when you're pregnant you feel like crap and look worse (don't worry divact I'm sure you're glowing), but there's a baby at the end. Just hate bloating and getting zits for the hell of it. I don't need to go through this when the Pill cures all! The whole thing has definitely turned me into a bigger feminist. I never felt the "being a woman is suffering" thing as keenly as when I went off the Pill! Mental and physical pain in the arse! The Pill is the cure to feminine torture! I'm like a junkie- I have major pill cravings.

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

Lmao so impatient I have been feeling the same way lol I actually said to the DH earlier today how much I miss the pill lol and how much I wish I was still on it as I wouldn't have these horrid pimples or periods or mood swings lol.

Divact aww I wish I had morning sickness instead of just sickness lol I'm not a fan of travelling backwards on a train as it is lol so that would have made me feel sick anyway lol. Hope the morning sickness doesn't get too bad Divact.

Hope u both have a good day together

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

for your twins, so impatient! I hope you & Divact have a wonderful time today! Enjoy the dropper tests (if Divact didn't use them all). I feel like a scientist doing an experiment when I use mine.

I am reading the new Bridget Jones book and it keeps mentioning the parenting book "French Children Don't Throw Food". I think of you, Divact, each time they mention it. And I want to be in London since everything she references is in London.

I agree, I felt so much better when I was on BC! No sore BBs, clearer skin, not as moody, etc. On the flip side, I'm annoyed that I spent all that money on BC when getting pregnant isn't something that just happens the first time you have unprotected sex!

No news here. I chickened out of calling my Dr yesterday. I just know that my period will start and I'll have to call and cancel the appointment and they'll think I am a crazy person. And I'm a little afraid of getting a negative blood test... I WILL call them on Monday, though, if nothing changes.

I am the worst want-to-be-mom on the planet and had some wine last night. I have been so stressed out with work and decided that if I had some wine that maybe I would get a BFP afterwards (to make me feel very guilty). So far that plan isn't working...

Hope you all have a great weekend!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

I agree with you dogmom about money spent, although bc is relatively cheap to get here, you still have to pay to go to the dr to get it. Btw you're killing me at the moment! Fingers, toes and various other appendages crossed for you!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

10 years ago • Post starter

Wendy, I'm trying not to drive myself crazy! This has been a very long 3-4 weeks! If this isn't it, then I won't believe it until I'm buying maternity clothes and have an ultrasound picture to prove there is something growing inside me!

I hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer holiday!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Thanks Bindy and Dogmom. Yes, we had a fun, Londonny day (well from my perspective anyway). Divact actually I think you seem happier and relaxed (despite some early pregnancy anxiety), although that could have also been because you were in shopaholic's paradise.

Dogmom - if you ever come to London, I'd love to show you around. Maybe book it now (and pay in full) for your estimated due date now, that way you'll finally get a positive result soon! Feeling for you. So unfair, you shouldn't have to go through all this torture.

Bindy and Wendy, I too used to waste money on doc's appointments and pill prescriptions, however here it's even more tempting for a Pill junkie because both are free in the UK. Jonesing for a pill! *shakes*

So I had my third day of high temps this morning, ctp drew my green coverline and told me my chances now have dropped from high to medium. So unfair, I couldn't do anything this week because of work travel so it's completely stuffed everything up. I think I'm a temping convert now though. I have seen it does work, which is encouraging and kind of cool actually (who ever bothers to figure this stuff out!). I'm going to keep checking for temp drops around time. That way I can see whether or not to bother testing. I want to save Divact's tests! Not only did she give me the cool dropper ones, but I have two FRER digis! What a stash!

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

So impatient I'm on my 7th day of high temps its actually working well this cycle was good to have cycle break from it. Will keep temping as well to see if AF turns up or not. Not sure if I'm testing at all seeing as I will find out weekend coming anyway.

Dogmom I would seriously be going crazy if I were you hope the doc can find answers for u hopefully good ones like a bfp.

Birth control here cost about $30 for 4 months worth which isn't say cheap. But I do miss it.

So blood test tomorrow should find out results on thurs or fri....anyway hope u all enjoyed ur weekend.

On a happy note should be in England either April or June next year :) honestly can't wait :)

27 years old and DH is 27 years oldDS 6 months oldTTC #2 Diagnosed with PCOS DH low sperm count <a href=

10 years ago

Came across this today and found it interesting. Not sure how well any of these homemade tests actually work, but I'm tempted to give one or two of them a try!

I'll probably break down and start temping with the rest of you after this cycle - if it ever ends!!!

Good luck with your blood test tomorrow, Bindy!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Bindy book it for June- that way it will be too close to your due date to fly! you can't come!

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

Dogmom, how on earth are you hanging in there?????? I would have had tests done in five separate labs by now!
You should come to London!!! Come at the same time as Bindy and we'll all have a little reunion. :)

Bindy, come to London in April!!! Ignore So Impatient, lol. I don't know if I will be able to travel in June, but I could definitely come to London in April.

So Impatient, I'm still laughing at your FML story. Sorry. I got the longer version which was building up suspense....and I thought she was about to tell me she had an STD!!!!!!!
By the way, there is a baby at the end of TTC also....

Wow, I'm the weird one here. I hated birth control. I has terrible mood swings/fits of rage/crying/jealousy/uncontrollable emotions...My bbs were often really sore, I still got zits and it may be one of the causes I gained so much weight (gotta put the blame somewhere other than pie and cheese, duh :) ). I feel like I became so much more myself after I went off of it. Only my skin became worse, but it was still controllable.

All right!!!! Who is testing this week?!?!?!?!? Autumn, I know you are giving in soon!!!!

10 years ago

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