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BYOB: Hoping for some summer bfps!

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Hi ladies!!

Lets start things off as usual.... with an introduction/update!

My name is Joy
DH and I are both 29
we've been together just over 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom

I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby

I got a BFP on June 30th 2011
Had a missed m/c on Aug 18th 2011
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")

I Finally got back to TTC in Jan/Feb 2012 and on March 21st I got my BFP!
I am currently 14 weeks 3 days pregnant!
My first ob/gyn apt was Wed April 4th 2012
He put me on progestrone and asked to see me in 2 weeks
My next apts were April 19th 2012 & May 3rd
At our May 3rd apt (at 9 weeks5 days) we heard the best sound ever - our little one's heartbeat!!
We went for our 1st non-diagnostic u/s on May 15th and saw our little ones heartbeat & he or she was VERY active!
Had another dr apt on May 22nd and heard the heartbeat again!
Next apt is June 21st... my diagnostic u/s is July 13th
We will be going for a non-diagnostic u/s around the end of June/Beginning of July so dh can see our little peanut before he leaves on his trip.
My due date is Dec 1st 2012!

This is truly an amazing group of ladies & I really hope our string of luck (& bfps) continues!! ladies!


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296 Replies • 12 years ago



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morning all. oh bubmle that has to be your bfp!!!!

Krunchie im thinking about you today during the hsg, i hope it doesn't hurt too much.

joy i cannot believe you are already almost half way through this miricle pregnancy. keep going strong girl.

as for everyone else im thinking about you all and lots of hugs to you guys.

AFM: went to a barbeque this weekend where we stayed over night, ended up bding that night in the back of the truck as that is where we slept and just realized im in the o stage lol. it sure would be nice to find out 2 weeks from now that i got a bfp,as that would mean i conceived around my 36th b-day as that is tomorrow. what a wonderful gift that would be.. if i don'twell at least i got my app on july 30th to talk to f.s. about what is next. it is raining here today which never happens,and it supposed to rain tomorrow but i don't care as im off tomorrow too. i hope eveyone is doing good and am thinking about you all.

11 years ago

bumble - oh my god YAY! oooh could you be our first 'multiples mommy' hehe good luck and lots of

I had my HSG test and it was good news both of my tubes are open. It was cool seeing my womb and tubes on screen too. The test wasn't too bad but the speculum they had to use for me I swear was a bit metal torture device lol!!I am still spotting and cramping a little but it just feels like the beginnings of AF. Hopefully it's flushed through my system and I get a haha I can always hope

ladies! and goodnight from me

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

11 years ago

Hey everyone
My name is Jennifer I'm 33 and my bf is 39. We've been together for 2 years and have decided back in May to start ttc. I'm on CD 77 and its been so frustrating. My cycles have always been irregular but never this long, usually 40-50 days. I went to the doctor last week and he did a blood pregnancy test, but it was negative. And he suggested my bf get a semen analysis done so he can refer us to an OB.
I'm really praying AF shows up soon or I get a I was having some mild menstrual like cramps this afternoon, so who knows, I might be brave and test again some time this week.
Well I hope everyone is having a great Monday! Lots of to everyone!

Jennifer ttc #1 Diagnosed with PCOS 11/27/12 Praying for a

11 years ago

Welcome Jenn! This thread is full of wonderful ladies! GL!!

elle, I'm glad your test went well! Hopefully the hsg can boost your chances and get you your bfp!

aroma, how awesome of a story would that be if you were able to conceive when camping! I had issues with my hsg test cause the catheter wouldn't stay in my cervix and they had to clamp it in there! OUCH!

AFM, my official number was 225. I googled it and I guess the normal range is between 5 and 400. But I am not sure if it means 4 weeks after conception or 4 weeks from my lmp! Other wise DH got word today that he probably wont get the job that would have moved us back to my hometown area. Bummer but I guess it's for the best. We would have had to sell our house and I hate moving anyways!

Me: Alicia (29) ~ DH: Patrick (29) TTC #1 Since August 2009 with PCOS 1st & 2nd (March & May 2012) IUI Cycles w/ Clomid = BFN's 6/24/12 - 3rd IUI cycle w/ Gonal-F and Lupron. IUI on 7/9. TWINS! Born 2/11/13 Back on the NTNP train as of September 2013 hoping for a boy someday!

11 years ago

Woohoo congratulations Bumble!!!

Ellie so glad you hsg went well, gl for your next cycle for a for you.xx

Welcome Jenn, you will get a lot of advice and support from these amazing ladies.xx

Aroma, getting your that way would be amazing fingers crossed for you.xx

GL Krunchie, I am hoping the sickness is a good sign for you.xx

AFM, nothing new, just wanted to check in on you lovely ladies!!!!!xx

User Image User Image Very Faint 17.08.12 it sticks!!!!!!!

11 years ago

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Jennifer ttc #1 Diagnosed with PCOS 11/27/12 Praying for a

11 years ago

ok how dumb am i lol i thought it was krunchie getting the hsg and it was elle. sorry, my head is obviously in the clouds. i just looked now, what an idiot i am lol. glad to hear elle it wasn't so bad and krunchie i hope your being nauceaus is a very good sign. i managed to bd last night in hopes of catching the eggie but who knows, now once again its the waiting game booooooooo....

11 years ago

Hey Ladies!

Thanks for all the congrats!! I am still in shock & afraid to let myself get too excited. My beta hcg today was 528. So everything looks good even though I had some spotting last night, which has gone away now. Hopefully this bean is healthy and sticks around!!!

I hope you all get your BFP's ASAP! It was a long road for me and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!

Me: Alicia (29) ~ DH: Patrick (29) TTC #1 Since August 2009 with PCOS 1st & 2nd (March & May 2012) IUI Cycles w/ Clomid = BFN's 6/24/12 - 3rd IUI cycle w/ Gonal-F and Lupron. IUI on 7/9. TWINS! Born 2/11/13 Back on the NTNP train as of September 2013 hoping for a boy someday!

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

Well I am back from my trip... had such a great time & got some good deals! (Especially on maternity clothes - WOW... 21 shirts and 2 pairs of pants later.... lol!)

Bumble - Was super excited to see you on cmp when I got home!! Again, I am so happy for you!! & Can't wait to hear how many ya got in there!

Elle - Glad the hsg wasnt too bad, & yay for clear tubes!!

Jupitor - Welcome!! Hope you get your bfp soon!

Kristine - Oh that would be so awesome if you got your bfp after bding right before your bday!! Keeping my for you sweetie!!

Katie - Oooo!!! So exciting!! Sickness that goes away when you eat!!! I've got my hopes up for you hun!! When do you plan on testing?

Just1more - How ya doing? Anything new & exciting going on?

I appologize if I missed anyone... I am going off memory!! Hope everyone is doing great!

AFM - Dr apt on Wed next week and will get all the results from my diagnotic testing (finally!!) then Thurs next week is the dreaded dress fitting - hope lacing the back worked!! Just gotta fit it to it for another 3.5 weeks, then my little peanut can grow as big and as fast as he likes!

xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

morning all

joy - hope the dress fitting goes well!

bumble - all still sounds good!!! when will your first scan/heartbeat check be?

aroma - i was the one questioning your hsg test so no wonder you got us mixed up. i just hate the waiting game too!

elle - glad everything is nice and open, you just need a few stern words now to the egg and spermies, the road is clear so get your butts moving!!

AFM - got all my drugs for IVF yesterday, including some for him and he was surprised by that, but its just simple anti biotics so they can be assured that his sperm is as healthy as possible.

so, am on the nasal spray at the moment to slowly surpress my hormone production so this time i wont produce any estrogen or progesterone or LH, i have a lot of them in the fridge at the moment though! progesterone test yesterday came back at 56 which is higher than my last one but still not getting hopes up as that is still in the higher range for non pregnant cycles. preg test on 31st unless AF comes first which is unlikey as this spray can delay periods so am hoping to hold off POAS and just wait for the blood test but we'll see! but i am assuming its a no and in about three weeks i will be in hospital getting eggs sucked out!!

the nasal spray is vile!!! makes me want to vomit when it trickles down the back of my throat so i have to make sure i have something to drink at the same time! and am abit worried about the daily injectionsi have to start when my period arrives, but all WILL be fine, i am a grown up after all!!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

11 years ago

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