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TWW- 1dpo

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Day 1 of the loooongest 2 weeks ever...just wondering if anyone else is at the beginning of their 2 weeks and would like to go through it together :)

260 Replies • 10 years ago



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151 - 160 of 260 Replies | Last Page

So sorry to hear about your nana. All we can do is pray for healing and understanding. I'm so full of emotions. Honestly don't know how to feel. I'm happy I have a great supporting DH and he says to not give up and if we have to try again then we will. I pray there's some growth in the next week. Thank you for your kind words. You all make me feel better.

DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

I'm so sorry Caridura I will be praying for you I hope your baby grows by the next scan. Mama I will be praying you too!

10 years ago

Thank you Ashley! How are you?!

DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

I'm doing good so far no morning sickness or anything. Mostly just sore boobs and tired I could sleep all the time. My first ultrasound is March 3rd so I'm ready to go and make sure everything is ok with the baby. How are you doing I've been praying for you?

10 years ago

get my 1st u.s on thurs and i have crazy morning sickness all day and night , i want to sleep all day , im so tired and sick .. cant wait to see the baby on the screen .. gl ladies ,

10 years ago

Aww I'm sorry mama hopefully soon the sickness will lessen or go away for you! Hope you enjoy seeing your little baby on the ultrasound!!!

10 years ago

Hey girls...I've been good surprisingly! I still feel very sick and my stomach is poking out! I don't know what to think of it...Thank you for your prayers!! It means so much. I can't wait for Thursday!!!

Are you guys taking anything for ms? Since I had severe hyperemesis last 2 pregnancies, I got immune to the meds, but Zofran helped a lot and this thing with the name cola in it from cvs...if I find it I'll let you know. it worked WONDERS!!!

DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

Well ladies...I'll be miscarrying tonite. Unfortunately baby did not continue to grow after 6 weeks. I've chosen to pass at home comfortably...if that's even possible with the excruciating pain I'll be having. I'll be coming back to check on you all. Thank you for your prayers and words of comfort. Blessings and h&h 9 months!

DS-8 DD-7 User Image

10 years ago

i am very to sorry to hear that , this really make me sooo sad , we have never met but my heart is broken 4 you , i finally got to hear the heart beat today , im 7w 4d but u/s said 6w 6d so given what is going on with u , it makes me a lil scared . hb was 122 and strong like a drum .. i hope u know after all that i have been through with the loss of our last baby that w/o u and the other ladies , i would have given up hope , i will be here when ur ready to try again and if u need to talk or yell or bitch at someone , im sorry again , i hope u feel better .. my prayers r with u ..

10 years ago

I'm so very sorry Caridura maybe see if they'll prescribe you something to help with the pain. If you want to talk I'm here. I started bleeding yesterday and then began cramping and the bleeding has gotten heavier and the cramping stronger. I had an ultrasound today and there was no sac or anything so I guess I've already passed it. The doctor prescribed me vicodin for the pain and it has helped with the very strong cramping. I'm sorry for your loss Caridura :( Mama I've got my fingers crossed for you and I'll be praying for that healthy sticky baby of yours!

10 years ago

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