Posts by Jeansntees

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



Am I pregnant? Or, am I nuts?

WARNING: TMI PHOTOS So, here's my timeline. Oct 15-20: Longer than normal period (days instead of 4ish) ...

0 Answers      

Latest 1 year ago



Am I Pregnant? Nuts? You Decide!

WARNING: TMI PHOTOS So, here's my timeline. Oct 15-20: Longer than normal period (days instead of 4ish) ...

0 Replies      

Latest 1 year ago





Positive, "Period," Positive? Am I nuts?!

I might be nuts. I had a squinter positive, then what I thought was a normal period, with negative tests, and ...

0 Answers      

Latest 1 year ago



Negative, then Positive, then Negative HPT?

Hi all. Wondering if anyone has experience with conflicting HPT results? I had a very short day and a half ...

3 Replies      

Latest 7 years ago



Positive then Negative HPTs ?

Hi Ladies! I have a weird scenario, I think. BD'd on CD7, CD10, CD11 (My ovulation window) CD 25-Blackish ...

1 Answer      

Latest 7 years ago



Weird BBT Chart-Any Thoughts?

I'm not quite finished with this chart, but it looks odd to me. It's my first time BBT charting to pinpoint ov ...

5 Replies      

Latest 9 years ago





Weird BBT Chart-Any Thoughts?

I'm not quite finished with this chart, but it looks odd to me. It's my first time BBT charting to pinpoint ov ...

1 Reply      

Latest 9 years ago



TMI about Spotting.... Good Sign?

Fairly regular cycle of 26-29 days, generally 26 or 27. I THINK I OV around CD16. I usually spot watery bro ...

1 Reply      

Latest 12 years ago


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