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Posts by airforcewife88

Discussions  Page 1

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Posts 1 - 10



At how many wks did you start wearing maternity clothes??

Just being curious. I've seen sooo many pictures online of people showing as early as 7 weeks but then others ...

4 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago



Belly Button pain @ 10 DPO?

Am I the only one having this weird symptom?! No, I am not going's not cramps or just stomach pain. ...

3 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago





2 DPO today, who wants to be TWW buddies? :)

So today I am 2 DPO and I swear I am seeing lots of symptoms but sometimes I do wonder if it's just my mind pl ...

235 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago



BOY or GIRL...lets hear your thoughts?!

I think its a boy....but, here are some clues for y'all...I'm ready to hear some guesses! (We don't find out t ...

1 Reply      

Latest 11 years ago




I am new to this approach and did lots of research about it, however I am still sorta confused. I got the N ...

1 Reply      

Latest 12 years ago



PMS like symptoms during missed period during pregnancy?!

I was just it normal to feel "yucky" and kind of cramp each month during early pregn ...

1 Reply      

Latest 12 years ago





HELP! Was I wrong about my OPK results?

I am really confused here and hope that I get some replies to this since I haven't been getting much feedback ...

1 Reply      

Latest 12 years ago



At what dpo did you get BFP?

Just curious what dpo you ladies got a positive? I keep reading all these stories of girls getting BFPs at 8,9 ...

1 Reply      

Latest 12 years ago



Ordering HPTs online

I've never ordered them before so I am looking for a reliable website that will cut down my cost and ships fas ...

1 Reply      

Latest 12 years ago



8/9 DPO craziness

Sorry if I get into TMI but I guess I have to say everything to cover my symptoms lol. I've been experiencing ...

4 Replies      

Latest 12 years ago