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Posts by Furry_Bandicoot

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A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



am I 1 DPO or on CD 13?

so i took OPK's and I started getting +'s on CD10 and 11 but 12's was -, on CD12 i was having o pains that las ...

1 Answer      

Latest 10 years ago



evaps, how long do they last vs/ bfp's?

*TMI warning* I started spotting light peach last night so I knew for a fact that AF was on her way. DH w ...

2 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago





thoughts please, to early to test.

so, I'm 8 DPO and for the past 2 day I have been quite tired, sore legs and every time i eat I feel so full i ...

2 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago



out of the norm symptoms...?

Hello ladies, im asking another one of my silly questions again I don't know my dpo due to no longer tracki ...

0 Answers      

Latest 11 years ago



11/22/2012. 2 years after MC, Happy Turkey day :(

Today marks 2 years since my MC. we found out I was pregnant on the 18 of November and had the U/S the same da ...


Latest 11 years ago



confused about chemical pregnancies, implantation and miscarriage

I'm very confused about this topic... from what I have been reading you can only experience pg symptoms and a ...

3 Answers      

Latest 11 years ago





How do I use opks?

This will be the first cycle I use opk's, and I have no clue how to use them or when to start using them. W ...

2 Answers      

Latest 12 years ago



8/29/12 ?? DPO, CD29, *emotion dump*

And I really am. AF like cramps started up this morning. and are going on as i type this. 2 years and no bfp. ...

1 Comment      

Latest 12 years ago



how long will an evap show for?

took a really cheap test about 4 days ago... thought i saw something but thought it was an indent. cleand o ...

3 Answers      

Latest 12 years ago



input needed... im not crazy right?

it has been a long 2ww so far. and i have 4 maybe 5 days of it left... Every cycle i think im pregnant. tha ...

4 Answers      

Latest 12 years ago