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TTC After Having Tubal Reversal Month #2 Any Advice Plzzzz

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Hello! I had my TR Feb 21, 2012. We TTC right after my TR since I was due to Ovulate my Positive on First Response was March 8th we BD on March 9th since my hubby wasn't feeling well. Had lots and I mean lots of pregnancy symptoms starting 5dpo until 18dpo. But i did get a slight AF visited on March 19th 4 days earlier than normal and no cramps at all which was amazing to me.

So here we are again (first "real" month) TTC, reason why I say this is because doctor said to rest first month then try in March. Well I am due to Ovulate soon and I'm going to start my fertile days 3/29. My cycles are 28 days. Hopefully we can BD everyother night during my fertile and Ovulation window. I got so depressed when I took a HCG test at the doctor and came back Negative 3/28 but God knows best I have to keep the Faith!!! I pray it we can get a BIG FAT this cycle

Does anyone have any ideas I can do or maybe use to help out this process? I will start trying the PreSeed again as well. Please HELP and Thanks to everyone ahead of time!!!!

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593 Replies • 12 years ago



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@Camasia - Good night and OV should be soon! Keep us posted! My CDs are counting down before AF is supposed to show. Only 4 more CDs before she is NOT here.

Testing tomorrow!


10 years ago

@alorance: I got my "ovulation confirmed" on my OvaCue and my CBFM was high but OPK was negative this morning. Did another OPK this afternoon because of cramping and it came up positive. Good luck with your testing and your appts!

@Cam: Fx'd for you for a positive cycle. Have a great night.

Sleep well ladies!!!

10 years ago

Hi ladies!!

I think I am starting into my DPO days tomorrow. Got a positive on my dipstrip this morning and had positives yesterday. Will test with another dip strip tonight to see if the surge is over. CBFM didn't give me a peak reading again this cycle. Frustrated with that unit as you can only test once a day. I got my positive on First Response when I tested again in the afternoon due to cramps.

How is everyone else doing?

10 years ago

I'm ok trying to do homework for class tomorrow. I'm smelling some bfps soon on here!

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10 years ago

@cam: I sure hope you are right!! I am thinking tons of positive thoughts this cycle. Have a fun with the homework :)

10 years ago

Hey there everyone...So.....

Took HPT this morning got a Faint Positive....

started bleeding shortly after and Late last night....Soooooo

Doctor told me that I am not to test again until the day AF is supposed to show and that is Late Saturday Early Sunday....

I am full of mixed emotions...Been crying off and on today and sleeping to keep my mind off of it. Now I am focused on homework.

I hope everyone else is doing good! Congrats to you DevLanCay, I hope better luck is on your side.


10 years ago

@alorance: I am so sorry that happened to you. My heart goes out to you. Was it heavy bleeding? I hope that it was maybe just some breakthrough spotting........I will keep you in my prayers.

10 years ago

Alorance how much bleeding and what color I pray that it's nothing sweetie. I hope that you were able to study as well. On my way to microbiology lab then lecture ughh lol

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10 years ago

@Camasia and DevLanCay - The bleeding was bright red and had a fingertip size clot in it. It wasn't heavy, but when I wiped the toilet paper was covered. I haven't bled since, but it freaked me out.

As for studying...I got some of my global business management class.

Sunday is TOO far away.


10 years ago

@alorance: That sounds promising but I imagine any sort of bleeding is a scare. My fingers and toes are crossed for you that is was IB and you are well on your way to a sticky bean. Keep me posted hun!! Good luck with holding out on the testing. It would def drive me bat crazy!!!

AFM: I have yet to have O confirmed on FF but had positve OPK on the 20th and 21st. BD'd on the 18-21 so we are thinking positive thoughts. Accrording to my LP I should start my DPO tomorrow. The dreaded TWW will begin. Ack!! So much to wait for in the next two weeks. Wedding and hopefully a BFP wedding gift!

10 years ago

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