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Weird Fuctuating symptoms

Is there anybody else in their TWW who experience fluxes to their symptoms, you now like an ebb and flow thru the day?

Here's what happens to me:
I wake up stuffy nosed, head-achy, and so tired I don't wanna get out of bed. I force my self out of bed .(I have other children to get up for school in the morning.) Then I get online ( usually this site for awhile) then I have breakfast and even after I eat I feel like I haven't eaten a thing. I Move through my Day in a fog. then after I eat Dinner in the evening My energy level seems to jump a billion notches and I can't go to bed at night, I spend hours awake doing what little I can around the house with everyone else in bed, watching TV, or cruising the internet.

I'm really confused, my regular routine before TTC had me sleepy and in bed by 8:30 every night. my other pregnancies the fatigue would settle in and not go away until second trimester. so i'm at a loss for whats going on, am I really having symptoms or I have I just got a bad case of insomnia?

Good luck to all of you on your journey,Neo - Vctorian Mom<img src=

2 Replies • 6 years ago



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Sorry the tag line should read "FLUCTUATING" not fuctuating! LoL

Good luck to all of you on your journey,Neo - Vctorian Mom<img src=

6 years ago • Post starter

I'm right there with you.

Mild nausea, crampy, bigger and painful boobs.

But, I've been napping during the day and sleeping like a log at night.

White discharge, too.

6 years ago

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